TY - JOUR TI - The Earth's Climate in the Next Hundred Thousand years (100 kyr) AU - Berger, A. AU - Loutre, M. F. AU - Crucifix, M. T2 - Surveys in Geophysics DA - 2003/// PY - 2003 DP - Google Scholar VL - 24 IS - 2 SP - 117 EP - 138 UR - http://link.springer.com/article/10.1023/A:1023233702670 Y2 - 2013/08/28/11:40:13 ER - TY - JOUR TI - High-resolution record of Northern Hemisphere climate extending into the last interglacial period AU - Andersen, K. K. AU - Azuma, N. AU - Barnola, J.-M. AU - Bigler, M. AU - Biscaye, P. AU - Caillon, N. AU - Chappellaz, J. AU - Clausen, H. B. AU - Dahl-Jensen, D. AU - Fischer, H. AU - Flückiger, J. AU - Fritzsche, D. AU - Fujii, Y. AU - Goto-Azuma, K. AU - Grønvold, K. AU - Gundestrup, N. S. AU - Hansson, M. AU - Huber, C. AU - Hvidberg, C. S. AU - Johnsen, S. J. AU - Jonsell, U. AU - Jouzel, J. AU - Kipfstuhl, S. AU - Landais, A. AU - Leuenberger, M. AU - Lorrain, R. AU - Masson-Delmotte, V. AU - Miller, H. AU - Motoyama, H. AU - Narita, H. AU - Popp, T. AU - Rasmussen, S. O. AU - Raynaud, D. AU - Rothlisberger, R. AU - Ruth, U. AU - Samyn, D. AU - Schwander, J. AU - Shoji, H. AU - Siggard-Andersen, M.-L. AU - Steffensen, J. P. AU - Stocker, T. AU - Sveinbjörnsdóttir, A. E. AU - Svensson, A. AU - Takata, M. AU - Tison, J.-L. AU - Thorsteinsson, Th. AU - Watanabe, O. AU - Wilhelms, F. AU - White, J. W. C. T2 - Nature DA - 2004/09/09/ PY - 2004 DO - 10.1038/nature02805 DP - CrossRef VL - 431 IS - 7005 SP - 147 EP - 151 SN - 0028-0836, 1476-4679 UR - http://www.nature.com/doifinder/10.1038/nature02805 Y2 - 2013/09/30/14:54:49 ER - TY - JOUR TI - The 8k event: cause and consequences of a major Holocene abrupt climate change AU - Alley, Richard B. AU - Ágústsdóttir, Anna Maria T2 - Quaternary Science Reviews AB - A prominent, abrupt climate event about 8200 years ago brought generally cold and dry conditions to broad northern-hemisphere regions especially in wintertime, in response to a very large outburst flood that freshened the North Atlantic. Changes were much larger than typical climate variability before and after the event, with anomalies up to many degrees contributing to major displacement of vegetative patterns. This “8k” event provides a clear case of cause and effect in the paleoclimatic realm, and so offers an excellent opportunity for model testing. The response to North Atlantic freshening has the same general anomaly pattern as observed for older events associated with abrupt climate changes following North Atlantic freshening, and so greatly strengthens the case that those older events also reflect North Atlantic changes. The North Atlantic involvement in the 8k event helps in estimating limits on climate anomalies that might result in the future if warming-caused ice-melt and hydrologic-cycle intensification at high latitudes lead to major changes in North Atlantic circulation. Few model experiments have directly addressed the 8k event, and most studies of proxy records across this event lack the time resolution to fully characterize the anomalies, so much work remains to be done. DA - 2005/// PY - 2005 DO - 10.1016/j.quascirev.2004.12.004 DP - ScienceDirect VL - 24 IS - 10–11 SP - 1123 EP - 1149 J2 - Quaternary Science Reviews SN - 0277-3791 ST - The 8k event UR - http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277379105000314 Y2 - 2013/08/29/04:52:29 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Cyclotella-taxa (Bacillariophyceae) in lakes of the Alpine region and their relationship to environmental variables AU - Wunsam, Sybille AU - Schmidt, Roland AU - Klee, Rolf T2 - Aquatic Sciences DA - 1995/// PY - 1995 DP - Google Scholar VL - 57 IS - 4 SP - 360 EP - 386 UR - http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF00878399 Y2 - 2013/08/26/18:36:38 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Millennial-scale variability during the last glacial: The ice core record AU - Wolff, E.W. AU - Chappellaz, J. AU - Blunier, T. AU - Rasmussen, S.O. AU - Svensson, A. T2 - Quaternary Science Reviews DA - 2010/10// PY - 2010 DO - 10.1016/j.quascirev.2009.10.013 DP - CrossRef VL - 29 IS - 21-22 SP - 2828 EP - 2838 SN - 02773791 ST - Millennial-scale variability during the last glacial UR - http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0277379109003588 Y2 - 2013/08/28/15:12:33 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Mid- to Late Holocene climate change: an overview AU - Wanner, Heinz AU - Beer, Jürg AU - Bütikofer, Jonathan AU - Crowley, Thomas J. AU - Cubasch, Ulrich AU - Flückiger, Jacqueline AU - Goosse, Hugues AU - Grosjean, Martin AU - Joos, Fortunat AU - Kaplan, Jed O. AU - Küttel, Marcel AU - Müller, Simon A. AU - Prentice, I. Colin AU - Solomina, Olga AU - Stocker, Thomas F. AU - Tarasov, Pavel AU - Wagner, Mayke AU - Widmann, Martin T2 - Quaternary Science Reviews DA - 2008/10// PY - 2008 DO - 10.1016/j.quascirev.2008.06.013 DP - CrossRef VL - 27 IS - 19-20 SP - 1791 EP - 1828 SN - 02773791 ST - Mid- to Late Holocene climate change UR - http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0277379108001479 Y2 - 2013/08/30/11:27:59 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Formal definition and dating of the GSSP (Global Stratotype Section and Point) for the base of the Holocene using the Greenland NGRIP ice core, and selected auxiliary records AU - Walker, Mike AU - Johnsen, Sigfus AU - Rasmussen, Sune Olander AU - Popp, Trevor AU - Steffensen, Jørgen-Peder AU - Gibbard, Phil AU - Hoek, Wim AU - Lowe, John AU - Andrews, John AU - Björck, Svante T2 - Journal of Quaternary Science DA - 2009/// PY - 2009 DP - Google Scholar VL - 24 IS - 1 SP - 3 EP - 17 UR - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jqs.1227/full Y2 - 2013/08/30/09:14:27 ER - TY - BOOK TI - Witterung und Klima in der Steiermark AU - Wakonigg, Herwig CY - Graz DA - 1978/// PY - 1978 DP - Open WorldCat LA - German PB - Verlag für die Technische Universität SN - 3-7041-0049-8 978-3-7041-0049-8 ER - TY - CHAP TI - Klimaregionen der Steiermark AU - Wakonigg, H. AU - Podesser, A. T2 - Klimaatlas Steiermark: Periode 1971-2000: eine anwenderorientierte Klimatographie A2 - Prettenthaler, F. A2 - Podesser, A. A2 - Pilger, H. T3 - Studien zum Klimawandel in Österreich CY - Wien DA - 2010/// PY - 2010 DP - Library of Congress ISBN PB - Verlag der österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften SN - 978-3-7001-6754-9 ER - TY - JOUR TI - A precisely dated climate record for the last 9 kyr from three high alpine stalagmites, Spannagel Cave, Austria AU - Vollweiler, Nicole AU - Scholz, Denis AU - Mühlinghaus, Christian AU - Mangini, Augusto AU - Spötl, Christoph T2 - Geophysical Research Letters DA - 2006/10/24/ PY - 2006 DO - 10.1029/2006GL027662 DP - CrossRef VL - 33 IS - 20 SN - 0094-8276 UR - http://doi.wiley.com/10.1029/2006GL027662 Y2 - 2013/08/30/09:11:59 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Geological processes during the Quaternary AU - van Husen, DIRK T2 - Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geologischen Gesellschaft DA - 2000/// PY - 2000 DP - Google Scholar VL - 92 IS - 1999 SP - 135 EP - 156 SN - 0251-493 UR - http://www2.uibk.ac.at/downloads/oegg/Band_92_135_156.pdf Y2 - 2013/08/28/15:05:09 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Review of meteorological aspects on hail defense activities in Austria AU - Svabik, O. T2 - Theoretical and Applied Climatology DA - 1989/// PY - 1989 DO - 10.1007/BF00865975 DP - CrossRef VL - 40 IS - 4 SP - 247 EP - 254 SN - 0177-798X, 1434-4483 UR - http://pisces.boku.ac.at/han/scopus/www.scopus.com/record/display.url?eid=2-s2.0-0024937591&origin=resultslist&sort=plf-f&src=s&st1=Review+of+Meteorological+Aspects+on+Hail+Defence+Activities+in+Austria&sid=75C130F71F89B8E7A1DF1C208CF4AA28.mw4ft95QGjz1tIFG9A1uw%3a4030&sot=q&sdt=b&sl=90&s=TITLE-ABS-KEY-AUTH%28Review+of+Meteorological+Aspects+on+Hail+Defence+Activities+in+Austria%29&relpos=0&relpos=0&citeCnt=2&searchTerm=TITLE-ABS-KEY-AUTH%28Review+of+Meteorological+Aspects+on+Hail+Defence+Activities+in+Austria%29 Y2 - 2013/08/30/13:57:03 ER - TY - JOUR TI - 9,400 years of cosmic radiation and solar activity from ice cores and tree rings AU - Steinhilber, Friedhelm AU - Abreu, Jose A. AU - Beer, Jürg AU - Brunner, Irene AU - Christl, Marcus AU - Fischer, Hubertus AU - Heikkilä, Ulla AU - Kubik, Peter W. AU - Mann, Mathias AU - McCracken, Ken G. T2 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences DA - 2012/// PY - 2012 DP - Google Scholar VL - 109 IS - 16 SP - 5967 EP - 5971 UR - http://www.pnas.org/content/109/16/5967.short Y2 - 2013/08/30/09:05:10 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Chronology of the last glacial maximum in the Salzach Palaeoglacier area (Eastern Alps) AU - Starnberger, Reinhard AU - Rodnight, Helena AU - Spötl, Christoph T2 - Journal of Quaternary Science DA - 2011/// PY - 2011 DP - Google Scholar VL - 26 IS - 5 SP - 502 EP - 510 UR - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jqs.1477/full Y2 - 2013/08/28/14:51:30 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Revisions and extension of the Hohenheim oak and pine chronologies; new evidence about the timing of the Younger Dryas/Preboreal transition. AU - Spurk, Marco AU - Friedrich, Michael AU - Hofmann, Jutta AU - Remmele, Sabine AU - Frenzel, Burkhard AU - Leuschner, Hanns Hubert AU - Kromer, Bernd T2 - Radiocarbon DA - 1998/// PY - 1998 DP - Google Scholar VL - 40 IS - 3 SP - 1107 EP - 1116 UR - https://journals.uair.arizona.edu/index.php/radiocarbon/article/download/3784/3209 Y2 - 2013/08/30/09:02:00 ER - TY - JOUR TI - A terrestrial U/Th-dated stable isotope record of the Penultimate Interglacial AU - Spötl, Christoph AU - Scholz, Denis AU - Mangini, Augusto T2 - Earth and Planetary Science Letters DA - 2008/// PY - 2008 DO - 10.1016/j.epsl.2008.09.029 DP - Google Scholar VL - 276 IS - 3 SP - 283 EP - 292 UR - http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012821X08006365 Y2 - 2013/08/28/14:49:06 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Humid climate during deposition of sapropel 1 in the Mediterranean Sea: Assessing the influence on the Alps AU - Spötl, Christoph AU - Nicolussi, Kurt AU - Patzelt, Gernot AU - Boch, Ronny T2 - Global and Planetary Change DA - 2010/04// PY - 2010 DO - 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2009.10.003 DP - CrossRef VL - 71 IS - 3-4 SP - 242 EP - 248 SN - 09218181 ST - Humid climate during deposition of sapropel 1 in the Mediterranean Sea UR - http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0921818109001593 Y2 - 2013/08/30/09:00:15 ER - TY - JOUR TI - U/Th age constraints on the absence of ice in the central Inn Valley (eastern Alps, Austria) during Marine Isotope Stages 5c to 5a AU - Spötl, Christoph AU - Mangini, Augusto T2 - Quaternary Research DA - 2006/// PY - 2006 DO - 10.1016/j.yqres.2006.03.002 DP - Google Scholar VL - 66 IS - 1 SP - 167 EP - 175 UR - http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0033589406000457 Y2 - 2013/08/28/14:44:12 ER - TY - BOOK TI - Der Jahrring: Standort, Methodik, Zeit und Klima in der Dendrochronologie AU - Schweingruber, Fritz Hans CY - Bern DA - 1983/// PY - 1983 DP - Google Scholar PB - Haupt SN - 3-258-03120-7 ST - Der Jahrring UR - http://www.bcin.ca/Interface/openbcin.cgi?submit=submit&Chinkey=77548 Y2 - 2013/08/27/ ER - TY - JOUR TI - Late and post-glacial history of meromictic Längsee (Austria), in respect to climate change and anthropogenic impact AU - Schmidt, Roland AU - Wunsam, Sybille AU - Brosch, Ursula AU - Fott, Jan AU - Lami, Andrea AU - Löffler, Heinz AU - Marchetto, Aldo AU - Müller, Harald W. AU - Pražáková, Miroslava AU - Schwaighofer, Bernd T2 - Aquatic Sciences AB - Multidisciplinary palaeolimnological approaches were applied to long sediment cores from Längsee, Carinthia. Climate amelioration after deglaciation allowed the expansion of shrubs and timber-line trees and the onset of plankton and probably lake summer stratification. This phase called Pre-Bölling has an upper boundary of approx. 16 kyrs BP. The change from a steppe to a tundra-like vegetation culminated during the following less temperate, humid phase, with lower in-lake productivity (Oldest Dryas, Ia; 16-13.6 kyrs BP). At about 13.6 kyrs BP when reforestation took place, summer surface water temperature increased towards recent temperatures and hypolimnetic anoxia developed. Different anoxic levels in respect to climate change underline the dynamic type of meromixis. Levels varied, being highest during the Preboreal/Boreal, and lowered during the Atlantic towards recent levels. The contrast between low trophic status and sediments enriched in organic matter characterizes "pseudeutrophic lake stratification" before the onset of human impact. Changes in the pelagic cladoceran communities during this time seem to be related to changes in predation. Aside long-term climatic change during the Atlantic, short-term fluctuations of precipitation within climate oscillations are suggested as possible causes of erosion processes, changes in lake level and water temperature. These are indicated for the Oldest and Younger Dryas, the Boreal/Atlantic and the Subboreal/Subatlantic transitions. They most likely act as the trigger mechanism for temporary mixing and changes in redox conditions. Extensive forest clearance in the catchment during Bronze-Age settlement caused a change in sediment type and temporary nutrient enrichment. The perturbations are comparable with erosion processes during the late-glacial when climate oscillations were the only driving forces. Anthropogenic influences on the lake environment vary according to land-use type. DA - 1998/02/01/ PY - 1998 DO - 10.1007/PL00001313 DP - link.springer.com VL - 60 IS - 1 SP - 56 EP - 88 J2 - Aquat. Sci. LA - en SN - 1015-1621, 1420-9055 UR - http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/PL00001313 Y2 - 2013/08/29/04:30:56 KW - Climate change KW - anthropogenic impact. KW - Key words: Längsee KW - Key words: Längsee, palaeolimnology, meromixis, climate change, anthropogenic impact. KW - meromixis KW - palaeolimnology ER - TY - JOUR TI - Climatic Changes from 12,000 to 4,000 Years Ago in the Austrian Central Alps Tracked by Sedimentological and Biological Proxies of a Lake Sediment Core AU - Schmidt, Roland AU - Kamenik, Christian AU - Tessadri, Richard AU - Koinig, Karin Anne T2 - Journal of Paleolimnology AB - Major and trace elements, minerals, and grain-size were analysed from the early to mid-Holocene (12 to 4 ky BP) period of a sediment core from the Alpine lake Oberer Landschitzsee (ObLAN, 2076 m a.s.l.), which is located on predominantly crystalline bedrock on the southern slopes of the Austrian Central Alps. Geochemistry and mineralogy were compared with diatom-inferred (Di-) ‘date of autumn mixing’ (A mix), DOC, pH, and selected indicator pollen species from the same sediment core. Principal components analysis (PCA) indicated a positive correlation between processes triggered by temperature and precipitation (e.g., lake mixing, DOC). PCA grouped indicators of physical weathering and enhanced catchment run-off (sand, quartz, feldspar), elements of weathering (e.g., Ti, Rb, Mn) under dryer conditions (clay to silt