TY - RPRT TI - Räumlich und zeitlich hochaufgelöste Temperaturszenarien für Wien und ausgewählte Analysen bezüglich Adaptionsstrategien AU - Formayer, H. AU - Haas, P. AU - Hofstätter, M. AU - Radanovics, S. AU - Kromp-Kolb, H. CY - Wien DA - 2007/// PY - 2007 DP - Google Scholar M3 - Endbericht einer Studie im Auftrag der Wiener Umweltschutzabteilung - MA 22 der Stadt Wien gemeinsam mit der MA 27 - EU-Strategie und Wirtschaftsentwicklung. PB - Institut für Meteorologie, Universität für Bodenkultur UR - https://www.wien.gv.at/wirtschaft/standort/pdf/temperaturszenarien.pdf ER - TY - JOUR TI - A statistical mass-balance model for reconstruction of LIA ice mass for glaciers in the European Alps AU - Schöner, Wolfgang AU - Böhm, Reinhard T2 - Annals of Glaciology DA - 2007/10/01/ PY - 2007 DO - 10.3189/172756407782871639 DP - CrossRef VL - 46 IS - 1 SP - 161 EP - 169 SN - 02603055, 17275644 UR - http://openurl.ingenta.com/content/xref?genre=article&issn=0260-3055&volume=46&issue=1&spage=161 Y2 - 2013/08/30/11:54:23 ER - TY - RPRT TI - Machbarkeitsstudie. Vb-artige Wetterlagen als Ursache exzessiver Niederschläge im Alpenraum AU - Hofstätter, M. AU - Böhm, R. CY - Wien DA - 2011/// PY - 2011 M3 - Machbarkeitsstudie im Auftrag des Bundesministerium für Land und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft, Sektion VII – Wasser PB - ZAMG UR - http://www.zamg.ac.at/cms/de/dokumente/klima/dok_projekte/dok_machbarkeitsstudie-vb/abschlussbericht-mbk-vb Y2 - 2013/10/09/ ER - TY - RPRT TI - WETPAT. Vb-artige Wetterlagen im Klimawandel aus regionalen Klimamodellsimulationen mit Cosmo-CLM AU - Hofstätter, M. AU - Chimani, B. CY - Wien DA - 2011/// PY - 2011 M3 - Projektbericht PB - ZAMG UR - http://www.zamg.ac.at/cms/de/forschung/klima/klimamodellierung/wetpat ER - TY - CHAP TI - Hydrometeorologische Aspekte des Sommerhochwassers der Oder 1997 AU - Malitz, G. AU - Schmidt, T. T2 - Klimastatusbericht 1997 A2 - Deutscher Wetterdienst CY - Offenbach, Frankfurt DA - 1997/// PY - 1997 DP - Google Scholar SP - 28 EP - 36 UR - http://www.dwd.de/bvbw/generator/DWDWWW/Content/Oeffentlichkeit/KU/KU2/KU22/klimastatusbericht/einzelne__berichte/download__ksb1997,templateId=raw,property=publicationFile.pdf/download_ksb1997.pdf#page=28 Y2 - 2013/08/31/ ER - TY - JOUR TI - Numerical simulations of the 12–13 August 2002 flooding event in eastern Germany AU - Zängl, G. T2 - Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society DA - 2004/07/01/ PY - 2004 DO - 10.1256/qj.03.152 DP - CrossRef VL - 130 IS - 600 SP - 1921 EP - 1940 SN - 00359009, 1477870X UR - http://doi.wiley.com/10.1256/qj.03.152 Y2 - 2013/08/31/21:43:02 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Extreme floods in central Europe over the past 500 years: Role of cyclone pathway “Zugstrasse Vb” AU - Mudelsee, M. AU - Börngen, M. AU - Tetzlaff, G. AU - Grünewald, U. T2 - Journal of Geophysical Research DA - 2004/// PY - 2004 DO - 10.1029/2004JD005034 DP - CrossRef VL - 109 IS - D23 SN - 0148-0227 ST - Extreme floods in central Europe over the past 500 years UR - http://doi.wiley.com/10.1029/2004JD005034 Y2 - 2013/08/31/ ER - TY - RPRT TI - Räumliche Differenzierung der mikroklimatischen Eigenschaften von Wiener Stadtstrukturen und Anpassungsmaßnahmen. Ergebnisse kleinklimatischer Messungen. Teil 2 der Studie "Räumlich und zeitlich hoch aufgelöste Temperaturszenarien für Wien und ausgewählte Analysen bezüglich Adaptationsstrategien". AU - Mursch-Radlgruber, E. AU - Trimmel, H. AU - Gerersdorfer, T. DA - 2009/// PY - 2009 PB - Wiener Umweltschutzabteilung (MA 22), EU-Strategie und Wirtschaftsentwicklung (MA 27) ER - TY - THES TI - Climate change and energy security-a losing deal? Impacts, Trade-offs and Adaptation Possibilities for Metropolitan Areas. A Scenario Approach for Long-range Energy Planning in the Greater Vienna Region AU - Damerau, Kerstin CY - Wien DA - 2008/// PY - 2008 DP - Google Scholar M3 - Diplomarbeit PB - Universität Wien. Fakultät für Geowissenschaften, Geographie und Astronomie UR - http://othes.univie.ac.at/2140/ Y2 - 2013/08/31/17:11:00 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Verallgemeinerung der Stromfunktionsmethode auf drei Dimensionen AU - Sievers, U. T2 - Meteorologische Zeitschrift DA - 1995/// PY - 1995 DP - cat.inist.fr VL - 4 IS - 1 SP - 3 EP - 15 LA - ger SN - 0941-2948 UR - http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=3413019 Y2 - 2013/08/31/21:19:44 KW - Air flow KW - Atmospheric boundary layer KW - Bâtiment KW - Buildings KW - Capa límite atmosférico KW - Couche limite atmosphérique KW - Ecoulement air KW - Edificio KW - Flujo aéreo KW - Fonction courant KW - Función corriente KW - Modèle 3 dimensions KW - Modelo 3 dimensiones KW - Numerical simulation KW - Simulación numérica KW - Simulation numérique KW - Stream function KW - Three dimensional model ER - TY - JOUR TI - Dreidimensionale Simulation in Stadtgebieten AU - Sievers, U. T2 - Schriftenreihe Umweltmeteorologie DA - 1990/// PY - 1990 DP - Google Scholar VL - 15 SP - 36 EP - 43 ER - TY - BOOK TI - Klimahandbuch der österreichischen Bodenschätzung. AU - Harlfinger, Otmar AU - Knees, Gerd AB - Für dieses Buch wurden zahlreiche Klimaparameter – mit Schwerpunkt der Wärme-Wasserhaushaltskomponenten – von allen verfügbaren amtlichen Klimastationen bearbeitet, geprüft, interpoliert und zu vollständigen Reihen aufbereitet. Sie stellen einerseits die Basis für Vergleichsanalysen und Zeitreihen zwischen den verschiedenen Klimaräumen Österreichs dar, andererseits dienen sie als Eingangsgrößen für ein digitales Höhenmodell mit einer Rasterweite von 500 x 500 m. Dieses Klimamodell ermöglicht es, für alle Katastralgemeinden Österreichs die entsprechenden Klimadaten zu errechnen. Damit beinhaltet dieses Werk, bereichert durch viele Graphiken und Tabellen, die bisher umfangreichste Klimabearbeitung von Österreich und ist für Klimatologen wie für Behörden, Institute und Schulen geeignet. DA - 1999/// PY - 1999 DP - Google Books VL - 1 SP - 196 LA - de PB - Wagner SN - 978-3-7030-0341-7 ER - TY - RPRT TI - Agro-ecological zoning: Guidelines AU - FAO T2 - FAO Soils Bulletin. Soil Resources, Management and Conservation Service CY - Rome DA - 1996/// PY - 1996 PB - FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations SN - 73 UR - http://www.fao.org/docrep/w2962e/w2962e00.htm ER - TY - JOUR TI - Relating residential and commercial sector electricity loads to climate—evaluating state level sensitivities and vulnerabilities AU - Sailor, David J T2 - Energy DA - 2001/07// PY - 2001 DO - 10.1016/S0360-5442(01)00023-8 DP - CrossRef VL - 26 IS - 7 SP - 645 EP - 657 SN - 03605442 UR - http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0360544201000238 Y2 - 2013/08/31/21:04:46 ER - TY - STAT TI - Vereinfachte Berechnung des zeitbezogenen Wärmeverlustes (Heizlast) von Gebäuden AU - ÖNORM DA - 1983/02/01/ PY - 1983 VL - ÖNORM B 8135 UR - http://www.bdb.at/Service/NormenDetail?id=1920 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Heat Waves in the South Moravian Region during the Period 1961-1995 AU - Kyselý, Jan AU - Kalvová, Jaroslava AU - Květoň, Vít T2 - Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica AB - Heat waves (periods of extremely hot summer weather) in the region of south Moravia are in the focus of this study. The introduced definition consists of three requirements imposed on the period that is considered a heat wave: at least three days with T MAX ≥30.0°C must be observed; the mean T MAX over the whole period is at least 30.0°C; and T MAX must not drop below 25.0°C. To compare the severity of the individual heat waves, various characteristics (duration, number of tropical days, peak temperature, cumulative temperature excess, precipitation amount) are examined. The heat wave index HWI is defined to express the severity of heat waves in the most comprehensive way. An extraordinary heat wave occurred in July and August 1994; it lasted more than a month at several stations, while the duration of a typical heat wave is only 4 - 7 days. The extremely long unbroken period of tropical days, and even of days with T MAX ≥32.0°C, represents the most distinct feature of the severe 1994 heat wave. With regard to heat wave characteristics, the summer temperature exceptionality of the early 1990s is indubitable. DA - 2000/01/01/ PY - 2000 DO - 10.1023/A:1022009924435 DP - link.springer.com VL - 44 IS - 1 SP - 57 EP - 72 J2 - Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica LA - en SN - 0039-3169, 1573-1626 UR - http://link.springer.com/article/10.1023/A%3A1022009924435 Y2 - 2013/08/31/ KW - Climate change KW - Meteorology/Climatology KW - Geophysics/Geodesy KW - heat wave KW - Structural Geology KW - tropical day KW - extreme events ER - TY - CONF TI - Fluctuations in heat related mortality in Vienna AU - Thaler, S. AU - Holawe, F. AU - Mursch-Radlgruber, E. T2 - 17th International Congress of Biometeorology ICB 2005 A2 - Deutscher Wetterdienst (Offenbach, Main) C1 - Offenbach am Main C3 - Annalen der Meteorologie Nr. 41, Band 1 und 2: 17th International Congress of Biometeorology ICB 2005 DA - 2005/09/05/ PY - 2005 DP - Open WorldCat LA - German PB - Deutscher Wetterdienst SN - 978-3-88148-405-3 ST - 50 Jahre Überwachung der Radioaktivität in der Atmosphäre durch den Deutschen Wetterdienst ER - TY - CONF TI - Are there any influences of meteorological conditions on mortality fluctuations in Vienna, Austria AU - Thaler, S. AU - Holawe, F. AU - Mursch-Radlgruber, E. T2 - 18th Conference on Atmospheric BioGeosciences / 28th Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology A2 - American Meteorological Society C1 - Orlando DA - 2008/05/28/ PY - 2008 UR - https://ams.confex.com/ams/28Hurricanes/webprogram/Paper138942.html ER - TY - JOUR TI - HISTALP—historical instrumental climatological surface time series of the Greater Alpine Region AU - Auer, Ingeborg AU - Böhm, Reinhard AU - Jurkovic, Anita AU - Lipa, Wolfgang AU - Orlik, Alexander AU - Potzmann, Roland AU - Schöner, Wolfgang AU - Ungersböck, Markus AU - Matulla, Christoph AU - Briffa, Keith AU - Jones, Phil AU - Efthymiadis, Dimitrios AU - Brunetti, Michele AU - Nanni, Teresa AU - Maugeri, Maurizio AU - Mercalli, Luca AU - Mestre, Olivier AU - Moisselin, Jean-Marc AU - Begert, Michael AU - Müller-Westermeier, Gerhard AU - Kveton, Vit AU - Bochnicek, Oliver AU - Stastny, Pavel AU - Lapin, Milan AU - Szalai, Sándor AU - Szentimrey, Tamás AU - Cegnar, Tanja AU - Dolinar, Mojca AU - Gajic-Capka, Marjana AU - Zaninovic, Ksenija AU - Majstorovic, Zeljko AU - Nieplova, Elena T2 - International Journal of Climatology AB - This paper describes the HISTALP database, consisting of monthly homogenised records of temperature, pressure, precipitation, sunshine and cloudiness for the ‘Greater Alpine Region’ (GAR, 4–19°E, 43–49°N, 0–3500m asl). The longest temperature and air pressure series extend back to 1760, precipitation to 1800, cloudiness to the 1840s and sunshine to the 1880s. A systematic QC procedure has been applied to the series and a high number of inhomogeneities (more than 2500) and outliers (more than 5000) have been detected and removed. The 557 HISTALP series are kept in different data modes: original and homogenised, gap-filled and outlier corrected station mode series, grid-1 series (anomaly fields at 1° × 1°, lat × long) and Coarse Resolution Subregional (CRS) mean series according to an EOF-based regionalisation. The leading climate variability features within the GAR are discussed through selected examples and a concluding linear trend analysis for 100, 50 and 25-year subperiods for the four horizontal and two altitudinal CRSs. Among the key findings of the trend analysis is the parallel centennial decrease/increase of both temperature and air pressure in the 19th/20th century. The 20th century increase (+1.2 °C/+ 1.1 hPa for annual GAR-means) evolved stepwise with a first peak near 1950 and the second increase (1.3 °C/0.6hPa per 25 years) starting in the 1970s. Centennial and decadal scale temperature trends were identical for all subregions. Air pressure, sunshine and cloudiness show significant differences between low versus high elevations. A long-term increase of the high-elevation series relative to the low-elevation series is given for sunshine and air pressure. Of special interest is the exceptional high correlation near 0.9 between the series on mean temperature and air pressure difference (high-minus low-elevation). This, further developed via some atmospheric statics and thermodynamics, allows the creation of ‘barometric temperature series’ without use of the measures of temperature. They support the measured temperature trends in the region. Precipitation shows the most significant regional and seasonal differences with, e.g., remarkable opposite 20th century evolution for NW (9% increase) versus SE (9% decrease). Other long- and short-term features are discussed and indicate the promising potential of the new database for further analyses and applications. Copyright © 2006 Royal Meteorological Society. DA - 2007/// PY - 2007 DO - 10.1002/joc.1377 DP - Wiley Online Library VL - 27 IS - 1 SP - 17 EP - 46 LA - en SN - 1097-0088 UR - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/joc.1377/abstract Y2 - 2013/09/04/17:24:39 