fractions), and elements that probably were related to changes in redox conditions (Cu, Fe, S, Zn). The duration and height of the snow-pack played an important role in this high-alpine environment, affecting weathering, erosion, pH, and lake stratification. Low Alnus viridis pollen abundance, together with markers for increased elements of erosion, indicated extensive snow-pack. Changes in S coupled with As, and elements indicating increased weathering, reflected climate oscillations. LOI was affected by productivity and erosion. High (late) Di–A mix coupled with increased Di-DOC indicated prolonged summers with increased productivity. Cold and wet (snow-rich) phases and subsequent melting caused low pH and a decoupling of the significant linear correlation between sedimentary Ca and Di-pH. Weathering and leaching during climate deteriorations opposed the long-term trend in a loss of cations and forced in-lake alkalinity generation during the following lake warming. Overall, the multi-proxy study indicated complex climate-driven processes within different time-scales (long-term trends, climate oscillations, seasonality). The climate oscillations within 12–5 ky BP corresponded well with the cool and wet phases known from central Europe suggesting a dominant common Atlantic climate impact. When Mediterranean climate established between 5 and 4 ky BP, its influence on the southern slopes of the Alps increased. DA - 2006/04/01/ PY - 2006 DO - 10.1007/s10933-005-2351-2 DP - link.springer.com VL - 35 IS - 3 SP - 491 EP - 505 J2 - J Paleolimnol LA - en SN - 0921-2728, 1573-0417 UR - http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10933-005-2351-2 Y2 - 2013/08/29/04:34:04 KW - Climate change KW - Physical Geography KW - Environment, general KW - Geochemistry KW - Sedimentology KW - Alpine lake KW - Diatom-inferred environmental variables KW - Hydrobiology KW - Mineralogy KW - PCA KW - Pollen ER - TY - JOUR TI - Holocene glacier culminations in the Western Alps and their hemispheric relevance AU - Schimmelpfennig, I. AU - Schaefer, J. M. AU - Akcar, N. AU - Ivy-Ochs, S. AU - Finkel, R. C. AU - Schluchter, C. T2 - Geology DA - 2012/08/01/ PY - 2012 DO - 10.1130/G33169.1 DP - CrossRef VL - 40 IS - 10 SP - 891 EP - 894 SN - 0091-7613, 1943-2682 UR - http://geology.gsapubs.org/cgi/doi/10.1130/G33169.1 Y2 - 2013/08/30/08:56:05 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Climate change: Hot news from summer 2003 AU - Schär, Christoph AU - Jendritzky, Gerd T2 - Nature DA - 2004/12/02/ PY - 2004 DO - 10.1038/432559a DP - CrossRef VL - 432 IS - 7017 SP - 559 EP - 560 SN - 0028-0836, 1476-4679 ST - Climate change UR - http://www.nature.com/doifinder/10.1038/432559a Y2 - 2013/08/30/13:52:48 ER - TY - RPRT TI - Hochwasser 2002-Datenbasis der Schadensbilanz 2002 AU - Sattler, Stefan AU - Wind, Heinz AU - Fuchs, Helmut AU - Habersack T2 - Startprojekt Klimaschutz: Erste Analysen extremer Wetterereignisse und ihrer Auswirkungen in Österreich CY - Wien DA - 2003/// PY - 2003 DP - Google Scholar M3 - Teilprojekt von StartClim. 9, PB - ZENAR Zentrum für Naturgefahren und Risikomanagement ER - TY - JOUR TI - Equilibrium line altitudes and rock glaciers in the Ferwall-Group (Western Tyrol, Austria) during the Younger Dryas cooling event AU - Sailer, R. AU - Kerschner, H. T2 - Annals of Glaciology DA - 1999/// PY - 1999 DP - Google Scholar VL - 28 SP - 141 EP - 145 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Signature of the last ice age in the present subsurface temperatures in the Czech Republic and Slovenia AU - Šafanda, Jan AU - Rajver, Dušan T2 - Global and Planetary Change DA - 2001/06// PY - 2001 DO - 10.1016/S0921-8181(01)00093-5 DP - CrossRef VL - 29 IS - 3-4 SP - 241 EP - 257 SN - 09218181 UR - http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0921818101000935 Y2 - 2013/08/28/14:43:11 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Measuring the frequency and intensity of floods of the Traun River (Upper Austria), 1441–1574 AU - Rohr, Christian T2 - Hydrological sciences journal DA - 2006/// PY - 2006 DP - Google Scholar VL - 51 IS - 5 SP - 834 EP - 847 UR - http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1623/hysj.51.5.834 Y2 - 2013/08/27/ ER - TY - CHAP TI - Gekoppelte Klima-Hydrologie Modellierung in der Steiermark AU - Reszler, C. AU - Kupfersberger, H. AU - Truhetz, H. AU - Gobiet, A. AU - Sukltisch, M. T2 - Hydrologie und Wasserwirtschaft - von der Theorie zur Praxis: Beiträge zum Tag der Hydrologie am 24./25. März 2011 in Wien A2 - Blöschl, Günter A2 - Merz, Ralf A2 - Fachgemeinschaft Hydrologische Wissenschaften in der DWA (FgHW) DA - 2011/// PY - 2011 DP - Open WorldCat SP - 173 EP - 179 LA - German PB - DWA SN - 978-3-941897-79-3 3-941897-79-9 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Global characterization of the Holocene Thermal Maximum AU - Renssen, H. AU - Seppä, H. AU - Crosta, X. AU - Goosse, H. AU - Roche, D.M. T2 - Quaternary Science Reviews DA - 2012/08// PY - 2012 DO - 10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.05.022 DP - CrossRef VL - 48 SP - 7 EP - 19 SN - 02773791 UR - http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0277379112002168 Y2 - 2013/08/30/08:54:29 ER - TY - CHAP TI - Bericht 1998/1999 über geologische Aufnahmen im Quartär auf Blatt 179 Lienz AU - Reitner, J. T2 - Jahrbuch 2001/2002/2003 A2 - Geologische Bundesanstalt T3 - 143 DA - 2003/// PY - 2003 SP - 516 EP - 524 UR - http://www.geologie.ac.at/produkte-shop/textpublikationen/zeitschriften/jahrbuch_der_geologischen_bundesanstalt/?sort=date&year=2003 Y2 - 2013/10/01/ ER - TY - CHAP TI - Auf der Hut–Methodische Überlegungen zur prähistorischen Alpwirtschaft in der Schweiz AU - Reitmaier, Thomas T2 - Archäologie in den Alpen. Alltag und Kult [vom 16. bis 18. Oktober 2009 veranstaltete die ANISA in Haus im Ennstal die Tagung "Archäologie in den Alpen - Alltag und Kult"] A2 - Mandl, F. A2 - Stadler, h. CY - Haus in E./Innsbruck DA - 2010/// PY - 2010 DP - Google Scholar SP - 219 EP - 238 SN - 978-3-901071-21-8 UR - http://www.prehist.uzh.ch/static/pdf/Reitmaier_Alpwirtschaft.pdf Y2 - 2013/08/30/08:46:54 ER - TY - CHAP TI - Holocene treeline fluctuations AU - Reasoner, Mel A. AU - Tinner, Willy T2 - Encyclopedia of Paleoclimatology and Ancient Environments A2 - Gornitz, Vivien AB - Concern exists over human-generated increases in atmospheric greenhouse gases and their potential consequences to society. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 2007 finds that global temperatures have increased by 0.8oC since 1850 and that climate warming is now 'unequivocal'. While the human imprint is becoming increasingly apparent, Earth’s climate has shifted dramatically and frequently during the last few million years, alternating between ice ages, when vast glaciers covered Northern Europe and much of North America, and interglacials—warm periods much like today. Farther back in geologic time, climates have differed even more from the present. Thus, to fully understand the unusual changes of the 20th century and possible future trends, these must be placed in a longer-term context extending beyond the period of instrumental records. The Encyclopedia of Paleoclimatology and Ancient Environments, a companion volume to the recently-published Encyclopedia of World Climatology, provides the reader with an entry point to the rapidly expanding field of paleoclimatology—the study of climates of the past. Highly interdisciplinary in nature, paleoclimatology integrates information from a broad array of disciplines in the geosciences, ranging from stratigraphy, geomorphology, glaciology, paleoecology, paleobotany to geochemistry and geophysics, among others. The encyclopedia offers 230 informative articles written by over 200 well known international experts on numerous subjects, ranging from classical geological evidence to the latest research. The volume is abundantly illustrated with line-drawings, black-white and color photographs. Articles are arranged alphabetically, with extensive bibliographies and cross-references. Volume Editor: Vivien Gornitz is a Senior Research Scientist, Center for Climate Systems Research Columbia University and NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies. She holds a B.A. from Barnard College and a Ph.D. from Columbia University. Her research interests include global sea level rise--past, present, and future, coastal hazards, climatic implications of land cover transformations, and planetary geology, including Mars. In addition to numerous scientific publications, she has edited Geology of the Planet Mars (Benchmark Papers in Geology, v. 48, Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, Inc., 1979) and has contributed articles to several of the encyclopedias in the Earth Sciences Series. She was a Contributing Author for the IPCC in 1990, 1995, 2001, and 2007. DA - 2009/01/01/ PY - 2009 DP - Google Books SP - 442 EP - 446 LA - en PB - Springer SN - 978-1-4020-4551-6 UR - http://books.google.at/books?id=yRMgYc-8mTIC&printsec=frontcover&hl=de&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false N1 -

Holocene treeline fluctuations. In: Gornitz V (Hrsg.): Encyclopedia of Paleoclimatology and Ancient Environments.

KW - Science / Earth Sciences / Geology KW - Science / Environmental Science KW - Reference / Encyclopedias KW - Science / Earth Sciences / Meteorology & Climatology KW - Science / Earth Sciences / Oceanography KW - Science / Paleontology ER - TY - JOUR TI - A new Greenland ice core chronology for the last glacial termination AU - Rasmussen, S. O. AU - Andersen, K. K. AU - Svensson, A. M. AU - Steffensen, J. P. AU - Vinther, B. M. AU - Clausen, H. B. AU - Siggaard-Andersen, M.-L. AU - Johnsen, S. J. AU - Larsen, L. B. AU - Dahl-Jensen, D. AU - Bigler, M. AU - Röthlisberger, R. AU - Fischer, H. AU - Goto-Azuma, K. AU - Hansson, M. E. AU - Ruth, U. T2 - Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres AB - We present a new common stratigraphic timescale for the North Greenland Ice Core Project (NGRIP) and GRIP ice cores. The timescale covers the period 7.9–14.8 kyr before present and includes the Bølling, Allerød, Younger Dryas, and early Holocene periods. We use a combination of new and previously published data, the most prominent being new high-resolution Continuous Flow Analysis (CFA) impurity records from the NGRIP ice core. Several investigators have identified and counted annual layers using a multiparameter approach, and the maximum counting error is estimated to be up to 2% in the Holocene part and about 3% for the older parts. These counting error estimates reflect the number of annual layers that were hard to interpret, but not a possible bias in the set of rules used for annual layer identification. As the GRIP and NGRIP ice cores are not optimal for annual layer counting in the middle and late Holocene, the timescale is tied to a prominent volcanic event inside the 8.2 kyr cold event, recently dated in the DYE-3 ice core to 8236 years before A. D. 2000 (b2k) with a maximum counting error of 47 years. The new timescale dates the Younger Dryas-Preboreal transition to 11,703 b2k, which is 100–150 years older than according to the present GRIP and NGRIP timescales. The age of the transition matches the GISP2 timescale within a few years, but viewed over the entire 7.9–14.8 kyr section, there are significant differences between the new timescale and the GISP2 timescale. The transition from the glacial into the Bølling interstadial is dated to 14,692 b2k. The presented timescale is a part of a new Greenland ice core chronology common to the DYE-3, GRIP, and NGRIP ice cores, named the Greenland Ice Core Chronology 2005 (GICC05). The annual layer thicknesses are observed to be log-normally distributed with good approximation, and compared to the early Holocene, the mean accumulation rates in the Younger Dryas and Bølling periods are found to be 47 ± 2% and 88 ± 2%, respectively. DA - 2006/// PY - 2006 DO - 10.1029/2005JD006079 DP - Wiley Online Library VL - 111 IS - D6 SP - n/a EP - n/a LA - en SN - 2156-2202 UR - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2005JD006079/abstract Y2 - 2013/08/29/04:27:45 KW - annual layer counting KW - ice core chronology KW - stratigraphic dating ER - TY - JOUR TI - Pollen stratigraphy, vegetation and climate history of the last 215ka in the Azzano Decimo core (plain of Friuli, north-eastern Italy) AU - Pini, R. AU - Ravazzi, C. AU - Donegana, M. T2 - Quaternary Science Reviews DA - 2009/// PY - 2009 DP - Google Scholar VL - 28 IS - 13 SP - 1268 EP - 1290 UR - http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277379108003764 Y2 - 2013/08/28/14:41:15 ER - TY - JOUR TI - A lacustrine GDGT-temperature calibration from the Scandinavian Arctic to Antarctic: Renewed potential for the application of GDGT-paleothermometry in lakes AU - Pearson, Emma J. AU - Juggins, Steve AU - Talbot, Helen M. AU - Weckström, Jan AU - Rosén, Peter AU - Ryves, David B. AU - Roberts, Stephen J. AU - Schmidt, Roland T2 - Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta DA - 2011/10// PY - 2011 DO - 10.1016/j.gca.2011.07.042 DP - CrossRef VL - 75 IS - 20 SP - 6225 EP - 6238 SN - 00167037 ST - A lacustrine GDGT-temperature calibration from the Scandinavian Arctic to Antarctic UR - http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0016703711004406 Y2 - 2013/08/26/17:49:56 ER - TY - CHAP TI - Untersuchungen zur nacheiszeitlichen Schwemmkegel- und Talentwicklung in Tirol. 1. Teil: Das Inntal zwischen Mötz und Wattens. AU - Patzelt, Gernot T2 - Veröffentlichungen des Tiroler Landesmuseums Ferdinandeum 67 CY - Innsbruck DA - 1987/// PY - 1987 SP - 93 EP - 122 UR - http://www.landesmuseum.at/pdf_frei_remote/VeroeffFerd_67_0093-0123.pdf Y2 - 2013/10/01/ ER - TY - JOUR TI - The 8.2 ka event—Calendar-dated glacier response in the Alps AU - Nicolussi, Kurt AU - Schlüchter, Christian T2 - Geology AB - Evidence for an 8.2 ka event–related advance for an Alpine glacier was missing for a long time. In the light of dendrochronological analyses for tree remains found in front of the Mont Miné Glacier, Swiss Alps, we present evidence for such an advance related to the 8.2 ka event. Calendar dates established for dozens of tree remains place this glacier advance ∼8175 yr before A.D. 2000. Therefore, this 8.2 ka advance response of the Mont Miné Glacier terminated a nearly millennial-long retreat period with a glacier always shorter than today. DA - 2012/09/01/ PY - 2012 DO - 10.1130/G32406.1 DP - geology.gsapubs.org VL - 40 IS - 9 SP - 819 EP - 822 J2 - Geology LA - en SN - 0091-7613, 1943-2682 UR - http://geology.gsapubs.org/content/40/9/819 Y2 - 2013/08/29/06:07:08 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Holocene tree-line variability in the Kauner Valley, Central Eastern Alps, indicated by dendrochronological analysis of living trees and subfossil logs AU - Nicolussi, Kurt AU - Kaufmann, Matthias AU - Patzelt, Gernot AU - Van der Pflicht, Johannes AU - Thurner, Andrea T2 - Vegetation History and Archaeobotany DA - 2005/09/17/ PY - 2005 DO - 10.1007/s00334-005-0013-y DP - CrossRef VL - 14 IS - 3 SP - 221 EP - 234 SN - 0939-6314, 1617-6278 UR - http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s00334-005-0013-y