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Stadtentwicklung und Trend der Wärmeinselintensität AU - Böhm, R. T2 - Archiv für Meteorologie, Geophysik und Bioklimatologie, Serie B DA - 1979/// PY - 1979 DP - Google Scholar VL - 27 IS - 1 SP - 31 EP - 46 UR - http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF02245908 Y2 - 2013/08/31/16:34:54 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Urban bias in temperature time series – a case study for the city of Vienna, Austria AU - Böhm, Reinhard T2 - Climatic Change DA - 1998/// PY - 1998 DP - Google Scholar VL - 38 IS - 1 SP - 113 EP - 128 UR - http://link.springer.com/article/10.1023/A:1005338514333 Y2 - 2013/08/31/16:36:19 ER - TY - BOOK TI - Klima von Wien: eine anwendungsorientierte Klimatographie AU - Auer, Ingeborg AU - Böhm, Reinhard AU - Mohnl, Hans T2 - Beiträge zur Stadtforschung, Stadtentwicklung und Stadtgestaltung CY - Wien DA - 1989/// PY - 1989 DP - Google Scholar SP - 270 PB - Magistrat der Stadt Wien, Geschäftsgruppe Stadtentwicklung, Stadtplanung und Personal, Geschäftsgruppe Umwelt, Freizeit und Sport SN - 978-1-989198-93-3 ST - Klima von Wien ER - TY - RPRT TI - Zeitliche Repräsentativitätsanalyse 50jähriger Klimadatensätze im Hinblick auf die Beschreibung der Variabilität von Extremwerten AU - Auer, I. AU - Böhm, R. AU - Korus, E. AU - Schöner, W. DA - 2003/// PY - 2003 ST - Zeitliche Repräsentativitätsanalyse 50jähriger Klimadatensätze im Hinblick auf die Beschreibung der Variabilität von Extremwerten UR - http://www.austroclim.at/index.php?id=startclim2003 ER - TY - RPRT TI - Gewitterserie ab Mitte Juni 2012 in der Steiermark AU - ZAMG CY - Wien DA - 2012/// PY - 2012 PB - ZAMG, Universität für Bodenkultur UR - http://www.zamg.ac.at/cms/de/dokumente/wetter/news/unwetter_Juli_2012_stmk.pdf ER - TY - JOUR TI - The energetic basis of the urban heat island AU - Oke, T. R. T2 - Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society DA - 1982/// PY - 1982 DO - 10.1002/qj.49710845502 DP - Wiley Online Library VL - 108 IS - 455 SP - 1 EP - 24 LA - en SN - 1477-870X UR - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/qj.49710845502/abstract Y2 - 2013/08/31/ ER - TY - JOUR TI - Glaciermelt of a small basin contributing to runoff under the extreme climate conditions in the summer of 2003 AU - Koboltschnig, Gernot R. AU - Schöner, Wolfgang AU - Holzmann, Hubert AU - Zappa, Massimiliano T2 - Hydrological Processes DA - 2009/03/30/ PY - 2009 DO - 10.1002/hyp.7203 DP - CrossRef VL - 23 IS - 7 SP - 1010 EP - 1018 SN - 08856087, 10991085 UR - http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/hyp.7203 Y2 - 2013/08/31/19:55:43 ER - TY - BOOK TI - Labor über den Wolken: die Geschichte des Sonnblick-Observatoriums AU - Böhm, Reinhard AU - Auer, Ingeborg AU - Schöner, Wolfgang AB - Auf dem Sonnblick, einem Dreitausender in den Hohen Tauern, wurden seit 1886 Millionen von Wetter- und Umweltdaten erhoben, gesammelt und wissenschaftlich analysiert. Forschungsthemen wie Klimawandel, Gletscher, die Energie der Sonnenstrahlung, UV, Ozon, Wolkenphysik und die Chemie der an sich reinen Hochgebirgsatmosphäre und des Schnees sind wesentliche, aber nicht alle Themen, für die auf dem exponierten Berggipfel in idealer „Backgroundlage“ ein modernes Labor bereitsteht. Die Autoren erzählen ein Stück österreichischer Wissenschaftsgeschichte, die seit Jahren auch ihre eigene ist. Sie machen Wissenschaft begreifbar und durch die durchgehend mitverflochtenen, oft abenteuerlichen Geschichten der auf diesem Außenposten arbeitenden Menschen im besten Sinn des Wortes erfahrbar. DA - 2011/// PY - 2011 DP - Google Scholar SP - 381 PB - Böhlau Verlag SN - 978-3-205-78723-5 ST - Labor über den Wolken ER - TY - JOUR TI - From Dimming to Brightening: Decadal Changes in Solar Radiation at Earth's Surface AU - Wild, M. AU - Gilgen, H. AU - Roesch, A. AU - Atsumu, O. AU - Long, C.N. AU - Dutton, E.G. AU - Forgan, B. AU - Kallis, A. AU - Russak, V. AU - Tsvetkov, A. T2 - Science DA - 2005/05/06/ PY - 2005 DO - 10.1126/science.1103215 DP - CrossRef VL - 308 IS - 5723 SP - 847 EP - 850 SN - 0036-8075, 1095-9203 ST - From Dimming to Brightening UR - http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/doi/10.1126/science.1103215 Y2 - 2013/08/31/21:36:07 ER - TY - JOUR TI - 125 years of high-mountain research at Sonnblick-Observatory (Austrian Alps)—from “the house above the clouds” to a unique research platform AU - Schöner, Wolfgang AU - Böhm, Reinhard AU - Auer, Ingeborg T2 - Theoretical and Applied Climatology DA - 2012/06/22/ PY - 2012 DO - 10.1007/s00704-012-0689-8 DP - CrossRef VL - 110 IS - 4 SP - 491 EP - 498 SN - 0177-798X, 1434-4483 UR - http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s00704-012-0689-8 Y2 - 2013/08/31/21:05:45 ER - TY - JOUR TI - The value of science AU - Feynman, Richard P. T2 - Engineering and Science DA - 1955/// PY - 1955 DP - Google Scholar VL - 19 IS - 3 SP - 13 EP - 15 UR - http://calteches.library.caltech.edu/1575/1/Science.pdf Y2 - 2013/08/31/17:27:55 ER - TY - BOOK TI - State of fear: a novel AU - Crichton, Michael CN - PS3553.R48 S73 2004 CY - New York DA - 2004/// PY - 2004 DP - Library of Congress ISBN ET - 1st ed SP - 603 PB - HarperCollinsPublishers SN - 978-0-06-621413-9 ST - State of fear KW - Suspense fiction ER - TY - BOOK TI - Die Glaubwürdigkeit der Wissenschaft: eine wissenschafts- und erkenntnistheoretische Analyse am Beispiel der Klimaforschung AU - Leuschner, Anna T2 - Science studies CN - Q175 .L4448 2012 CY - Bielefeld DA - 2012/// PY - 2012 DP - Library of Congress ISBN SP - 226 PB - Transcript SN - 978-3-8376-1974-4 ST - Die Glaubwürdigkeit der Wissenschaft KW - Climatology KW - Knowledge, Theory of KW - Methodology KW - Objectivity KW - Research KW - science KW - Truthfulness and falsehood ER - TY - JOUR TI - Consistent geographical patterns of changes in high-impact European heatwaves AU - Fischer, E. M. AU - Schär, C. T2 - Nature Geoscience DA - 2010/05/16/ PY - 2010 DO - 10.1038/ngeo866 DP - CrossRef VL - 3 IS - 6 SP - 398 EP - 403 SN - 1752-0894, 1752-0908 UR - http://www.nature.com/doifinder/10.1038/ngeo866 Y2 - 2013/08/30/16:42:36 ER - TY - RPRT TI - See-Vision: Einfluss von klimawandelbedingten Wasserschwankungen im Neusiedler See auf die Wahrnehmung und das Verhalten von Besucherinnen und Besuchern AU - Pröbstl, U. AU - Jiricka, Alexandra AU - Schauppenlehner, Thomas CY - Wien DA - 2007/// PY - 2007 SP - 48 M3 - Endbericht StartClim2006.D3 Teilprojekt von StartClim2006 PB - Finanziert aus Mitteln des BMLFUW, des BMGFJ, des BMWF, des BMWA und der Österreichischen Hagelversicherung UR - http://www.austroclim.at/fileadmin/user_upload/reports/StCl06D3.pdf Y2 - 2013/02/12/ ER - TY - JOUR TI - A regional version of the NEMO ocean engine on the Mediterranean Sea: NEMOMED8 user’s guide AU - Sevault, F. AU - Somot, S. AU - Beuvier, J. T2 - Note de travail du Groupe de Météorologie Grande Echelle et Climat A2 - METEO-FRANCE CNRM DA - 2009/// PY - 2009 DP - Google Scholar IS - 107 ST - A regional version of the NEMO ocean engine on the Mediterranean Sea UR - http://www.cnrm.meteo.fr/gmgec/IMG/pdf/nemomed8_book-postnote.pdf ER - TY - JOUR TI - Inaugural Article: Tipping elements in the Earth's climate system AU - Lenton, T. M. AU - Held, H. AU - Kriegler, E. AU - Hall, J. W. AU - Lucht, W. AU - Rahmstorf, S. AU - Schellnhuber, H. J. T2 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences DA - 2008/02/07/ PY - 2008 DO - 10.1073/pnas.0705414105 DP - CrossRef VL - 105 IS - 6 SP - 1786 EP - 1793 SN - 0027-8424, 1091-6490 ST - Inaugural Article UR - http://www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.0705414105 Y2 - 2013/08/31/ ER - TY - JOUR TI - Van Bebber's cyclone tracks at 700 hPa in the Eastern Alps for 1961–2002 and their comparison to Circulation Type Classifications AU - Hofstätter, Michael AU - Chimani, Barbara T2 - Meteorologische Zeitschrift DA - 2012/10/01/ PY - 2012 DO - 10.1127/0941-2948/2012/0473 DP - CrossRef VL - 21 IS - 5 SP - 459 EP - 473 SN - 09412948 UR - http://www.schweizerbart.de/papers/metz/detail/21/78576/Van_Bebber_s_cyclone_tracks_at_700_hPa_in_the_East Y2 - 2013/08/31/19:32:40 ER - TY - JOUR TI - A comparison of the flood precipitation episode in August 2002 with historic extreme precipitation events on the Czech territory AU - Řezáčová, Daniela AU - Kašpar, Marek AU - Müller, Miloslav AU - Sokol, Zbyněk AU - Kakos, Vilibald AU - Hanslian, David AU - Pešice, Petr T2 - Atmospheric Research AB - The hydro-meteorological characteristics of the flood from August 2002, which affected a great part of the Czech territory, particularly the Vltava and Labe river basin, were compared with corresponding conditions during similar flood events in the summer seasons of 1997, 1890, 1897 and 1903. The comparison shows analogies in synoptic conditions and causal precipitation heights. The heaviest precipitation fell in the area of a considerable horizontal pressure gradient on the rearward side of the cyclone which advanced very slowly to the north-east across Central Europe and created conditions for the transport of moist air as well as for an organized long-term updraft enhanced in orographically exposed regions. The varying features of the individual events were based on the spatial–temporal distribution of causal precipitation and also on the very different saturation of the catchments. It was chiefly the extraordinary time concentration of precipitation together with the highest catchment saturation that made the flood in 2002 the most extreme. The extremeness of meteorological fields during two episodes in July 1997 was compared with two episodes in August 2002 with the aid of the reanalysis data from ECMWF. The first episode in 1997 and the second episode in 2002 were the most similar and more extreme in terms of the large-scale fields of basic meteorological quantities. The similar features of these episodes are specifically an intensive influx of moisture into Central Europe and intensive upward motions in the precipitation area. The extremeness of upper- and low-level potential vorticity fields was evaluated to diagnose the behavior of the cyclone and frontal precipitation bands accompanying it. The suitable spatial configuration of positive upper- and low-level potential vorticity anomalies induced an additional amplification of upward motions in the precipitation area that apparently contributed to triggering the heavy precipitation over Central Europe. On the whole, quantities reached more extreme values during the second episode in 2002. DA - 2005/// PY - 2005 DO - 10.1016/j.atmosres.2004.10.008 DP - ScienceDirect VL - 77 IS - 1–4 SP - 354 EP - 366 J2 - Atmospheric Research SN - 0169-8095 ST - Precipitation in Urban Areas 6th International Workshop on Precipitation in Urban Areas UR - http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169809505001122 Y2 - 2013/08/31/ KW - Precipitation KW - Czech territory KW - Distribution function KW - Extremeness of meteorological quantities KW - Hydro-meteorological conditions KW - Summer floods ER - TY - RPRT TI - Hochwasser 2005 - Ereignisdokumentation Teilbericht des Hydrographischen Dienstes AU - Godina, Reinhold AU - Lalk, Petra AU - Lorenz, Peter AU - Müller, Gabriele AU - Weilguni, Viktor AB - Vor allem im Süden und im Westen des Bundesgebietes verursachten die Hochwasserereignisse im August 2005 enorme Schäden, sowohl an der Infrastruktur als auch im privaten Bereich. Der vorliegende Bericht ist eine zusammenfassende Darstellung der meteorologischen Ursachen und deren Auswirkung auf das Abflussgeschehen an den betroffenen Gewässern. DA - 2006/// PY - 2006 PB - Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft Sektion Wasser UR - http://www.lebensministerium.at/dms/lmat/wasser/wasser-oesterreich/wasserkreislauf/hydrograph_charakt_extrema/Hochwasser2005/Bericht_Hochwasser_August2005.pdf. Y2 - 2013/10/09/ ER - TY - JOUR TI - Terrain and Multiple-Scale Interactions as Factors in Generating Extreme Precipitation Events AU - Rudari, Roberto AU - Entekhabi, Dara AU - Roth, Giorgio T2 - Journal of Hydrometeorology DA - 2004/06// PY - 2004 DO - 10.1175/1525-7541(2004)005<0390:TAMIAF>2.0.CO;2 DP - CrossRef VL - 5 IS - 3 SP - 390 EP - 404 SN - 1525-755X, 1525-7541 UR - http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/abs/10.1175/1525-7541(2004)005%3C0390:TAMIAF%3E2.0.CO%3B2 Y2 - 2013/08/31/ ER - TY - BOOK TI - Digitale Geländemodelle des Neusiedler See-Beckens AU - Bácsatyai, Lászlo AU - Csaplovics, Elmar AU - Márkus, Istvan AU - Sinhuber, Aldele Bácsatyai DA - 1997/// PY - 1997 DP - Google Scholar PB - Burgenländ. Landesmuseum (Amt d. Bgld. Landesregierung, Abt. XII/1-LM) ER - TY - JOUR TI - Origin and transport of mediterranean moisture and air AU - Schicker, I. AU - Radanovics, S. AU - Seibert, P. T2 - Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics DA - 2010/06/08/ PY - 2010 DO - 10.5194/acp-10-5089-2010 DP - CrossRef VL - 10 IS - 11 SP - 5089 EP - 5105 SN - 1680-7324 UR - http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/10/5089/2010/ Y2 - 2013/08/31/21:05:19 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Summer Floods in Central Europe – Climate Change Track? AU - Kundzewicz, Zbigniew W. AU - Ulbrich, Uwe AU - Brücher, Tim AU - Graczyk, Dariusz AU - Krüger, Andreas AU - Leckebusch, Gregor C. AU - Menzel, Lucas AU - Pińskwar, Iwona AU - Radziejewski, Maciej AU - Szwed, Małgorzata T2 - Natural Hazards DA - 2005/09// PY - 2005 DO - 10.1007/s11069-004-4547-6 DP - CrossRef VL - 36 IS - 1-2 SP - 165 EP - 189 SN - 0921-030X, 1573-0840 UR - http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s11069-004-4547-6 Y2 - 2013/08/31/ ER - TY - JOUR TI - Climate change and mortality in Vienna—A human biometeorological analysis based on regional climate modeling AU - Muthers, Stefan AU - Matzarakis, Andreas AU - Koch, Elisabeth T2 - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health DA - 2010/07/21/ PY - 2010 DO - 10.3390/ijerph7072965 DP - CrossRef VL - 7 IS - 7 SP - 2965 EP - 2977 SN - 1660-4601 UR - http://pisces.boku.ac.at/han/bokusummon/www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2922739/?tool=pmcentrez&rendertype=abstract Y2 - 2013/08/30/09:58:49 ER - TY - RPRT TI - Rahmenübereinkommen der Vereinten Nationen über Klimaänderungen AU - UNFCCC DA - 1992/// PY - 1992 SP - 25 LA - Deutsch UR - http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/convkp/convger.pdf Y2 - 2013/11/20/ ER - TY - RPRT TI - Anpassungsempfehlungen für urbane Grün- und Freiräume in österreichischen Städten und Stadtregionen AU - Meinharter, E. AU - Balas, M. DA - 2011/// PY - 2011 SP - 59 M3 - Endbericht von StartClim2010. B in StartClim2010: Anpassung an den Klimawandel: Weitere Beiträge zur Erstellung einer Anpassungsstrategie für Österreich PB - Auftraggeber: BMLFUW, BMWF, BMWFJ, ÖBF UR - http://www.austroclim.at/index.php?id=startclim2010 Y2 - 2013/11/18/ ER - TY - BOOK TI - Global Energy Assessment - Toward a Sustainable Future AU - GEA CY - Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK and New York, NY, USA and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria DA - 2012/// PY - 2012 SN - 9781 10700 5198 hardback 9780 52118 2935 paperback ST - Global Energy Assessment - Toward a Sustainable Future UR - www.globalenergyassessment.org ER - TY - RPRT TI - "Hot town, summer in the city“ – Die Auswirkungen von Hitzetagen auf das Freizeit- und Erholungsverhalten sowie das Besichtigungsprogramm von StädtetouristInnen – dargestellt am Beispiel Wiens AU - Allex, B. AU - Liebl, U. AU - Brandenburg, C. AU - Gerersdorfer, T. AU - Czachs, C. CY - Wien DA - 2011/// PY - 2011 M3 - Endbericht von Start-Clim2010.F in StartClim2010: Anpassung an den Klimawandel: Weitere Beiträge zur Erstellung einer Anpassungsstrategie für Österreich PB - Auftraggeber: BMLFUW, BMWF, BMWFJ, ÖBF UR - http://www.austroclim.at/fileadmin/user_upload/StartClim2010_reports/StCl10F_mitAnhang.pdf Y2 - 2013/10/12/ ER - TY - RPRT TI - Einfluss von Adaptationsmaßnahmen auf das akute Sterberisiko in Wien durch Temperaturextreme AU - Moshammer, H. AU - Hutter, H.P. AU - Gerersdorfer, T. CY - Wien, Austria DA - 2009/// PY - 2009 SP - 28 M3 - StartClim2008.A Teilprojekt von StartClim2008 PB - Institut für Umwelthygiene Medizinische Universität Wien, ZPH, Universität für Bodenkultur,Institut für Meteorologie UR - http://www.austroclim.at/fileadmin/user_upload/reports/StCl08A.pdf Y2 - 2013/01/12/ ER - TY - JOUR TI - The role of increasing temperature variability in European summer heatwaves AU - Schär, Christoph AU - Vidale, Pier Luigi AU - Lüthi, Daniel AU - Frei, Christoph AU - Häberli, Christian AU - Liniger, Mark A. AU - Appenzeller, Christof T2 - Nature DA - 2004/01/11/ PY - 2004 DO - 10.1038/nature02300 DP - CrossRef VL - 427 IS - 6972 SP - 332 EP - 336 SN - 0028-0836, 1476-4679 UR - http://www.nature.com/doifinder/10.1038/nature02300 Y2 - 2013/08/30/13:50:17 ER - TY - BOOK TI - Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change AU - IPCC A3 - Stocker, T. F. A3 - Qin, D. A3 - Plattner, G.-K. A3 - Tignor, M. A3 - Allen, S.K. A3 - Boschung, J. A3 - Nauels, A. A3 - Xia, Y. A3 - Bex, V. A3 - Midgley, P.M. CY - Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA DA - 2013/// PY - 2013 SP - 1535 PB - Cambridge University Press UR - http://www.climatechange2013.org/ ER - TY - JOUR TI - Large-scale atmospheric circulation biases and changes in global climate model simulations and their importance for climate change in Central Europe AU - van Ulden, A. P. AU - van Oldenborgh, G. J. T2 - Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics DA - 2006/// PY - 2006 VL - 6 SP - 863 EP - 881 UR - http://www.knmi.nl/publications/fulltexts/acp6863.pdf ER - TY - SLIDE TI - Evaluation of the present and future general circulation over Greenland simulated by the IPCC AR5/CMIP5 GCMs with the help of a circulation type classification. EGU2011-1206, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011 T2 - EGU2011-1206, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011 A2 - Belleflamme, Alexandre A2 - Fettweis, Xavier A2 - Erpicum, Michel DA - 2011/// PY - 2011 LA - en UR - http://orbi.ulg.ac.be/handle/2268/88679 Y2 - 2014/04/11/10:32:20 ER - TY - SLIDE TI - How well do IPCC AR4 models simulate circulation types? EGU2011-1206, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011 T2 - EGU2011-1206, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011 A2 - Casado, María J. A2 - Pastor, María A. DA - 2011/// PY - 2011 UR - http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2011/EGU2011-1206.pdf ER - TY - GEN TI - „Hot in the city“ – Klimadatenreihenanalyse in Hinblick auf die Vulnerabilität des Wiener Städtetourismus. Bakkalaureatsarbeit zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines(r) Bakkalaureus/Bakkalaurea der Technischen Wissenschaften der Studienrichtung Kulturtechnik und Wasserwirtschaft an der Universität für Bodenkultur,Wien AU - Piribauer, Sabine AU - Strasser, Sabine DA - 2010/// PY - 2010 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Irreversible climate change due to carbon dioxide emissions AU - Solomon, Susan AU - Plattner, Gian-Kasper AU - Knutti, Reto AU - Friedlingstein, Pierre T2 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences AB - The severity of damaging human-induced climate change depends not only on the magnitude of the change but also on the potential for irreversibility. This paper shows that the climate change that takes place due to increases in carbon dioxide concentration is largely irreversible for 1,000 years after emissions stop. Following cessation of emissions, removal of atmospheric carbon dioxide decreases radiative forcing, but is largely compensated by slower loss of heat to the ocean, so that atmospheric temperatures do not drop significantly for at least 1,000 years. Among illustrative irreversible impacts that should be expected if atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations increase from current levels near 385 parts per million by volume (ppmv) to a peak of 450–600 ppmv over the coming century are irreversible dry-season rainfall reductions in several regions comparable to those of the “dust bowl” era and inexorable sea level rise. Thermal expansion of the warming ocean provides a conservative lower limit to irreversible global average sea level rise of at least 0.4–1.0 m if 21st century CO2 concentrations exceed 600 ppmv and 0.6–1.9 m for peak CO2 concentrations exceeding ≈1,000 ppmv. Additional contributions from glaciers and ice sheet contributions to future sea level rise are uncertain but may equal or exceed several meters over the next millennium or longer. DA - 2009/01/28/ PY - 2009 DO - 10.1073/pnas.0812721106 DP - www.pnas.org SP - pnas.0812721106 J2 - PNAS LA - en SN - 0027-8424, 1091-6490 UR - http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2009/01/28/0812721106 Y2 - 2014/05/12/12:05:16 L1 - http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2009/01/28/0812721106.full.pdf L2 - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19179281 L2 - http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2009/01/28/0812721106.abstract KW - dangerous interference KW - Precipitation KW - sea level rise KW - warming ER - TY - JOUR TI - Early-warning signals for critical transitions AU - Scheffer, Marten AU - Bascompte, Jordi AU - Brock, William A. AU - Brovkin, Victor AU - Carpenter, Stephen R. AU - Dakos, Vasilis AU - Held, Hermann AU - van Nes, Egbert H. AU - Rietkerk, Max AU - Sugihara, George T2 - Nature AB - Complex dynamical systems, ranging from ecosystems to financial markets and the climate, can have tipping points at which a sudden shift to a contrasting dynamical regime may occur. Although predicting such critical points before they are reached is extremely difficult, work in different scientific fields is now suggesting the existence of generic early-warning signals that may indicate for a wide class of systems if a critical threshold is approaching. DA - 2009/09/03/ PY - 2009 DO - 10.1038/nature08227 DP - www.nature.com VL - 461 IS - 7260 SP - 53 EP - 59 J2 - Nature LA - en SN - 0028-0836 UR - http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v461/n7260/full/nature08227.html Y2 - 2014/05/12/11:59:02 L1 - http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v461/n7260/pdf/nature08227.pdf L2 - http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v461/n7260/full/nature08227.html ER - TY - JOUR TI - Slowing down as an early warning signal for abrupt climate change AU - Dakos, Vasilis AU - Scheffer, Marten AU - Nes, Egbert H. van AU - Brovkin, Victor AU - Petoukhov, Vladimir AU - Held, Hermann T2 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences AB - In the Earth's history, periods of relatively stable climate have often been interrupted by sharp transitions to a contrasting state. One explanation for such events of abrupt change is that they happened when the earth system reached a critical tipping point. However, this remains hard to prove for events in the remote past, and it is even more difficult to predict if and when we might reach a tipping point for abrupt climate change in the future. Here, we analyze eight ancient abrupt climate shifts and show that they were all preceded by a characteristic slowing down of the fluctuations starting well before the actual shift. Such slowing down, measured as increased autocorrelation, can be mathematically shown to be a hallmark of tipping points. Therefore, our results imply independent empirical evidence for the idea that past abrupt shifts were associated with the passing of critical thresholds. Because the mechanism causing slowing down is fundamentally inherent to tipping points, it follows that our way to detect slowing down might be used as a universal early warning signal for upcoming catastrophic change. Because tipping points in ecosystems and other complex systems are notoriously hard to predict in other ways, this is a promising perspective. DA - 2008/09/23/ PY - 2008 DO - 10.1073/pnas.0802430105 DP - www.pnas.org VL - 105 IS - 38 SP - 14308 EP - 14312 J2 - PNAS LA - en SN - 0027-8424, 1091-6490 UR - http://www.pnas.org/content/105/38/14308 Y2 - 2014/05/12/11:52:20 L1 - http://www.pnas.org/content/105/38/14308.full.pdf L2 - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18787119 L2 - http://www.pnas.org/content/105/38/14308 KW - tipping point KW - alternative stable states KW - autocorrelation KW - catastrophic shifts KW - critical slowing down ER - TY - JOUR TI - Declining summer snowfall in the Arctic: causes, impacts and feedbacks AU - Screen, James A. AU - Simmonds, Ian T2 - Climate Dynamics AB - Recent changes in the Arctic hydrological cycle are explored using in situ observations and an improved atmospheric reanalysis data set, ERA-Interim. We document a pronounced decline in summer snowfall over the Arctic Ocean and Canadian Archipelago. The snowfall decline is diagnosed as being almost entirely caused by changes in precipitation form (snow turning to rain) with very little influence of decreases in total precipitation. The proportion of precipitation falling as snow has decreased as a result of lower-atmospheric warming. Statistically, over 99% of the summer snowfall decline is linked to Arctic warming over the past two decades. Based on the reanalysis snowfall data over the ice-covered Arctic Ocean, we derive an estimate for the amount of snow-covered ice. It is estimated that the area of snow-covered ice, and the proportion of sea ice covered by snow, have decreased significantly. We perform a series of sensitivity experiments in which inter-annual changes in snow-covered ice are either unaccounted for, or are parameterized. In the parameterized case, the loss of snow-on-ice results in a substantial decrease in the surface albedo over the Arctic Ocean, that is of comparable magnitude to the decrease in albedo due to the decline in sea ice cover. Accordingly, the solar input to the Arctic Ocean is increased, causing additional surface ice melt. We conclude that the decline in summer snowfall has likely contributed to the thinning of sea ice over recent decades. The results presented provide support for the existence of a positive feedback in association with warming-induced reductions in summer snowfall. DA - 2012/06/01/ PY - 2012 DO - 10.1007/s00382-011-1105-2 DP - link.springer.com VL - 38 IS - 11-12 SP - 2243 EP - 2256 J2 - Clim Dyn LA - en SN - 0930-7575, 1432-0894 ST - Declining summer snowfall in the Arctic UR - http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00382-011-1105-2 