Y2 - 2013/08/30/ ER - TY - CHAP TI - Gletschergeschichte der Pasterze - Spurensuche in die nacheiszeitliche Vergangenheit. AU - Nicolussi, K. T2 - Die Pasterze. Der Gletscher am Großglockner A2 - Lieb, G.K. A2 - Slupetzky, H. DA - 2011/// PY - 2011 SP - 24 EP - 27 PB - Verlag Anton Pustet SN - 978-3-7025-0652-0 UR - http://www.uibk.ac.at/geographie/forschung/dendro/publikationen---pdf-files/2011-nicolussi_gletschergeschichte-der-pasterze.pdf ER - TY - JOUR TI - The demise of the Last Interglacial recorded in isotopically dated speleothems from the Alps AU - Meyer, Michael C. AU - Spötl, Christoph AU - Mangini, Augusto T2 - Quaternary Science Reviews DA - 2008/03// PY - 2008 DO - 10.1016/j.quascirev.2007.11.005 DP - CrossRef VL - 27 IS - 5-6 SP - 476 EP - 496 SN - 02773791 UR - http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0277379107003356 Y2 - 2013/08/28/14:00:33 ER - TY - CHAP TI - Type areas of Lateglacial and Postglacial deposits in Tyrol, Eastern Alps. AU - Mayr, F. AU - Heuberger, H. T2 - Glaciations of the Alps A2 - Richmond GM T3 - Series in Earth Sciences DA - 1968/// PY - 1968 SP - 135 EP - 142 PB - University of Colorado: Boulder, CO. ER - TY - JOUR TI - BACCHUS temperature reconstruction for the period 16th to 18th centuries from Viennese and Klosterneuburg grape harvest dates AU - Maurer, C. AU - Koch, E. AU - Hammerl, C. AU - Hammerl, T. AU - Pokorny, E. T2 - Journal of Geophysical Research DA - 2009/11/24/ PY - 2009 DO - 10.1029/2009JD011730 DP - CrossRef VL - 114 IS - D22 SN - 0148-0227 UR - http://doi.wiley.com/10.1029/2009JD011730 Y2 - 2013/08/30/ ER - TY - JOUR TI - Extreme grape harvest data of Austria, Switzerland and France from AD 1523 to 2007 compared to corresponding instrumental/reconstructed temperature data and various documentary sources AU - Maurer, C. AU - Hammerl, C. AU - Koch, E. AU - Hammerl, T. AU - Pokorny, E. T2 - Theoretical and Applied Climatology DA - 2011/// PY - 2011 DO - 10.1007/s00704-011-0410-3 DP - Google Scholar VL - 106 IS - 1-2 SP - 55 EP - 68 SN - 1434-4483 UR - http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00704-011-0410-3 Y2 - 2013/08/30/ ER - TY - JOUR TI - Reconstruction of temperature in the Central Alps during the past 2000 yr from a δ18O stalagmite record AU - Mangini, A. AU - Spötl, C. AU - Verdes, P. T2 - Earth and Planetary Science Letters DA - 2005/07// PY - 2005 DO - 10.1016/j.epsl.2005.05.010 DP - CrossRef VL - 235 IS - 3-4 SP - 741 EP - 751 SN - 0012821X UR - http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0012821X05003195 Y2 - 2013/08/30/ KW - Temperature KW - stable isotopes KW - Holocene KW - Central Alps KW - Medieval Warm Period KW - stalagmite record ER - TY - JOUR TI - Holocene palaeohydrological changes in the northern Mediterranean borderlands as reflected by the lake-level record of Lake Ledro, northeastern Italy AU - Magny, Michel AU - Joannin, Sébastien AU - Galop, Didier AU - Vannière, Boris AU - Haas, Jean Nicolas AU - Bassetti, Michele AU - Bellintani, Paolo AU - Scandolari, Romana AU - Desmet, Marc T2 - Quaternary Research AB - A lake-level record of Lake Ledro (northern Italy) spans the entire Holocene with a chronology derived from 51 radiocarbon dates. It is based on a specific sedimentological approach that combines data from five sediment profiles sampled in distinct locations in the littoral zone. On a millennial scale, the lake-level record shows two successive periods from 11,700 to 4500 cal yr BP and from 4500 cal yr BP to the present, characterized by lower and higher average lake levels, respectively. In addition to key seasonal and inter-hemispherical changes in insolation, the major hydrological change around 4500 cal yr BP may be related to a non-linear response of the climate system to orbitally-driven gradual decrease in insolation. The Ledro record questions the notion of an accentuated summer rain regime in the northern Mediterranean borderlands during the boreal insolation maximum. Moreover, the Ledro record highlights that the Holocene was punctuated by successive centennial-scale highstands. Correlations with the Preboreal oscillation and the 8.2 ka event, and comparison with the atmospheric 14C residual record, suggest that short-lived lake-level fluctuations developed at Ledro in response to (1) final steps of the deglaciation in the North Atlantic area and (2) variations in solar activity. DA - 2012/05// PY - 2012 DO - 10.1016/j.yqres.2012.01.005 DP - ScienceDirect VL - 77 IS - 3 SP - 382 EP - 396 J2 - Quaternary Research SN - 0033-5894 UR - http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0033589412000063 Y2 - 2013/09/30/12:39:48 KW - Holocene KW - Lacustrine sediments KW - Lake-level fluctuations KW - Mediterranean KW - Palaeohydrology ER - TY - JOUR TI - Late-Holocene climatic variability south of the Alps as recorded by lake-level fluctuations at Lake Ledro, Trentino, Italy AU - Magny, Michel AU - Galop, Didier AU - Bellintani, Paolo AU - Desmet, Marc AU - Didier, Julien AU - Haas, Jean Nicolas AU - Martinelli, Nicoletta AU - Pedrotti, Annaluisa AU - Scandolari, Romana AU - Stock, Agnès AU - Vannière, Boris T2 - The Holocene AB - A lake-level record for the late Holocene at Lake Ledro (Trentino, northeastern Italy) is presented. It is based on the sediment and pollen analysis of a 1.75 m high stratigraphic section observed on the southern shore (site Ledro I) and a 3.2 m long sediment core taken from a littoral mire on the southeastern shore (site Ledro II). The chronology is derived from 15 radiocarbon dates and pollen stratigraphy. The late-Holocene composite record established from these two sediment sequences gives evidence of centennial-scale fluctuations with highstands at c. 3400, 2600, 1700, 1200 and 400 cal. BP, in agreement with various palaeohydrological records established in central and northern Italy, as well as north of theAlps. In addition, high lake-level conditions at c. 2000 cal. BP may be the equivalent of stronger river discharge observed at the same time in Central Italy’s rivers. In agreement with the lake-level record of Accesa (Tuscany), the Ledro record also suggests a relatively complex palaeohydrological pattern for the period around 4000 cal. BP. On a millennial scale, sediment hiatuses observed in the lower part of the Ledro I sediment sequence indicate that, except for a highstand occurring just after 7500 cal. BP, lower lake levels generally prevailed rather before c. 4000 cal. BP than afterwards. Finally, the lake-level data obtained at Lake Ledro indicate that the relative continuity of settlements in humid areas of northern Italy during the Bronze Age (in contrast to their general abandonment north of the Alps between c. 3450 and 3150 cal. BP), does not reflect different regional patterns of climatic and palaeohydrological conditions. In contrast, the rise in lake level dated to c. 3400 cal. BP at Ledro appears to coincide with a worldwide climate reversal, observed in both the hemispheres, while palaeoenvironmental and archaeological data collected at Lake Ledro may suggest, as a working hypothesis, a relative emancipation of protohistoric societies from climatic conditions. DA - 2009/01/06/ PY - 2009 DO - 10.1177/0959683609104032 DP - hol.sagepub.com VL - 19 IS - 4 SP - 575 EP - 589 J2 - The Holocene LA - en SN - 0959-6836, 1477-0911 UR - http://hol.sagepub.com/content/19/4/575 Y2 - 2013/09/30/12:38:14 KW - Sedimentology KW - Bronze Age lake-dwellings KW - Lake level KW - late Holocene KW - northern Italy ER - TY - JOUR TI - The Late Maunder Minimum (1675–1715) – A Key Period forStudying Decadal