Y2 - 2014/05/12/11:44:55 L1 - http://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2Fs00382-011-1105-2.pdf L2 - http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00382-011-1105-2 KW - Climate change KW - Meteorology/Climatology KW - sea ice KW - Precipitation KW - Albedo feedback KW - Arctic KW - Geophysics/Geodesy KW - Oceanography KW - Snow ER - TY - JOUR TI - Sunlight, water, and ice: Extreme Arctic sea ice melt during the summer of 2007 AU - Perovich, Donald K. AU - Richter-Menge, Jacqueline A. AU - Jones, Kathleen F. AU - Light, Bonnie T2 - Geophysical Research Letters AB - The summer extent of the Arctic sea ice cover, widely recognized as an indicator of climate change, has been declining for the past few decades reaching a record minimum in September 2007. The causes of the dramatic loss have implications for the future trajectory of the Arctic sea ice cover. Ice mass balance observations demonstrate that there was an extraordinarily large amount of melting on the bottom of the ice in the Beaufort Sea in the summer of 2007. Calculations indicate that solar heating of the upper ocean was the primary source of heat for this observed enhanced Beaufort Sea bottom melting. An increase in the open water fraction resulted in a 500% positive anomaly in solar heat input to the upper ocean, triggering an ice–albedo feedback and contributing to the accelerating ice retreat. DA - 2008/06/01/ PY - 2008 DO - 10.1029/2008GL034007 DP - Wiley Online Library VL - 35 IS - 11 SP - L11501 J2 - Geophys. Res. Lett. LA - en SN - 1944-8007 ST - Sunlight, water, and ice UR - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2008GL034007/abstract Y2 - 2014/05/12/11:43:38 L1 - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/store/10.1029/2008GL034007/asset/grl24626.pdf?v=1&t=hv3pcko3&s=2b26022b3dfbc1f210a2c660c60fe51ca0752335 L2 - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2008GL034007/abstract KW - 0750 Sea ice KW - 0764 Energy balance KW - sea ice KW - 0762 Mass balance KW - ice albedo feedback ER - TY - JOUR TI - Arctic sea ice decline: Faster than forecast AU - Stroeve, Julienne AU - Holland, Marika M. AU - Meier, Walt AU - Scambos, Ted AU - Serreze, Mark T2 - Geophysical Research Letters AB - From 1953 to 2006, Arctic sea ice extent at the end of the melt season in September has declined sharply. All models participating in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assessment Report (IPCC AR4) show declining Arctic ice cover over this period. However, depending on the time window for analysis, none or very few individual model simulations show trends comparable to observations. If the multi-model ensemble mean time series provides a true representation of forced change by greenhouse gas (GHG) loading, 33–38% of the observed September trend from 1953–2006 is externally forced, growing to 47–57% from 1979–2006. Given evidence that as a group, the models underestimate the GHG response, the externally forced component may be larger. While both observed and modeled Antarctic winter trends are small, comparisons for summer are confounded by generally poor model performance. DA - 2007/05/16/ PY - 2007 DO - 10.1029/2007GL029703 DP - Wiley Online Library VL - 34 IS - 9 SP - L09501 J2 - Geophys. Res. Lett. LA - en SN - 1944-8007 ST - Arctic sea ice decline UR - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2007GL029703/abstract Y2 - 2014/05/12/11:40:37 L1 - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/store/10.1029/2007GL029703/asset/grl23061.pdf?v=1&t=hv3p8p06&s=ec6f6671e3ea324d29f6b188451045e45841b281 L2 - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2007GL029703/abstract KW - Climate change KW - 0750 Sea ice KW - sea ice KW - Arctic KW - 1616 Climate variability KW - 0758 Remote sensing KW - 0776 Glaciology ER - TY - JOUR TI - Impact of declining Arctic sea ice on winter snowfall AU - Liu, Jiping AU - Curry, Judith A. AU - Wang, Huijun AU - Song, Mirong AU - Horton, Radley M. T2 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences AB - While the Arctic region has been warming strongly in recent decades, anomalously large snowfall in recent winters has affected large parts of North America, Europe, and east Asia. Here we demonstrate that the decrease in autumn Arctic sea ice area is linked to changes in the winter Northern Hemisphere atmospheric circulation that have some resemblance to the negative phase of the winter Arctic oscillation. However, the atmospheric circulation change linked to the reduction of sea ice shows much broader meridional meanders in midlatitudes and clearly different interannual variability than the classical Arctic oscillation. This circulation change results in more frequent episodes of blocking patterns that lead to increased cold surges over large parts of northern continents. Moreover, the increase in atmospheric water vapor content in the Arctic region during late autumn and winter driven locally by the reduction of sea ice provides enhanced moisture sources, supporting increased heavy snowfall in Europe during early winter and the northeastern and midwestern United States during winter. We conclude that the recent decline of Arctic sea ice has played a critical role in recent cold and snowy winters. DA - 2012/02/27/ PY - 2012 DO - 10.1073/pnas.1114910109 DP - www.pnas.org J2 - PNAS LA - en SN - 0027-8424, 1091-6490 UR - http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2012/02/17/1114910109 Y2 - 2014/05/12/11:38:57 L1 - http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2012/02/17/1114910109.full.pdf L2 - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22371563 L2 - http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2012/02/17/1114910109.abstract ER - TY - JOUR TI - Impact of sea ice cover changes on the Northern Hemisphere atmospheric winter circulation AU - Jaiser, R. AU - Dethloff, K. AU - Handorf, D. AU - Rinke, A. AU - Cohen, J. T2 - Tellus A DA - 2012/01/02/ PY - 2012 DO - 10.3402/tellusa.v64i0.11595 DP - CrossRef VL - 64 SP - 11595 SN - 1600-0870, 0280-6495 UR - http://www.tellusa.net/index.php/tellusa/article/view/11595 Y2 - 2014/05/12/11:31:17 ER - TY - JOUR TI - A link between reduced Barents-Kara sea ice and cold winter extremes over northern continents AU - Petoukhov, Vladimir AU - Semenov, Vladimir A. T2 - Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres AB - The recent overall Northern Hemisphere warming was accompanied by several severe northern continental winters, as for example, extremely cold winter 2005–2006 in Europe and northern Asia. Here we show that anomalous decrease of wintertime sea ice concentration in the Barents-Kara (B-K) seas could bring about extreme cold events like winter 2005–2006. Our simulations with the ECHAM5 general circulation model demonstrate that lower-troposphere heating over the B-K seas in the Eastern Arctic caused by the sea ice reduction may result in strong anticyclonic anomaly over the Polar Ocean and anomalous easterly advection over northern continents. This causes a continental-scale winter cooling reaching −1.5°C, with more than 3 times increased probability of cold winter extremes over large areas including Europe. Our results imply that several recent severe winters do not conflict the global warming picture but rather supplement it, being in qualitative agreement with the simulated large-scale atmospheric circulation realignment. Furthermore, our results suggest that high-latitude atmospheric circulation response to the B-K sea ice decrease is highly nonlinear and characterized by transition from anomalous cyclonic circulation to anticyclonic one and then back again to cyclonic type of circulation as the B-K sea ice concentration gradually reduces from 100% to ice free conditions. We present a conceptual model that may explain the nonlinear local atmospheric response in the B-K seas region by counter play between convection over the surface heat source and baroclinic effect due to modified temperature gradients in the vicinity of the heating area. DA - 2010/11/16/ PY - 2010 DO - 10.1029/2009JD013568 DP - Wiley Online Library VL - 115 IS - D21 SP - D21111 J2 - J. Geophys. Res. LA - en SN - 2156-2202 UR - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2009JD013568/abstract Y2 - 2014/05/12/11:29:24 L1 - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/store/10.1029/2009JD013568/asset/jgrd16263.pdf?v=1&t=hv3ou9fj&s=3f771b76efd404d22e9ed5dad93a87ec59912b2a L2 - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2009JD013568/abstract KW - 0750 Sea ice KW - 1621 Cryospheric change KW - 0772 Distribution KW - 1620 Climate dynamics KW - Arctic sea ice KW - atmospheric circulation KW - nonlinear dynamics ER - TY - RPRT TI - Langzeitverhalten der Starkniederschläge in Baden-Württemberg und Bayern, KLIWA-Projekt A 1.1.3 AU - KLIWA Arbeitskreis T2 - KLIWA-Berichte CY - Baden-Württemberg DA - 2006/// PY - 2006 SP - 93 PB - LUBW Landesanstalt für Umwelt, Messungen und Naturschutz SN - 8 UR - http://www.lubw.baden-wuerttemberg.de/servlet/is/17019/ DB - ISBN: 3-88148-412-4 Y2 - 2013/11/25/ ER - TY - GEN TI - Ist die Zunahme von Starkniederschlägen auf veränderte Wetterlagen zurückzuführen?, GAW Brief des Deutschen Wetterdienstes Nr 12 AU - Fricke, W. AU - Kaminski, U. DA - 2002/09// PY - 2002 UR - http://www.dwd.de/bvbw/generator/DWDWWW/Content/Forschung/FEHP/GAW/DL/GAW__BRIEFE/gaw__brief__012__de__pdf,templateId=raw,property=publicationFile.pdf/gaw_brief_012_de_pdf.pdf ER - TY - JOUR TI - Global climate change and variability and its influence on Alpine climate — concepts and observations AU - Wanner, H. AU - Rickli, R. AU - Salvisberg, E. AU - Schmutz, C. AU - Schüepp, M. T2 - Theoretical and Applied Climatology AB - The paper discusses annual to decadal climate variability and change in the European Alps by utilizing the procedure of synoptic downscaling, i.e. it investigates the influence of global to continental scale synoptic structures and processes on the regional climate of the Alps. The European Alps lie to the southeast and under the right exit zone of the southwest-northeast oriented axis of the polar front jet over the North Atlantic ocean, in a transition zone between the Azores high and Icelandic low, between oceanic and continental and between Mediterranean and North Atlantic climates. Together with complex topographically induced phenomena like lee cyclogenesis, orographic precipitation, strong downslope winds and thermotopographical circulation systems, this transitional position makes climate studies in the Alps even more interesting. Only a minor correlation can be observed between global climate variability and Alpine climate. In contrast, the Alpine climate is strongly related to processes over the North Atlantic ocean and its sea ice system (e.g. it has a high correlation with the North Atlantic Oscillation and the dynamics and position of the Icelandic low), an area with a rather low climate prediction potential. Since the early 1970's (or just after the “Great Salinity Anomaly” in the North Atlantic Ocean) the intensification of the wintertime westerly jet over the North Atlantic area led to a noticeable northwest-southeast mass transport in the exit area of the jet over Central Europe, leading to pressure and temperature rises and an increase in the amount of precipitation. There is a question over whether this phenomenon is a consequence of natural climate variability or the beginning of an anthropogenic climate change. DA - 1997/09/01/ PY - 1997 DO - 10.1007/BF00865022 DP - link.springer.com VL - 58 IS - 3-4 SP - 221 EP - 243 J2 - Theor Appl Climatol LA - en SN - 0177-798X, 1434-4483 UR - http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF00865022 Y2 - 2014/05/12/09:59:30 L1 - http://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2FBF00865022.pdf L2 - http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FBF00865022 KW - Climate change KW - Waste Water Technology / Water Pollution Control / Water Management / Aquatic Pollution KW - Meteorology/Climatology KW - Atmospheric Protection/Air Quality Control/Air Pollution ER - TY - JOUR TI - Cost733cat – A database of weather and circulation type classifications AU - Philipp, Andreas AU - Bartholy, Judit AU - Beck, Christoph AU - Erpicum, Michel AU - Esteban, Pere AU - Fettweis, Xavier AU - Huth, Radan AU - James, Paul AU - Jourdain, Sylvie AU - Kreienkamp, Frank AU - Krennert, Thomas AU - Lykoudis, Spyros AU - Michalides, Silas C. AU - Pianko-Kluczynska, Krystyna AU - Post, Piia AU - Álvarez, Domingo Rasilla AU - Schiemann, Reinhard AU - Spekat, Arne AU - Tymvios, Filippos S. T2 - Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C T3 - Classifications of Atmospheric Circulation Patterns – Theory and Applications AB - A new database of weather and circulation type catalogs is presented comprising 17 automated classification methods and five subjective classifications. It was compiled within COST Action 733 “Harmonisation and Applications of Weather Type Classifications for European regions” in order to evaluate different methods for weather and circulation type classification. This paper gives a technical description of the included methods using a new conceptual categorization for classification methods reflecting the strategy for the definition of types. Methods using predefined types include manual and threshold based classifications while methods producing types derived from the input data include those based on eigenvector techniques, leader algorithms and optimization algorithms. In order to allow direct comparisons between the methods, the circulation input data and the methods’ configuration were harmonized for producing a subset of standard catalogs of the automated methods. The harmonization includes the data source, the climatic parameters used, the classification period as well as the spatial domain and the number of types. Frequency based characteristics of the resulting catalogs are presented, including variation of class sizes, persistence, seasonal and inter-annual variability as well as trends of the annual frequency time series. The methodological concept of the classifications is partly reflected by these properties of the resulting catalogs. It is shown that the types of subjective classifications compared to automated methods show higher persistence, inter-annual variation and long-term trends. Among the automated classifications optimization methods show a tendency for longer persistence and higher seasonal variation. However, it is also concluded that the distance metric used and the data preprocessing play at least an equally important role for the properties of the resulting classification compared to the algorithm used for type definition and assignment. DA - 2010/// PY - 2010 DO - 10.1016/j.pce.2009.12.010 DP - ScienceDirect VL - 35 IS - 9–12 SP - 360 EP - 373 J2 - Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C SN - 1474-7065 UR - http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1474706510000045 Y2 - 2014/05/12/09:58:05 L2 - http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1474706510000045 KW - Europe KW - Circulation type classification KW - COST 733 KW - Dataset KW - Weather type classification ER - TY - JOUR TI - Long-Term Variability of Daily North Atlantic–European Pressure Patterns since 1850 Classified by Simulated Annealing Clustering AU - Philipp, A. AU - Della-Marta, P. M. AU - Jacobeit, J. AU - Fereday, D. R. AU - Jones, P. D. AU - Moberg, A. AU - Wanner, H. T2 - Journal of Climate DA - 2007/08/01/ PY - 2007 DO - 10.1175/JCLI4175.1 VL - 20 IS - 16 SP - 4065 EP - 4095 J2 - J. Climate SN - 0894-8755 UR - http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JCLI4175.1 Y2 - 2014/05/12/ N1 -

doi: 10.1175/JCLI4175.1

ER - TY - JOUR TI - Future projections of the surface heat and water budgets of the Mediterranean Sea in an ensemble of coupled atmosphere–ocean regional climate models AU - Dubois, C. AU - Somot, S. AU - Calmanti, S. AU - Carillo, A. AU - Déqué, M. AU - Dell’Aquilla, A. AU - Elizalde, A. AU - Gualdi, S. AU - Jacob, D. AU - L’Hévéder, B. AU - Li, L. AU - Oddo, P. AU - Sannino, G. AU - Scoccimarro, E. AU - Sevault, F. T2 - Climate Dynamics DA - 2012/10// PY - 2012 DO - 10.1007/s00382-011-1261-4 DP - CrossRef VL - 39 IS - 7-8 SP - 1859 EP - 1884 SN - 0930-7575, 1432-0894 UR - http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s00382-011-1261-4 Y2 - 2013/08/31/17:22:53 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Synoptic and regional patterns of heavy precipitation in Austria AU - Seibert, P. AU - Frank, A. AU - Formayer, H. T2 - Theoretical and Applied Climatology AB - Seven synoptic patterns responsible for heavy precipitation in Austria were identified with a trajectory clustering method. Back trajectories at different levels, at different times during each day, and from different locations in Austria were utilised together with one potential vorticity value. In addition, seven regions within Austria with similar daily precipitation were identified. The response of heavy precipitation in each of these regions to the synoptic patterns was studied. The results correspond to the synoptic experience and reflect known meteorological situations, such as southerly and northerly Stau or the Vb pattern. The analyses are based on the 15-year re-analysis of the ECMWF (1979–1993), used to calculate the back trajectories, and daily precipitation sums of 131 climate stations in Austria. This paves the way to future applications in climate change research, as the necessary input data are also available from global climate models. The clustering was performed with a promising new procedure, a combination of hierarchical and iterative (K-means) clustering. DA - 2007/01/01/ PY - 2007 DO - 10.1007/s00704-006-0198-8 DP - link.springer.com VL - 87 IS - 1-4 SP - 139 EP - 153 J2 - Theor. Appl. Climatol. LA - en SN - 0177-798X, 1434-4483 UR - http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00704-006-0198-8 Y2 - 2013/10/10/ KW - Climate change KW - Waste Water Technology / Water Pollution Control / Water Management / Aquatic Pollution KW - Meteorology/Climatology KW - Atmospheric Protection/Air Quality Control/Air Pollution ER - TY - JOUR TI - Effect of mountains on Genoa cyclogenesis AU - Mesinger, Fedor AU - Strickler, Robert F. T2 - Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan -Ser. II DA - 1982/// PY - 1982 DP - Google Scholar VL - 60 SP - 326 EP - 338 SN - 2186-9057 UR - https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jmsj1965/60/1/60_1_326/_article ER - TY - JOUR TI - Die Isobarentypen des Nordatlantischen Ozeans und Westeuropas, ihre Beziehung zur Lage und Bewegung der Barometrischer Maxima und Minima AU - van Bebber, W.J. AU - Köppen, W. T2 - Archiv deutsch. Seewarte DA - 1895/// PY - 1895 DP - Google Scholar VL - 18 IS - 4 SP - 1 EP - 27 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Die Zugstrassen der barometrischen Minima nach den Bahnenkarten der Deutschen Seewarte für den Zeitraum 1875-1890 AU - van Bebber, W.J. A2 - Deutsche Meteorologische Gesellschaft A2 - Österreichische Gesellschaft für Meteorologie (ÖGM) A2 - Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Meteorologie (SGM) DA - 1891/// PY - 1891 DP - Amazon.com IS - 8 SP - 361 EP - 366 ER - TY - BOOK TI - Typische Witterungserscheinungen AU - van Bebber, W.J. DA - 1882/// PY - 1882 DP - Google Scholar ER - TY - JOUR TI - Climatological aspects of the extreme European rainfall of August 2002 and a trajectory method for estimating the associated evaporative source regions AU - James, P. AU - Stohl, A. AU - Spichtinger, N. AU - Eckhardt, S. AU - Forster, C. T2 - Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. AB - During the first half of August 2002, a sequence of extreme precipitation episodes affected many regions of central and southern Europe, culminating in one of the most severe flooding events ever experienced along sections of the river Elbe and its tributaries. In this paper, the synoptic meteorological situation during the primary flooding event, 11-13 August 2002, and its recent background is illustrated and discussed. Then, backward trajectory modelling of water vapour transport is employed to determine the sources and transport pathways of the moisture which rained out during the event. The Lagrangian trajectory model FLEXTRA is used together with high resolution operational meteorological analyses from the ECMWF to track a very large number of trajectories, initialized in a dense three-dimensional grid array over the extreme rainfall region. Specific humidity changes along each trajectory are mapped out to yield source-receptor relationships between evaporation and subsequent precipitation for the event. Regions of significant surface evaporation of moisture which later rained out were determined to be parts of the Aegean and Ligurian Seas during the initial stages of the event, while strong evaporation from eastern European land surfaces and from the Black Sea became dominant later on. The method also provides precipitation estimates based solely on specific humidity changes along Lagrangian airmass trajectories, which can be compared to ECMWF model forecast precipitation estimates. DA - 2004/11/18/ PY - 2004 DO - 10.5194/nhess-4-733-2004 DP - Copernicus Online Journals VL - 4 IS - 5/6 SP - 733 EP - 746 J2 - Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. SN - 1684-9981 UR - http://www.nat-hazards-earth-syst-sci.net/4/733/2004/ Y2 - 2014/05/09/15:29:06 L1 - http://www.nat-hazards-earth-syst-sci.net/4/733/2004/nhess-4-733-2004.pdf L2 - http://www.nat-hazards-earth-syst-sci.net/4/733/2004/ ER - TY - CHAP TI - Die Beiträge der Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik zum Internationalen Hydrologischen Programm 1975-1980 AU - Dobesch, H. AU - Neuwirth, F. T2 - Zeitschrift für angewandte Meteorologie A2 - Skoda, F. A2 - Lauscher CY - Verlag der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Meteorologie DA - 1982/// PY - 1982 DP - Amazon.com VL - Wetter und Leben ER - TY - CHAP TI - Übersicht über die Ergebnisse aus den hydrometeorologischen Untersuchungen im Gebiet des Neusiedler Sees im Rahmen der Internationalen Hydrologischen Dekade 1966–1974 AU - Dobesch, H. AU - Neuwirth, F. T2 - Wetter und Leben A2 - Skoda, F. A2 - Lauscher, F. T3 - Zeitschrift für angewandte Meteorologie. DA - 1974/// PY - 1974 DP - Google Scholar VL - 26 PB - Verlag der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Meteorologie ER - TY - JOUR TI - Climate impacts on water balance of a shallow steppe lake in Eastern Austria (Lake Neusiedl) AU - Soja, Gerhard AU - Züger, Johann AU - Knoflacher, Markus AU - Kinner, Paul AU - Soja, Anna-Maria T2 - Journal of Hydrology AB - Lake Neusiedl, the largest lake in Austria, is especially sensitive to climate variations due to its extreme shallowness and a small catchment area. Historical records indicate that large variations of the lake area have occurred naturally (0% to >150% of present) but contemporary touristic uses of the lake require a largely constant water level. This dependence increases the regional economic vulnerability. Water balance of the lake as influenced by weather conditions was studied in detail. 79% of water input was due to precipitation, whereas more than 90% of water output was caused by evapotranspiration. Long-term observation of annual and seasonal precipitation sums, starting in 1865, revealed a slow downward trend of 15 years moving averages by 6 ± 1 mm/decade, masked by large interannual variations of the original data (s.d.: ±120 mm). Multidecadal oscillation indices (AMO, NAO, MOI) were tested against patterns of precipitation, air temperature and hydrological parameters of Lake Neusiedl. The clearest relation was observed between air temperature and North Atlantic oscillation index (p < 0.0001). Water level and volume of Lake Neusiedl are very sensitive to precipitation changes with after effects of individual years lasting up to 2 years. Summer precipitation is more important for lake water amount than the other seasons. The major surface water input to Lake Neusiedl is coming from River Wulka. Its annual discharge (15 years moving averages) showed a variable, moderately decreasing trend for the period 1961–2010 by −1.2 ± 0.6 × 106 m3/decade. Waste water treatment plants contributed up to 68% of monthly flow of River Wulka into the lake. Precipitation of the current and the previous year, and in some months also temperature influenced Wulka’s flow significantly. Evaporative losses from the lake and its reed belt were shown to increase over the last 33 years (+48 ± 11 mm/decade); as main drivers decreasing relative air humidity and increasing water temperature were identified. Based on the outputs of a regional climate model scenario and seasonal regression models, water balance projections for the period 2035–2065 showed a significant risk of hydrological deficits, leading to lower water levels than at present. DA - 2013/02/14/ PY - 2013 DO - 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2012.12.013 DP - ScienceDirect VL - 480 SP - 115 EP - 124 J2 - Journal of Hydrology SN - 0022-1694 UR - http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022169412010736 Y2 - 2014/05/09/15:07:31 L2 - http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022169412010736 KW - Climate change KW - Evapotranspiration KW - Lake Neusiedl KW - Water balance KW - Water level ER - TY - JOUR TI - Global energy perspectives and the role of technology AU - Nakicenovic, N. T2 - e&i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik AB - The provision of affordable and environmentally sound energy services is a prerequisite for further social and economic development in the world. This is a formidable challenge considering that two billion people today are still without access to adequate energy services in the world. This additional need for energy services is going to be voracious and will not be satisfied with the current structure of energy system, with current technologies and certainly not with the current adverse impacts associated with energy, from indoor air pollution and regional acidification to climate change. DA - 2003/11/01/ PY - 2003 DO - 10.1007/BF03054921 DP - link.springer.com VL - 120 IS - 11 SP - 377 EP - 381 J2 - Elektrotech. Inftech. LA - en SN - 0932-383X, 1613-7620 UR - http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF03054921 Y2 - 2014/05/09/14:58:30 L1 - http://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2FBF03054921.pdf L2 - http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FBF03054921 KW - Computer Hardware KW - Electrical Engineering KW - Energiebedarf KW - Energiebereitstellung KW - Energiesystem KW - energy requirement KW - energy services KW - energy systems KW - Software Engineering/Programming and Operating Systems ER - TY - ELEC TI - Bevölkerungsprognosen. Ergebnisse der Bevölkerungsprognose 2012. Vorausberechnete Bevölkerungsstruktur für Wien 2011-2075 laut Hauptszenario; Erstellt am 14. September 2012. AU - Statistik Austria T2 - Statistik Austria DA - 2012/// PY - 2012 UR - https://www.statistik.at/web_de/statistiken/bevoelkerung/demographische_prognosen/bevoelkerungsprognosen/index.html ER - TY - CONF TI - Integration of spectral and spatial classification methods for building a land-use model of Austria AU - Steinnocher, Klaus T2 - XVIIIth ISPRS Congress Technical Commission IV A2 - Kraus, Karl A2 - Waldhäusl, Peter C1 - Vienna, Austria C3 - XVIIIth ISPRS Congress Technical Commission IV: Mapping and Geographic Information Systems DA - 1996/07/09/ PY - 1996 VL - XXXI Part B4 SP - 841 EP - 846 PB - International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing UR - http://www.isprs.org/proceedings/XXXI/congress/part4/ ER - TY - CONF TI - Modelling Micro-climate Characteristics for Urban Planning and Building Design AU - Loibl, Wolfgang AU - Tötzer, Tanja AU - Köstl, Mario AU - Züger, Hans AU - Knoflacher, Markus T2 - 9th IFIP WG 5.11 International Symposium on Environmental Software Systems: Frameworks of eEnvironment, ISESS 2011; Brno; Czech Republic; 27 June 2011 through 29 June 2011 A2 - Hřebíček, Jiří A2 - Schimak, Gerald A2 - Denzer, Ralf C1 - Berlin, Heidelberg DA - 2011/// PY - 2011 DO - 10.1007/978-3-642-22285-6_65 DP - CrossRef VL - 359 SP - 605 EP - 617 PB - Springer Berlin Heidelberg SN - 978-3-642-22284-9 978-3-642-22285-6 UR - http://pisces.boku.ac.at/han/scopus/www.scopus.com/record/display.url?eid=2-s2.0-79960770517&origin=resultslist&sort=plf-f&src=s&st1=Modelling+Micro-climate+Characteristics+for+Urban+Planning+and+Building+Design&sid=9EDFC3D1C940678B8744FBCBFA0B5F9A.y7ESLndDIsN8cE7qwvy6w%3a130&sot=q&sdt=b&sl=98&s=TITLE-ABS-KEY-AUTH%28Modelling+Micro-climate+Characteristics+for+Urban+Planning+and+Building+Design%29&relpos=0&relpos=0&citeCnt=0&searchTerm=TITLE-ABS-KEY-AUTH%28Modelling+Micro-climate+Characteristics+for+Urban+Planning+and+Building+Design%29 Y2 - 2013/08/31/ ER - TY - RPRT TI - Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf Wien unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Klimaszenarien AU - Kromp-Kolb, Helga AU - Formayer, Herbert AU - Clementschitsch, Lukas DA - 2007/// PY - 2007 M3 - Im Auftrag der Magistratsdirektion der Stadt Wien - Klimaschutzkoordination PB - Institut für Meteorologie Universität für Bodenkultur UR - http://www.wien.gv.at/umwelt/klimaschutz/pdf/klimawandel.pdf ER - TY - JOUR TI - Climate Simulation with CLM, Scenario A1B run no.2, Data Stream 3: European region MPI-M/MaD AU - Lautenschlager, Michael AU - Keuler, Klaus AU - Wunram, Claudia AU - Keup-Thiel, Elke AU - Schubert, Martina AU - Will, Andreas AU - Rockel, Burkhardt AU - Boehm, Uwe T2 - WDCC at DKRZ A2 - World Data Center for Climate DA - 2009/// PY - 2009 DO - 10.1594/WDCC/CLM_A1B_2_D3 UR - http://cera-www.dkrz.de/WDCC/ui/Compact.jsp?acronym=CLM_A1B_2_D3 N1 -

ergänzung Doi sonst zuordnung nicht

ER - TY - RPRT TI - Analyse von Vulnerabilität und Anpassungsmaßnahmen an den Klimawandel im Biosphärenpark Wienerwald AU - Schörghuber, Stefan AU - Rammer, Werner AU - Lexer, Manfred J. CY - Wien, Austria DA - 2012/05// PY - 2012 M3 - Endbericht vonStartClim2009.C in StartClim2009: Anpassung an den Klimawandel: Beiträge zur Erstellung einer Anpassungsstrategie für Österreich, Auftraggeber: BMLFUW, BMWF, BMWFJ, ÖBF PB - Universität für Bodenkultur, Department für Wasser - Atmosphäre - Umwelt UR - http://www.austroclim.at/fileadmin/user_upload/reports/StCl08A.pdf Y2 - 2013/01/12/ ER - TY - RPRT TI - Möglichkeiten statistischer Downscalingverfahren zur Ableitung von Extremereignissen in Österreich aus GCM-Feldern (Endbericht StartClim.5, November 2003) AU - Formayer, H. AU - Matulla, C. AU - Haas, P. AU - Groll, N. DA - 2009/// PY - 2009 DP - Google Scholar M3 - BOKU-Met Report SN - 3 UR - http://www.boku.ac.at/met/report/ DB - ISSN 1994-4179 (Print), ISSN 1994-4187 (Online) ER - TY - BOOK TI - Boundary Layer Climates AU - Oke, T. R. DA - 1987/// PY - 1987 DP - Amazon.com PB - Routledge ER - TY - JOUR TI - Aerosol and cloud effects on solar brightening and the recent rapid warming AU - Ruckstuhl, Christian AU - Philipona, Rolf AU - Behrens, Klaus AU - Collaud Coen, Martine AU - Dürr, Bruno AU - Heimo, Alain AU - Mätzler, Christian AU - Nyeki, Stephan AU - Ohmura, Atsumu AU - Vuilleumier, Laurent AU - Weller, Michael AU - Wehrli, Christoph AU - Zelenka, Antoine T2 - Geophysical Research Letters AB - The rapid temperature increase of 1°C over mainland Europe since 1980 is considerably larger than the temperature rise expected from anthropogenic greenhouse gas increases. Here we present aerosol optical depth measurements from six specific locations and surface irradiance measurements from a large number of radiation sites in Northern Germany and Switzerland. The measurements show a decline in aerosol concentration of up to 60%, which have led to a statistically significant increase of solar irradiance under cloud-free skies since the 1980s. The measurements confirm solar brightening and show that the direct aerosol effect had an approximately five times larger impact on climate forcing than the indirect aerosol and other cloud effects. The overall aerosol and cloud induced surface climate forcing is ∼+1 W m−2 dec−1 and has most probably strongly contributed to the recent rapid warming in Europe. DA - 2008/06/01/ PY - 2008 DO - 10.1029/2008GL034228 DP - Wiley Online Library VL - 35 IS - 12 SP - L12708 J2 - Geophys. Res. Lett. LA - en SN - 1944-8007 UR - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2008GL034228/abstract Y2 - 2014/05/07/19:31:32 L1 - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/store/10.1029/2008GL034228/asset/grl24697.pdf?v=1&t=hux0v14m&s=6bd9446c54aaaa0bf18c4c3515ce1ef93b2a2ec9 L2 - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2008GL034228/abstract KW - 0321 Cloud/radiation interaction KW - 0360 Radiation: transmission and scattering KW - 1616 Climate variability KW - 1630 Impacts of global change KW - 3311 Clouds and aerosols KW - solar brightening KW - surface radiative ER - TY - CONF TI - 20th century increase of boundary layer turbidity derived from alpine sunshine and cloudiness series AU - Auer, I. AU - Böhm, R. AU - Schöner, W. AU - Hagen, M. C1 - Flagstaff, Arizona C3 - Preprints of the 8th Conference on Mountain Meteorology DA - 1998/// PY - 1998 SP - 77 EP - 80 PB - American Meteorological Society, Boston ER - TY - CONF TI - Long alpine barometric time series in different altitudes as a measure for 19th/20th century warming AU - Böhm, R. AU - Auer, I. AU - Schöner, W. AU - Hagen, M. C1 - Flagstaff, Arizona C3 - Preprints of the 8th Conference on Mountain Meteorology DA - 1998/// PY - 1998 SP - 72 EP - 76 PB - American Meteorological Society, Boston ER - TY - RPRT TI - Report of the World Commission on environment and development: Our Common Future AU - Brundtland, Gro Harlem DA - 1987/// PY - 1987 DP - Google Scholar PB - United Nations ST - Report of the World Commission on environment and development ER - TY - MPCT TI - The Day After Tomorrow AU - Emmerich, Roland A4 - Quaid, Dennis A4 - Gyllenhaal, Jake A4 - Rossum, Emmy A4 - Mihok, Dash AB - Jack Hall, paleoclimatologist, must make a daring trek across America to reach his son, trapped in the cross-hairs of a sudden international storm which plunges the planet into a new Ice Age. C4 - Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi DA - 2004/05/28/ PY - 2004 DP - IMDb SP - 124 min L4 - http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTU1NTA3NzMwOV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNzEzMTEzMw@@._V1_SX300.jpg ER - TY - JOUR TI - Climate Simulation with CLM, Climate of the 20th Century run no.3, Data Stream 3: European region MPI-M/MaD AU - Lautenschlager, Michael AU - Keuler, Klaus AU - Wunram, Claudia AU - Keup-Thiel, Elke AU - Schubert, Martina AU - Will, Andreas AU - Rockel, Burkhardt AU - Boehm, Uwe T2 - WDCC at DKRZ A2 - World Data Center for Climate DA - 2011/// PY - 2011 DO - 10.1594/WDCC/CLM_C20_3_D3 UR - http://cera-www.dkrz.de/WDCC/ui/Compact.jsp?acronym=CLM_C20_3_D3 ER - TY - CHAP TI - Climate Change – Impacts on hydrology and regional development. Scientific Study on the Im-pacts of the Decreasing Water Level of Lake Neusiedl, Austria. AU - Schönerklee, M. AU - Kinner, P. AU - Heiß, G. AU - Soja, G. AU - Kleissner, A. AU - Schindler, J. AU - Treitler, R. T2 - Klimaforschungsinitiative AustroClim: 9. Österreichischer Klimatag „Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen“ DA - 2008/// PY - 2008 ER - TY - RPRT TI - 40 Jahre Österreichisch-Ungarische Gewässerkommission. 1956 - 1996; zum Wohle der wasserwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung des Grenzraumes am Beispiel des Neusiedler Sees AU - Österreichisch-Ungarische Gewässerkommission CY - Wien DA - 1996/// PY - 1996 SP - 70 M3 - Jubiläumsschrift PB - Österreichisch-Ungarische Gewässerkommission, Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft ER - TY - BOOK TI - Logik der Forschung AU - Popper, Karl A3 - Keuth, Herbert CY - Tübingen DA - 1955/// PY - 1955 DP - Open WorldCat ET - [Springer, Wien 1935], 11. Aufl. 2005, SP - 601 LA - German PB - Mohr Siebeck SN - 3-16-146234-3 UR - http://www.philoscience.unibe.ch/documents/kursarchiv/WS06/ldf_1_2.pdf ER - TY - JOUR TI - Tipping elements in the Earth System AU - Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim T2 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences DA - 2009/08/12/ PY - 2009 DO - 10.1073/pnas.0911106106 DP - www.pnas.org VL - 106 IS - 49 SP - 20561 EP - 20563 LA - en SN - 0027-8424, 1091-6490 UR - http://www.pnas.org/content/106/49/20561 Y2 - 2014/05/14/16:05:10 L2 - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19995979 ER - TY - RPRT TI - Development of new methods to assess heavy precipitation in the Alps. ACQWA AU - Awan, N. K. AU - Formayer, Herbert DA - 2012/// PY - 2012 SN - Annual Progress Report ER - TY - JOUR TI - On the synoptics and dynamics of orographically induced cyclones in the Mediterranean AU - Pichler, H. AU - Steinacker, R. T2 - Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics AB - In the first part of the present paper all cases of orographically induced cyclogeneses in the Western Mediterranean (40 cases) during the whole 13 months of the ALPEX Observing Period (AOP: 1 September 1981–30 September 1982) are investigated statistically to find similarities between them. It can be shown that essentially there exist two different types of such cyclogeneses: the “Vorderseiten”-type (southwesterly upper-level flow) and the “Überströmungs”-type (northwesterly upper-level flow). Both types are accompanied by low level blocking of cold air by the Alps. The second part of the paper is concerned with the understanding of the explosive development of an orographically induced cyclone in the Western Mediterranean by means of vorticity dynamics on isentropic surfaces. Budget equations for the shear and curvature vorticity allow us to find out the reasons for the increase of curvature vorticity, locally as well as individually. Such growth rates are caused by corresponding convergences and by transformation from shear into curvature vorticity, respectively. Case studies of some ALPEX-SOP cyclogeneses illustrate the vorticity-dynamical considerations. DA - 1987/03/01/ PY - 1987 DO - 10.1007/BF01045144 DP - link.springer.com VL - 36 IS - 1-4 SP - 108 EP - 117 LA - en SN - 0177-7971, 1436-5065 UR - http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF01045144 Y2 - 2013/08/31/ KW - Climate change KW - Waste Water Technology / Water Pollution Control / Water Management / Aquatic Pollution KW - Meteorology/Climatology KW - Atmospheric Protection/Air Quality Control/Air Pollution KW - Math. Appl. in Environmental Science KW - Terrestrial Pollution ER - TY - RPRT TI - Ereignisdokumentation Hochwasser August 2002, Plattform Hochwasser AU - Habersack, H. AU - Moser, A. A2 - ZENAR CY - Wien DA - 2003/// PY - 2003 SP - 184 PB - ZENAR, Universität für Bodenkultur, Bundesministerium für Land und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft SN - 1 ER - TY - RPRT TI - Hochwasser 2005-Ereignisdokumentation der Bundeswasserbauverwaltung, des Forsttechnischen Dienstes für Wildbach-und Lawinenverbauung und des Hydrographischen Dienstes AU - Habersack, H. AU - Krapesch, G. CY - Wien DA - 2006/// PY - 2006 M3 - Synthesebericht PB - Bundesministerium für Land-und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft UR - www.zar.at/filemanager/download/18166/ ER - TY - RPRT TI - Ökodynamishe Rehabilitierung des Neusiedler See. Dotation Neusiedler See unter Berücksichtigung von Klimaänderungen. AU - Kubu, G. DA - 2006/// PY - 2006 M3 - Im Auftrag des Amtes der Burgenländischen Landesregierung Landeswasserbaubezirksamt Schützen am Gebirge ER - TY - MAP TI - Erste Landesaufnahme. 