Scale Climatic Change in Europe AU - Luterbacher, J. AU - Rickli, R. AU - Xoplaki, E. AU - Tinguely, C. AU - Beck, C. AU - Pfister, C. AU - Wanner, H. T2 - Climatic Change AB - The Late Maunder Minimum (LMM, 1675–1715) denotes the climax of the `Little Ice Age' in Europe with marked climate variability. Investigations into interannual and interdecadal differences of atmospheric circulation between the LMM and the period 1961–1990 have been performedand undertaken based upon sea level pressure (SLP) difference maps, empiricalorthogonal function (EOF) analysis, and objective classification techniques. Since the SLP during the LMM winterwas significantly higher in northeastern Europe but below normal over the central and western Mediterranean, more frequent blocking situations were connected with cold air outbreaks towards central and eastern Europe. Springs were cold and characterized by a southward shift of the mid-latitude storm tracks. Summers in western, central Europe and northern Europe were wetter and slightly cooler than they are today due to a weakerAzores high and a more southerly position of the mean polar front axes. Autumns showed a significantly higher pressure over northern Europe and a lower pressure over continental Europe and the Mediterranean, an indication of an advanced change from summer to winter circulation. It is suggested that the pressure patterns during parts of the LMM might be attributed to the combination of external forcing factors (solar irradiance and volcanic activity) and internal oscillations and couplings in the North Atlantic. DA - 2001/06/01/ PY - 2001 DO - 10.1023/A:1010667524422 DP - link.springer.com VL - 49 IS - 4 SP - 441 EP - 462 J2 - Climatic Change LA - en SN - 0165-0009, 1573-1480 UR - http://link.springer.com/article/10.1023/A%3A1010667524422 Y2 - 2013/08/29/05:34:55 KW - Meteorology/Climatology ER - TY - JOUR TI - Rapid summer temperature changes during Termination 1a: high-resolution multi-proxy climate reconstructions from Gerzensee (Switzerland) AU - Lotter, André F. AU - Heiri, Oliver AU - Brooks, Stephen AU - van Leeuwen, Jacqueline FN AU - Eicher, Ulrich AU - Ammann, Brigitta T2 - Quaternary Science Reviews DA - 2012/// PY - 2012 DO - 10.1016/j.quascirev.2010.06.022 DP - Google Scholar VL - 36 SP - 103 EP - 113 ST - Rapid summer temperature changes during Termination 1a UR - http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277379110002167 Y2 - 2013/08/28/16:26:38 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Younger Dryas and Allerød summer temperatures at Gerzensee (Switzerland) inferred from fossil pollen and cladoceran assemblages AU - Lotter, A. F. AU - Birks, H. J. B. AU - Eicher, U. AU - Hofmann, W. AU - Schwander, J. AU - Wick, L. T2 - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology DA - 2000/// PY - 2000 DO - 10.1016/S0031-0182(00)00093-6 DP - Google Scholar VL - 159 IS - 3 SP - 349 EP - 361 UR - http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0031018200000936 Y2 - 2013/08/28/16:24:42 ER - TY - JOUR TI - A Pliocene-Pleistocene stack of 57 globally distributed benthic δ18O records AU - Lisiecki, Lorraine E. AU - Raymo, Maureen E. T2 - Paleoceanography DA - 2005/// PY - 2005 DO - 10.1029/2004PA001071 DP - Google Scholar VL - 20 IS - 1 UR - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2004PA001071/full Y2 - 2013/08/28/13:58:14 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Northern hemisphere storm tracks during the last glacial maximum in the PMIP2 ocean-atmosphere coupled models: energetic study, seasonal cycle, precipitation AU - Laîné, A. AU - Kageyama, M. AU - Salas-Mélia, D. AU - Voldoire, A. AU - Rivière, G. AU - Ramstein, G. AU - Planton, S. AU - Tyteca, S. AU - Peterschmitt, J. Y. T2 - Climate Dynamics DA - 2008/04/11/ PY - 2008 DO - 10.1007/s00382-008-0391-9 DP - CrossRef VL - 32 IS - 5 SP - 593 EP - 614 SN - 0930-7575, 1432-0894 ST - Northern hemisphere storm tracks during the last glacial maximum in the PMIP2 ocean-atmosphere coupled models UR - http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s00382-008-0391-9 Y2 - 2013/08/28/13:53:22 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Climate and glaciers AU - Kuhn, Michael T2 - International Association of Hydrological Sciences Publication DA - 1981/// PY - 1981 DP - Google Scholar VL - 131 SP - 3 EP - 20 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Regional Synthesis of Mediterranean Atmospheric Circulation During the Last Glacial Maximum AU - Kuhlemann, J. AU - Rohling, E. J. AU - Krumrei, I. AU - Kubik, P. AU - Ivy-Ochs, S. AU - Kucera, M. T2 - Science DA - 2008/09/05/ PY - 2008 DO - 10.1126/science.1157638 DP - CrossRef VL - 321 IS - 5894 SP - 1338 EP - 1340 SN - 0036-8075, 1095-9203 UR - http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/doi/10.1126/science.1157638 Y2 - 2013/08/28/13:52:21 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Luminescence dating of proglacial sediments from the Eastern Alps AU - Klasen, Nicole AU - Fiebig, Markus AU - Preusser, Frank AU - Reitner, Jürgen M. AU - Radtke, Ulrich T2 - Quaternary International DA - 2007/04// PY - 2007 DO - 10.1016/j.quaint.2006.12.003 DP - CrossRef VL - 164-165 SP - 21 EP - 32 SN - 10406182 UR - http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S104061820600320X Y2 - 2013/08/28/16:20:32 ER - TY - RPRT TI - Klimawandel messbar machen und unsere Antworten gestalten AU - Kirchengast, Gottfried AU - Steininger, Karl AU - Gobiet, Andreas AU - Steiner, Andrea T2 - Soziale Technik CY - Graz DA - 2011/// PY - 2011 PB - Wegener Zentrum für Klima und Globalen Wandel Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz SN - 3/2011 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Surface exposure dating of moraines in the Kromer valley (Silvretta Mountains, Austria)-evidence for glacial response to the 8.2 ka event in the Eastern Alps? AU - Kerschner, Hanns AU - Hertl, Andreas AU - Gross, Günther AU - Ivy-Ochs, Susan AU - Kubik, Peter W. T2 - The Holocene AB - 10Be dating of a pronounced glacier advance (‘Kromer Stadial’) in the western part of the Silvretta Mountains (western Austria) yielded ages ranging from 8010±360 to 8690±410 years with a mean age for moraine stabilization of 8410±690 years. Hence, the Kromer Stadial, which was previously considered as early Preboreal, may represent the glacier response to the early phase of the ‘8.2-ka event’, as it is recorded in the Greenland ice-cores. The glacier advanced to a position beyond its ‘Little Ice Age’ (LIA) limit; the end moraines are situated 750-1000 m downvalley from the glacier ends in 1850. The corresponding drop of the equilibrium line altitude relative to the LIA datum was 75 m. The glacier advance was followed by a period of glacier recession and rock glacier development. In total, the climatic fluctuation may have lasted for about 500±200 years. The age and duration of the climatic fluctuation is in good accordance with the ‘Misox cold phase’ and CE-3 climatic fluctuation as recorded in Switzerland. Climate during the Kromer Stadial was characterized by more humid conditions than today along the northern fringe of the Alps and slightly negative to moderately positive changes in precipitation in the central part of the Austrian Alps. Summer temperatures changes were most likely in the order of-1 to OK. Mean annual temperature was 1.5K to 2K lower than today, at least during the second phase of the climatic fluctuation. DA - 2006/01/01/ PY - 2006 DO - 10.1196/0959683606hl902rp DP - hol.sagepub.com VL - 16 IS - 1 SP - 7 EP - 15 J2 - The Holocene LA - en SN - 0959-6836, 1477-0911 UR - http://hol.sagepub.com/content/16/1/7 Y2 - 2013/08/29/05:31:59 KW - Austrian Alps KW - Holocene KW - 8.2-ka event KW - beryllium-10 KW - cosmogenic isotope KW - glacier-climate models KW - Surface exposure dating ER - TY - JOUR TI - Glacier-climate interaction at low latitudes AU - Kaser, Georg T2 - Journal of Glaciology AB - In the low latitudes there is an absence of major thermal seasonality, yet there are three different climate regimes related to global circulation patterns and their seasonal oscillation: the humid inner tropics, the dry subtropics and, intermediate between these two, the outer tropics. For the respective glacier regimes the vertical profiles of specific mass balance (VBPs) are modeled considering vertical gradients of accumulation, air temperature and albedo, the duration of the ablation period and a factor for the ratio between melting and sublimation. The model is first calibrated with data from Hintereisferner, Austrian Alps, and is then applied to tropical conditions. The simulated VBP matches well the measured profiles from Irian Jaya and Mount Kenya. Due to lack of field evidence, the subtropical VBP cannot be verified directly. However, application of the respective model versions separately to the humid and dry seasons of the outer-tropical Glaciar Uruashraju, Cordillera Blanca, Peru, provides reasonable results. Glaciers in the humid inner tropics are considered to be most sensitive to variations in air temperature, while dry subtropical glaciers are most sensitive to changes in air humidity. The two seasons of the outer tropics have to be viewed from these different perspectives. DA - 2001/// PY - 2001 DO - 10.3189/172756501781832296 DP - IngentaConnect VL - 47 IS - 157 SP - 195 EP - 204 J2 - Journal of Glaciology ER - TY - JOUR TI - Verification of Operational Analyses Using an Extremely High-Density Surface Station Network AU - Kann, Alexander AU - Haiden, Thomas AU - von der Emde, Klaus AU - Gruber, Christine AU - Kabas, Thomas AU - Leuprecht, Armin AU - Kirchengast, Gottfried T2 - Weather and Forecasting DA - 2011/08// PY - 2011 DO - 10.1175/WAF-D-11-00031.1 DP - CrossRef VL - 26 IS - 4 SP - 572 EP - 578 SN - 0882-8156, 1520-0434 UR - http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/abs/10.1175/WAF-D-11-00031.1 Y2 - 2013/08/27/15:37:25 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Environmental and climatic conditions at a potential Glacial refugial site of tree species near the Southern Alpine glaciers. New insights from multiproxy sedimentary studies at Lago della Costa (Euganean Hills, Northeastern Italy) AU - Kaltenrieder, Petra AU - Belis, Claudio A. AU - Hofstetter, Simone AU - Ammann, Brigitta AU - Ravazzi, Cesare AU - Tinner, Willy T2 - Quaternary Science Reviews DA - 2009/// PY - 2009 DP - Google Scholar VL - 28 IS - 25 SP - 2647 EP - 2662 UR - http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277379109001929 Y2 - 2013/08/28/12:54:16 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Seasonal and Annual Trends of Temperature and Precipitation within 1951/19712007 in South-Eastern Styria, Austria AU - Kabas, Thomas AU - Foelsche, Ulrich AU - Kirchengast, Gottfried T2 - Meteorologische Zeitschrift DA - 2011/// PY - 2011 DO - 10.5194/asr-6-49-2011 DP - Google Scholar VL - 20 IS - 3 SP - 277 EP - 289 UR - http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/schweiz/mz/2011/00000020/00000003/art00003 Y2 - 2013/08/27/15:35:13 ER - TY - RPRT TI - WegenerNet Klimastationsnetz Region Feldbach: Experimenteller Aufbau und hochauflösende Daten für die Klima- und Umweltforschung AU - Kabas, Thomas CY - Graz DA - 2012/// PY - 2012 M3 - Wissenschaftlicher Bericht PB - Wegener Center Verlag SN - 47 UR - http://www.uni-graz.at/igam3www/WegCenterVerlag/WCV-SciRep-No47-TKabas-Jan2012.pdf Y2 - 2013/09/30/ ER - TY - JOUR TI - WegenerNet climate station network region Feldbach, Austria: network structure, processing system, and example results AU - Kabas, T. AU - Leuprecht, A. AU - Bichler, C. AU - Kirchengast, G. T2 - Advances in Science and Research DA - 2011/03/09/ PY - 2011 DO - 10.5194/asr-6-49-2011 DP - CrossRef VL - 6 SP - 49 EP - 54 SN - 1992-0636 ST - WegenerNet climate station network region Feldbach, Austria UR - http://www.adv-sci-res.net/6/49/2011/ Y2 - 2013/08/27/15:36:38 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Holocene optimum events inferred from subglacial sediments at Tschierva Glacier, Eastern Swiss Alps AU - Joerin, U.E. AU - Nicolussi, K. AU - Fischer, A. AU - Stocker, T.F. AU - Schlüchter, C. T2 - Quaternary Science Reviews DA - 2008/02// PY - 2008 DO - 10.1016/j.quascirev.2007.10.016 DP - CrossRef VL - 27 IS - 3-4 SP - 337 EP - 350 SN - 02773791 UR - http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277379107003010 Y2 - 2013/08/28/16:14:48 ER - TY - JOUR TI - A novel radiocarbon dating technique applied to an ice core from the Alps indicating late Pleistocene ages AU - Jenk, Theo M. AU - Szidat, Sönke AU - Bolius, David AU - Sigl, Michael AU - Gäggeler, Heinz W. AU - Wacker, Lukas AU - Ruff, Matthias AU - Barbante, Carlo AU - Boutron, Claude F. AU - Schwikowski, Margit T2 - Journal of Geophysical Research DA - 2009/07/24/ PY - 2009 DO - 10.1029/2009JD011860 DP - CrossRef VL - 114 IS - D14 SN - 0148-0227 UR - http://doi.wiley.com/10.1029/2009JD011860 Y2 - 2013/08/28/12:53:02 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Timing of deglaciation on the northern Alpine foreland (Switzerland) AU - Ivy-Ochs, Susan AU - Schäfer, Jörg AU - Kubik, Peter W. AU - Synal, Hans-Arno AU - Schlüchter, Christian T2 - Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae DA - 2004/// PY - 2004 DO - 10.1007/s00015-004-1110-0 DP - Google Scholar VL - 97 IS - 1 SP - 47 EP - 55 UR - http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00015-004-1110-0 Y2 - 2013/08/28/15:44:04 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Chronology of the last glacial cycle in the European Alps AU - Ivy-Ochs, Susan AU - Kerschner, Hanns AU - Reuther, Anne AU - Preusser, Frank AU - Heine, Klaus AU - Maisch, Max AU - Kubik, Peter W. AU - Schlüchter, Christian T2 - Journal of Quaternary Science DA - 2008/// PY - 2008 DO - 10.1002/jqs.1202 DP - Google Scholar VL - 23 IS - 6-7 SP - 559 EP - 573 UR - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jqs.1202/full Y2 - 2013/08/28/16:11:54 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Latest Pleistocene and Holocene glacier variations in the European Alps AU - Ivy-Ochs, Susan AU - Kerschner, Hanns AU - Maisch, Max AU - Christl, Marcus AU - Kubik, Peter W. AU - Schlüchter, Christian T2 - Quaternary Science Reviews DA - 2009/// PY - 2009 DP - Google Scholar VL - 28 IS - 21 SP - 2137 EP - 2149 UR - http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277379109001152 Y2 - 2013/08/28/16:13:15 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Glacier response in the European Alps to Heinrich Event 1 cooling: the Gschnitz stadial AU - Ivy-Ochs, Susan AU - Kerschner, Hanns AU - Kubik, Peter W. AU - Schlüchter, Christian T2 - Journal of Quaternary Science AB - The Gschnitz stadial was a period of regionally extensive glacier advance in the European Alps that lies temporally between the breakdown of the Last Glacial Maximum piedmont lobes and the beginning of the Bølling warm interval. Moraines of the Gschnitz stadial are found in medium to small catchments, are steep-walled and blocky, and reflect a snowline lowering of 650–700 m in comparison to the Little Ice Age reference snowline. 