1773-1781. Kriegs-Charte des Erzherzogtums Oesterreich unter der Enns AU - ÖSTA C1 - 1:28.800 CN - B IX a 242 CY - Wien M3 - Kolorierte Handzeichnung, 122 Sectionen à 71,5 x 47 cm, Sectionen 59,60,61,70,71,72,81,82,83: Theil deren Vierteln unter Wiener Wald, und unter Manhartsberg PB - Österreichisches Staatsarchiv/Kriegsarchiv UR - http://www.onb.ac.at/sammlungen/karten/kartenzimelien/42.htm ER - TY - RPRT TI - SISSI: Simulationen von Städtischen Klimaszenarien AU - Zuvela-Aloise, M. DA - 2011/// PY - 2011 SP - 43 M3 - Projektbericht ER - TY - JOUR TI - Estimation of Climate-Change Impacts on the Urban Heat Load Using an Urban Climate Model and Regional Climate Projections AU - Früh, Barbara AU - Becker, Paul AU - Deutschländer, Thomas AU - Hessel, Johann-Dirk AU - Kossmann, Meinolf AU - Mieskes, Ingrid AU - Namyslo, Joachim AU - Roos, Marita AU - Sievers, Uwe AU - Steigerwald, Thomas AU - Turau, Heidelore AU - Wienert, Uwe T2 - Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology DA - 2011a PY - 2011a DO - 10.1175/2010JAMC2377.1 DP - CrossRef VL - 50 IS - 1 SP - 167 EP - 184 SN - 1558-8424, 1558-8432 UR - http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/abs/10.1175/2010JAMC2377.1 Y2 - 2013/10/09/ ER - TY - BOOK TI - Frankfurt am Main im Klimawandel - eine Untersuchung zur städtischen Wärmebelastung AU - Früh, Barbara AU - Roos, Marita AU - Koßmann, Meinolf T2 - Berichte des Deutschen Wetterdienstes AB - Innerhalb einer Stadt bildet sich durch die dichte Bebauung und den erhöhten Energieumsatz gegenüber dem Umland ein davon deutlich abweichendes "Stadtklima" aus. Dieses ist beispielsweise durch eine höhere Temperatur in der Stadt gekennzeichnet, welche zur Ausbildung der sogenannten städtischen Wärmeinsel führt. Zudem lassen regionale Klimamodelle für die nächsten Jahrzehnte Klimaänderungen erwarten, die sich in den städtischen Ballungsräumen durch die Überlagerung mit der städtischen Wärmeinsel deutlich belastender auswirken als im Umland. Dies ist für die Menschen von elementarem Interesse, da bereits heute mehr als die Hälfte der Weltbevölkerung in Städten lebt. Der Klimawandel findet bereits statt: 60-jährige Messungen des Deutschen Wetterdienstes am Flughafen Frankfurt/Main belegen einen signifikanten Anstieg des Jahresmittels der Lufttemperatur von 0,35 ʻC pro Dekade. Die Anzahl der mittleren jährlichen Sommertage, das sind Tage an denen die Lufttemperatur 25 ʻC erreicht oder überschreitet, weist ebenfalls einen signifikanten Trend von 4,3 Tagen pro Dekade auf. Wenn dieser beobachtete Trend unverändert weiterginge, so wären für die Klimaperiode 2021 - 2050 durchschnittlich etwa 21 Sommertage pro Jahr mehr als in der Klimaperiode 1971 - 2000 zu erwarten. Eine zuverlässige Abschätzung muss jedoch die erwartete Änderung klimarelevanter Spurenstoffe berücksichtigen und daher auf den verfügbaren globalen und regionalen Klimaprojektionen basieren. Ziel der Untersuchung war es deshalb, auf der Basis von Projektionen regionaler Klimamodelle die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels für detaillierte Stadtstrukturen aufzuzeigen. Mit Hilfe eines Stadtklimamodells und der am Beispiel Frankfurt/Main entwickelten sogenannten Quadermethode (Früh et al., 2011) konnte erstmals sowohl die vergangene als auch die zukünftige Wärmebelastung für Frankfurt am Main unter Berücksichtigung der vielfältigen Bebauungsstrukturen und sonstiger Flächennutzungen simuliert werden. Auch die klimatischen Auswirkungen der größeren Planungsvorhaben der Stadt wurden in diesem Zusammenhang untersucht. ... CY - Offenbach am Main DA - 2011b PY - 2011b DP - Open WorldCat SP - 69 LA - German PB - Selbstverl. des Dt. Wetterdienstes SN - 978-3-88148-453-4 UR - http://publikationen.ub.uni-frankfurt.de/volltexte/2011/9887/ Y2 - 2013/08/31/18:45:22 ER - TY - CONF TI - Dynamical modelling of urban climate of Vienna AU - Zuvela-Aloise, M. AU - Nemec, J. AU - Früh, B. T2 - 8th International conference on Urban Climate and 10th Symposium on the Urban Environment (ICUC8) C1 - Dublin, Ireland DA - 2012/08//6th -10th PY - 2012 ER - TY - CONF TI - Rio - Erklärung über Umwelt und Entwicklung AU - UNCED C3 - Report of the United Nations conference on environment and development, Rio de Janeiro DA - 1992/// PY - 1992 UR - http://www.un.org/depts/german/conf/agenda21/rio.pdf ER - TY - BOOK TI - What's the Worst That Could Happen?: A Rational Response to the Climate Change Debate AU - Craven, Greg AB - 7.2 million YouTube viewers can't be wrong: A provocative new way to look at the global warming debate.Based on a series of viral videos that have garnered more than 7.2 million views, this visually appealing book gives readers-be they global warming activists, soccer moms, or NASCAR dads-a way to decide on the best course of action, by asking them to consider, "What's the worst that could happen?" And for those who decide that action is needed, Craven provides a solution that is not only powerful but also happens to be stunningly easy. Not just another "change your light bulb" book, this intriguing and provocative guide is the first to help readers make sense-for themselves-of the contradictory statements about global climate change. The globe is warming! or The globe is not warming. We're the ones doing it! or It's a natural cycle. It's gonna be a catastrophe! or It'll be harmless. This is the biggest threat to humankind! or This is the biggest hoax in history. Watch a Video CY - New York DA - 2009/07/07/ PY - 2009 DP - Amazon.com ET - Original edition SP - 264 LA - English PB - Perigee Trade SN - 978-0-399-53501-7 ST - What's the Worst That Could Happen? UR - http://www.amazon.com/Whats-Worst-That-Could-Happen/dp/0399535012 ER - TY - CONF TI - State of the planet declaration. New knowledge towards solutions AU - Planet under Pressure C1 - London. http://www.planetunderpressure2012.net/pdf/state_of_planet_declaration.pdf DA - 2012/03/26/29 PY - 2012 UR - http://www.planetunderpressure2012.net/pdf/state_of_planet_declaration.pdf ER - TY - BOOK TI - Das Prinzip Verantwortung: Versuch einer Ethik für die technologische Zivilisation AU - Jonas, Hans CY - Frankfurt am Main DA - 1979/// PY - 1979 DP - Amazon.com ET - 1. Auflage SP - 423 LA - German PB - Insel-Verlag SN - 978-3-458-04907-4 ST - Das Prinzip Verantwortung L2 - http://www.amazon.com/Das-Prinzip-Verantwortung-technolog-Zivilisation/dp/345804907X/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1399488487&sr=1-1&keywords=Das+Prinzip+Verantwortung. ER - TY - JOUR TI - Technische Eingriffe in die Natur als Problem der politischen Ethik AU - Spämann, Robert T2 - Scheidewege A2 - Max Himmelheber-Stiftung DA - 1979/// PY - 1979 VL - 9/4 SP - 476 EP - 497 UR - http://www.scheidewege.de/archiv_vergriffen/inhalt09_1979.htm ER - TY - JOUR TI - Sustainable Growth – an Impossible Theorem AU - Daly, Herman.E. T2 - Development T3 - Journal of the Society for International Development DA - 1990/// PY - 1990 SP - 45 EP - 47 UR - http://dieoff.org/page37.htm ER - TY - BOOK TI - Merchants of doubt: how a handful of scientists obscured the truth on issues from tobacco smoke to global warming AU - Oreskes, Naomi AU - Conway, Erik M. M. CN - Q147 .O74 2010 CY - New York DA - 2010/// PY - 2010 DP - Library of Congress ISBN ET - 1st U.S. ed SP - 355 PB - Bloomsbury Press SN - 978-1-59691-610-4 ST - Merchants of doubt KW - science news KW - Democracy and science KW - Moral and ethical aspects KW - Professional ethics KW - Scientists ER - TY - BOOK TI - Why we disagree about climate change: understanding controversy, inaction and opportunity AU - Hulme, Mike CN - QC981.8.C5 H825 2009 CY - Cambridge, UK; New York DA - 2009/// PY - 2009 DP - Library of Congress ISBN SP - 392 PB - Cambridge University Press SN - 978-0-521-89869-0 ST - Why we disagree about climate change UR - http://www.cambridge.org/us/academic/subjects/economics/natural-resource-and-environmental-economics/why-we-disagree-about-climate-change-understanding-controversy-inaction-and-opportunity?format=HB KW - Climatic changes KW - Environmental policy KW - Government policy ER - TY - ELEC TI - Warum ich nicht an die Klimakatastrophe glaube AU - Horx, Matthias T2 - Welt Online AB - Trend- und Zukunftsforscher Matthias Horx schreibt über den Zusammenhang von Religion und Klimakatastrophe und seinen Glauben an die Adaptionsfähigkeit des Menschen. WELT ONLINE veröffentlicht seine DA - 2007/03/13/ PY - 2007 UR - http://www.welt.de/politik/article759237/Warum-ich-nicht-an-die-Klimakatastrophe-glaube.html Y2 - 2013/08/31/19:36:23 KW - Gesellschaft,Waldsterben,Horx Matthias,Gesellschaft,Waldsterben [ks],Horx KW - Matthias ER - TY - RPRT TI - Turn down the heat: Why a 4° warmer world must be avoided AU - PIK T2 - World Bank Publications DA - 2012/11// PY - 2012 DP - Google Scholar SP - 106 M3 - A Report for the World Bank by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Climate Analytics PB - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank ST - Turn Down the Heat UR - http://climatechange.worldbank.org/sites/default/files/Turn_Down_the_heat_Why_a_4_degree_centrigrade_warmer_world_must_be_avoided.pdf Y2 - 2013/11/18/ ER - TY - BOOK TI - Abrupt Impacts of Climate Change: Anticipating Surprises AU - National Research Council AB - Climate is changing, forced out of the range of the past million years by levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases not seen in the Earth's atmosphere for a very, very long time. Lacking action by the world's nations, it is clear that the planet will be warmer, sea level will rise, and patterns of rainfall will change. But the future is also partly uncertain -- there is considerable uncertainty about how we will arrive at that different climate. Will the changes be gradual, allowing natural systems and societal infrastructure to adjust in a timely fashion? Or will some ... CY - Washington, DC DA - 2013/// PY - 2013 DP - www.nap.edu PB - The National Academies Press ST - Abrupt Impacts of Climate Change UR - http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=18373 Y2 - 2014/05/12/12:30:33 L2 - http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=18373 ER - TY - JOUR TI - El Niño/Southern Oscillation response to global warming AU - Latif, M. AU - Keenlyside, N. S. T2 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences AB - The El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon, originating in the Tropical Pacific, is the strongest natural interannual climate signal and has widespread effects on the global climate system and the ecology of the Tropical Pacific. Any strong change in ENSO statistics will therefore have serious climatic and ecological consequences. Most global climate models do simulate ENSO, although large biases exist with respect to its characteristics. The ENSO response to global warming differs strongly from model to model and is thus highly uncertain. Some models simulate an increase in ENSO amplitude, others a decrease, and others virtually no change. Extremely strong changes constituting tipping point behavior are not simulated by any of the models. Nevertheless, some interesting changes in ENSO dynamics can be inferred from observations and model integrations. Although no tipping point behavior is envisaged in the physical climate system, smooth transitions in it may give rise to tipping point behavior in the biological, chemical, and even socioeconomic systems. For example, the simulated weakening of the Pacific zonal sea surface temperature gradient in the Hadley Centre model (with dynamic vegetation included) caused rapid Amazon forest die-back in the mid-twenty-first century, which in turn drove a nonlinear increase in atmospheric CO2, accelerating global warming. DA - 2009/08/12/ PY - 2009 DO - 10.1073/pnas.0710860105 DP - www.pnas.org VL - 106 IS - 49 SP - 20578 EP - 20583 J2 - PNAS LA - en SN - 0027-8424, 1091-6490 UR - http://www.pnas.org/content/106/49/20578 Y2 - 2014/05/12/12:28:38 L1 - http://www.pnas.org/content/106/49/20578.full.pdf L2 - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19060210 L2 - http://www.pnas.org/content/106/49/20578.full ER - TY - JOUR TI - Recovery mechanisms of Arctic summer sea ice AU - Tietsche, S. AU - Notz, D. AU - Jungclaus, J. H. AU - Marotzke, J. T2 - Geophysical Research Letters AB - We examine the recovery of Arctic sea ice from prescribed ice-free summer conditions in simulations of 21st century climate in an atmosphere–ocean general circulation model. We find that ice extent recovers typically within two years. The excess oceanic heat that had built up during the ice-free summer is rapidly returned to the atmosphere during the following autumn and winter, and then leaves the Arctic partly through increased longwave emission at the top of the atmosphere and partly through reduced atmospheric heat advection from lower latitudes. Oceanic heat transport does not contribute significantly to the loss of the excess heat. Our results suggest that anomalous loss of Arctic sea ice during a single summer is reversible, as the ice–albedo feedback is alleviated by large-scale recovery mechanisms. Hence, hysteretic threshold behavior (or a “tipping point”) is unlikely to occur during the decline of Arctic summer sea-ice cover in the 21st century. DA - 2011/01/01/ PY - 2011 DO - 10.1029/2010GL045698 DP - Wiley Online Library VL - 38 IS - 2 SP - L02707 J2 - Geophys. Res. Lett. LA - en SN - 1944-8007 UR - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2010GL045698/abstract Y2 - 2014/05/12/12:23:59 L1 - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/store/10.1029/2010GL045698/asset/grl27655.pdf?v=1&t=hv3qsgov&s=bf5be062373be5a96f65c2d392061d6da34364b6 L2 - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2010GL045698/abstract KW - 0750 Sea ice KW - 0764 Energy balance KW - 1605 Abrupt/rapid climate change KW - 3339 Ocean/atmosphere interactions KW - 4572 Upper ocean and mixed layer processes KW - Arctic energy budget KW - ice-albedo feedback KW - sea ice KW - tipping point ER - TY - JOUR TI - The reversibility of sea ice loss in a state-of-the-art climate model AU - Armour, K. C. AU - Eisenman, I. AU - Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, E. AU - McCusker, K. E. AU - Bitz, C. M. T2 - Geophysical Research Letters AB - Rapid Arctic sea ice retreat has fueled speculation about the possibility of threshold (or ‘tipping point’) behavior and irreversible loss of the sea ice cover. We test sea ice reversibility within a state-of-the-art atmosphere–ocean global climate model by increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide until the Arctic Ocean becomes ice-free throughout the year and subsequently decreasing it until the initial ice cover returns. Evidence for irreversibility in the form of hysteresis outside the envelope of natural variability is explored for the loss of summer and winter ice in both hemispheres. We find no evidence of irreversibility or multiple ice-cover states over the full range of simulated sea ice conditions between the modern climate and that with an annually ice-free Arctic Ocean. Summer sea ice area recovers as hemispheric temperature cools along a trajectory that is indistinguishable from the trajectory of summer sea ice loss, while the recovery of winter ice area appears to be slowed due to the long response times of the ocean near the modern winter ice edge. The results are discussed in the context of previous studies that assess the plausibility of sea ice tipping points by other methods. The findings serve as evidence against the existence of threshold behavior in the summer or winter ice cover in either hemisphere. DA - 2011/08/01/ PY - 2011 DO - 10.1029/2011GL048739 DP - Wiley Online Library VL - 38 IS - 16 SP - L16705 J2 - Geophys. Res. Lett. LA - en SN - 1944-8007 UR - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2011GL048739/abstract Y2 - 2014/05/12/12:23:10 L1 - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/store/10.1029/2011GL048739/asset/grl28444.pdf?v=1&t=hv3qre9v&s=77e6ec142de87d68c06d8c9bd714ad49e421d737 L2 - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2011GL048739/abstract KW - 0750 Sea ice KW - 1605 Abrupt/rapid climate change KW - sea ice KW - tipping point KW - 1621 Cryospheric change KW - 1626 Global climate models KW - reversibility ER - TY - JOUR TI - Arctic Ice Cover, Ice Thickness and Tipping Points AU - Wadhams, Peter T2 - AMBIO AB - We summarize the latest results on the rapid changes that are occurring to Arctic sea ice thickness and extent, the reasons for them, and the methods being used to monitor the changing ice thickness. Arctic sea ice extent had been shrinking at a relatively modest rate of 3–4% per decade (annually averaged) but after 1996 this speeded up to 10% per decade and in summer 2007 there was a massive collapse of ice extent to a new record minimum of only 4.1 million km2. Thickness has been falling at a more rapid rate (43% in the 25 years from the early 1970s to late 1990s) with a specially rapid loss of mass from pressure ridges. The summer 2007 event may have arisen from an interaction between the long-term retreat and more rapid thinning rates. We review thickness monitoring techniques that show the greatest promise on different spatial and temporal scales, and for different purposes. We show results from some recent work from submarines, and speculate that the trends towards retreat and thinning will inevitably lead to an eventual loss of all ice in summer, which can be described as a ‘tipping point’ in that the former situation, of an Arctic covered with mainly multi-year ice, cannot be retrieved. DA - 2012/02/01/ PY - 2012 DO - 10.1007/s13280-011-0222-9 DP - link.springer.com VL - 41 IS - 1 SP - 23 EP - 33 J2 - AMBIO LA - en SN - 0044-7447, 1654-7209 UR - http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13280-011-0222-9 Y2 - 2014/05/12/12:21:40 L1 - http://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2Fs13280-011-0222-9.pdf L2 - http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs13280-011-0222-9 KW - Ecology KW - Meteorology/Climatology KW - Environmental Management KW - Physical Geography KW - Environment, general KW - Environmental Engineering/Biotechnology KW - Ice cover KW - Ice loss KW - Ice thickness KW - Multi-year ice ER - TY - JOUR TI - Arctic Climate Tipping Points AU - Lenton, Timothy M. T2 - AMBIO AB - There is widespread concern that anthropogenic global warming will trigger Arctic climate tipping points. The Arctic has a long history of natural, abrupt climate changes, which together with current observations and model projections, can help us to identify which parts of the Arctic climate system might pass future tipping points. Here the climate tipping points are defined, noting that not all of them involve bifurcations leading to irreversible change. Past abrupt climate changes in the Arctic are briefly reviewed. Then, the current behaviour of a range of Arctic systems is summarised. Looking ahead, a range of potential tipping phenomena are described. This leads to a revised and expanded list of potential Arctic climate tipping elements, whose likelihood is assessed, in terms of how much warming will be required to tip them. Finally, the available responses are considered, especially the prospects for avoiding Arctic climate tipping points. DA - 2012/02/01/ PY - 2012 DO - 10.1007/s13280-011-0221-x DP - link.springer.com VL - 41 IS - 1 SP - 10 EP - 22 J2 - AMBIO LA - en SN - 0044-7447, 1654-7209 UR - http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13280-011-0221-x Y2 - 2014/05/12/12:17:43 L1 - http://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2Fs13280-011-0221-x.pdf L2 - http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs13280-011-0221-x KW - Ecology KW - Meteorology/Climatology KW - Environmental Management KW - Physical Geography KW - Environment, general KW - Arctic KW - Environmental Engineering/Biotechnology KW - Atlantic thermohaline circulation KW - Boreal forest KW - Greenland ice sheet KW - Sea-ice KW - Tipping points ER - TY - BOOK TI - Storms of My Grandchildren: The Truth About the Coming Climate Catastrophe and Our Last Chance to Save Humanity AU - Hansen, James AB - In his Q&A with Bill McKibben featured in the paperback edition of Storms of My Grandchildren, Dr. James Hansen, the world's leading climatologist, shows that exactly contrary to the impression the public has received, the science of climate change has become even clearer and sharper since the hardcover was released. In Storms of My Grandchildren, Hansen speaks out for the first time with the full truth about global warming: The planet is hurtling even more rapidly than previously acknowledged to a climatic point of no return. In explaining the science of climate change, Hansen paints a devastating but all-too-realistic picture of what will happen in our children's and grandchildren's lifetimes if we follow the course we're on. But he is also an optimist, showing that there is still time to take the urgent, strong action that is needed- just barely.Praise for James Hansen and Storms of MyGrandchildren: "James Hansen gives us the opportunity to watch a scientist who is sick of silence and compromise …offer up the fruits of four-plus decades of inquiry and ingenuity just in case he might change the course of history."-Los Angeles Times "Dr. James Hansen is Paul Revere to the foreboding tyranny of climate chaos-a modern-day hero who has braved criticism and censure and put his career and fortune at stake to issue the call to arms against the apocalyptic forces of ignorance and greed."-Robert F. Kennedy Jr. "When the history of the climate crisis is written, Hansen will be seen as the scientist with the most powerful and consistent voice calling for intelligent action to preserve our planet's environment."-Al Gore, Time magazine DA - 2009/// PY - 2009 DP - Amazon.com SP - 304 LA - English PB - Bloomsbury London - Berlin - New York SN - 978-1-4088-0745-3 ST - Storms of My Grandchildren L2 - http://www.amazon.com/Storms-My-Grandchildren-Catastrophe-Humanity/dp/1608195023/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1399896556&sr=1-1&keywords=storms+of+my+grandchildren ER - TY - JOUR TI - Target atmospheric CO2: Where should humanity aim? AU - Hansen, J. AU - Sato, M. AU - Kharecha, P. AU - Beerling, D. AU - Berner, R. AU - Masson-Delmotte, V. AU - Pagani, M. AU - Raymo, M. AU - Royer, D. L. AU - Zachos, J. C. T2 - The Open Atmospheric Science Journal AB - Paleoclimate data show that climate sensitivity is ~3 deg-C for doubled CO2, including only fast feedback processes. Equilibrium sensitivity, including slower surface albedo feedbacks, is ~6 deg-C for doubled CO2 for the range of climate states between glacial conditions and ice-free Antarctica. Decreasing CO2 was the main cause of a cooling trend that began 50 million years ago, large scale glaciation occurring when CO2 fell to 450 +/- 100 ppm, a level that will be exceeded within decades, barring prompt policy changes. If humanity wishes to preserve a planet similar to that on which civilization developed and to which life on Earth is adapted, paleoclimate evidence and ongoing climate change suggest that CO2 will need to be reduced from its current 385 ppm to at most 350 ppm. The largest uncertainty in the target arises from possible changes of non-CO2 forcings. An initial 350 ppm CO2 target may be achievable by phasing out coal use except where CO2 is captured and adopting agricultural and forestry practices that sequester carbon. If the present overshoot of this target CO2 is not brief, there is a possibility of seeding irreversible catastrophic effects. DA - 2008/11/05/ PY - 2008 DO - 10.2174/1874282300802010217 DP - arXiv.org VL - 2 IS - 1 SP - 217 EP - 231 SN - 18742823 ST - Target atmospheric CO2 UR - http://arxiv.org/abs/0804.1126 Y2 - 2014/05/12/12:06:48 L1 - http://www.arxiv.org/pdf/0804.1126.pdf L2 - http://arxiv.org/abs/0804.1126 N1 - Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures; final version accepted by Open Atmospheric Science Journal; supporting article separately submitted to arXiv as "Target atmospheric CO2: Supporting material", arxiv:0804.1135 KW - Physics - Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics ER - TY - RPRT TI - Einflüsse der Temperatur auf Mortalität und Morbidität in Wien AU - Moshammer, H. AU - Hutter, H. P. AU - Frank, A. AU - Gerersdorfer, T. AU - Hlava, A. AU - Sprinzl, G. AU - Leitner, B. CY - Wien DA - 2006b PY - 2006b DP - Google Scholar SP - 48 LA - Deutsch M3 - StartClim2005.A1a Teilprojekt von StartClim2005 „Klimawandel und Gesundheit!" PB - Universität für Bodenkultur, Department für Wasser – Atmosphäre – Umwelt Institut für Meteorologie UR - http://www.austroclim.at/fileadmin/user_upload/reports/StCl05A1a.pdf Y2 - 2013/01/12/ ER - TY - BOOK TI - Heizen und Kühlen im Klimawandel - Teil 1. Erste Ergebnisse zu den künftigen Änderungen des Energiebedarfs für die Gebäudetemperierung Studien zum Klimawandel in Österreich. A3 - Prettenthaler, Franz A3 - Gobiet, Andreas CY - Wien DA - 2008/// PY - 2008 DP - Open WorldCat LA - German PB - Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften SN - 978-3-7001-4001-6 3-7001-4001-0 UR - http://verlag.oeaw.ac.at/Heizen-und-Kuehlen-im-Klimawandel-Teil-1 ER - TY - RPRT TI - Klimaauswirkungen und Anpassung in Deutschland - Phase 1: Erstellung regionaler Klimaszenarien für Deutschland AU - Jacob, Daniela AU - Göttel, Holger AU - Kotlarski, Sven AU - Lorenz, Philip AU - Sieck, Kevin AB - Es ist unumstritten, dass sich das Klima der Erde in den letzten Dekaden gewandelt hat, wie zahlreiche Aufzeichnungen meteorologischer und hydrologischer Dienste weltweit zeigen (Climate Change, 2007). Von besonderem Interesse ist hierbei die Frage, ob und wenn ja wie sich extreme bzw. seltene Ereignisse (Starkniederschläge, Hitzewellen, Überschwemmungen, usw.) verändert haben und gegebenenfalls verändern werden. Für derartige Aussagen wurden globale Klimamodelle entwickelt, die zusammen mit verschiedenen Annahmen über die Treibhausgasentwicklung in der Atmosphäre mögliche Entwicklungen des Klimas in den nächsten 100 Jahren berechnen. Diese Computermodelle können als mathematische Abbilder des Erdsystems gesehen werden, da sie die physikalischen Prozesse im Erdsystem numerisch beschreiben und so real wie möglich berechnen. CY - Dessau DA - 2008/// PY - 2008 LA - Deutsch PB - Umweltbundesamt SN - Forschungsbericht 204 41 138, UBA-FB 00096 UR - http://www.umweltbundesamt.de/publikationen/klimaauswirkungen-anpassung-in-deutschland Y2 - 2013/10/09/ ER -