10Be surface exposure dating of boulders from the moraine at the type locality at Trins (Gschnitz valley, Tyrol, Austria) shows that it stabilised no later than 15 400 ± 1400 yr ago. The overall morphological situation and the long reaction time of the glacier suggest that the climatic downturn lasted about 500 ± 300 yr, indicating that the Gschnitz cold period began approximately 15 900 ± 1400 yr ago, if not somewhat earlier. This is consistent with published radiocarbon dates that imply that the stadial occurred sometime between 15 400 14C yr BP (18 020–19 100 cal. yr) and 13 250 14C yr BP (15 360–16 015 cal. yr). A palaeoclimatic interpretation of the Gschnitz glacier based on a simple glacier flow model and statistical glacier-climate models shows that precipitation was about one-third of modern-day precipitation and summer temperatures were about 10 K lower than today. In comparison, during the Younger Dryas, precipitation in this area was only about 10% less and Ts (summer temperature) was only 3.5–4 K lower than modern values. Based on the age of the moraine and the cold and dry climate at that time, we suggest that the Gschnitz stadial was the response of Alpine glaciers to cooling of the North Atlantic Ocean associated with Heinrich Event 1. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. DA - 2006/02// PY - 2006 DO - 10.1002/jqs.955 DP - CrossRef VL - 21 IS - 2 SP - 115 EP - 130 SN - 0267-8179, 1099-1417 ST - Glacier response in the European Alps to Heinrich Event 1 cooling UR - http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/jqs.955 Y2 - 2013/08/26/17:02:41 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Lateglacial environmental and climatic changes at the Maloja Pass, Central Swiss Alps, as recorded by chironomids and pollen AU - Ilyashuk, Boris AU - Gobet, Erika AU - Heiri, Oliver AU - Lotter, André F. AU - van Leeuwen, Jacqueline F.N. AU - van der Knaap, Willem O. AU - Ilyashuk, Elena AU - Oberli, Florencia AU - Ammann, Brigitta T2 - Quaternary Science Reviews DA - 2009/06// PY - 2009 DO - 10.1016/j.quascirev.2009.01.007 DP - CrossRef VL - 28 IS - 13-14 SP - 1340 EP - 1353 SN - 02773791 UR - http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0277379109000341 Y2 - 2013/08/28/15:42:56 ER - TY - JOUR TI - High-precision constraints on timing of Alpine warm periods during the middle to late Pleistocene using speleothem growth periods AU - Holzkämper, Steffen AU - Spötl, Christoph AU - Mangini, Augusto T2 - Earth and Planetary Science Letters DA - 2005/08/15/ PY - 2005 DO - 10.1016/j.epsl.2005.06.002 DP - CrossRef VL - 236 IS - 3-4 SP - 751 EP - 764 SN - 0012821X UR - http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012821X05003559# Y2 - 2013/08/28/12:28:25 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Methoden und Möglichkeiten von Massenhaushaltsstudien auf Gletschern: Ergebnisse der Messreihe Hintereisferner (Ötztaler Alpen) 1953-1968 AU - Hoinkes, H. 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T2 - Climatic Change DA - 2012/01/11/ PY - 2012 DO - 10.1007/s10584-011-0389-x DP - CrossRef VL - 113 IS - 3-4 SP - 733 EP - 750 SN - 0165-0009, 1573-1480 UR - http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s10584-011-0389-x Y2 - 2013/08/30/12:56:22 ER - TY - JOUR TI - On the homogeneity of radiosonde wind time series AU - Gruber, Christine AU - Haimberger, Leopold T2 - Meteorologische Zeitschrift DA - 2008/10/01/ PY - 2008 DO - 10.1127/0941-2948/2008/0298 DP - CrossRef VL - 17 IS - 5 SP - 631 EP - 643 SN - 09412948 UR - http://openurl.ingenta.com/content/xref?genre=article&issn=0941-2948&volume=17&issue=5&spage=631 Y2 - 2013/08/27/15:26:11 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Methodische Untersuchungen über die Schneegrenze in alpinen Gletschergebieten AU - Gross, Günther AU - Kerschner, Hanns AU - Patzelt, Gernot T2 - Zeitschrift für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie DA - 1977/// PY - 1977 DP - Google Scholar VL - 12 IS - 2 SP - 223 EP - 251 ER - TY - CHAP TI - Karst AU - Frisia, S. AU - Borsato, A. T2 - Developments in Sedimentology A2 - A.M. Alonso-Zarza and L.H. Tanner AB - Karst environments are regions where sparingly soluble rocks outcrop and efficient acid hydrolysis creates spectacular dissolution landforms. The release of CO2 from karst waters to the atmosphere causes precipitation of calcium-carbonate deposits, which, in caves, are collectively known as speleothems. Karst carbonate deposits capture climate and environmental signals in their macro- and micro-morphological characteristics, their mineral composition, and their chemical properties. They can be precisely dated with radiometric techniques and, thus, constitute an archive of climate change for millions of years. Karst carbonate formation is a product of both inorganic and organic processes. The influence of bacteria appears to be particularly important in the formation of calcareous tufa, deposits which commonly dam flowing water at both surface and subsurface. Bacteria also play a role in favouring the growth of mineral fibres in cave moonmilk, a plastic and powdery deposit consisting mostly of water and calcite. The most typical products of deposition in the subsurface karst environment are speleothems consisting of a rigid and relatively fragile arrangement in successive layers of calcium-carbonate crystals, which are here referred to as sparitic speleothems. Stalagmites, stalactites and flowstones mostly consist of calcite, and less commonly of aragonite or other minerals, which reflect events that occurred at the surface in their fabrics, trace-element composition, stable-isotope ratio and organic chemistry. The focus of this chapter is on issues related to the formation of karst deposits and their significance as palaeoclimate archives. DA - 2010/// PY - 2010 DP - ScienceDirect VL - Volume 61 SP - 269 EP - 318 PB - Elsevier SN - 0070-4571 ST - Carbonates in Continental Settings: Facies, Environments, and Processes UR - http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0070457109061068 Y2 - 2013/08/27/16:50:25 KW - palaeoclimate KW - caves KW - karst KW - speleothems ER - TY - JOUR TI - The potential of high-resolution X-ray fluorescence core scanning: applications in paleolimnology. AU - Francus, P. AU - Lamb, H. AU - Nakagawa, T. AU - Marshall, M. AU - Brown, E. T2 - PAGES (Past Global Changes) News DA - 2009/// PY - 2009 DP - Google Scholar VL - 17 IS - 3 SP - 93 EP - 95 ST - The potential of high-resolution X-ray fluorescence core scanning UR - http://www.cabdirect.org/abstracts/20123221956.html Y2 - 2013/08/26/17:34:03 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Pleistocene climates in Central Europe: at least 17 interglacials after the Olduvai event AU - Fink, Julius AU - Kukla, George J. 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T2 - e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik DA - 2008/05// PY - 2008 DO - 10.1007/s00502-008-0530-3 DP - CrossRef VL - 125 IS - 5 SP - 209 EP - 213 SN - 0932-383X, 1613-7620 UR - http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s00502-008-0530-3 Y2 - 2013/08/30/12:48:00 ER - TY - JOUR TI - The ERA-Interim reanalysis: configuration and performance of the data assimilation system AU - Dee, D. P. AU - Uppala, S. M. AU - Simmons, A. J. AU - Berrisford, P. AU - Poli, P. AU - Kobayashi, S. AU - Andrae, U. AU - Balmaseda, M. A. AU - Balsamo, G. AU - Bauer, P. AU - Bechtold, P. AU - Beljaars, A. C. M. AU - van de Berg, L. AU - Bidlot, J. AU - Bormann, N. AU - Delsol, C. AU - Dragani, R. AU - Fuentes, M. AU - Geer, A. J. AU - Haimberger, L. AU - Healy, S. B. AU - Hersbach, H. AU - Hólm, E. V. AU - Isaksen, L. AU - Kållberg, P. AU - Köhler, M. AU - Matricardi, M. AU - McNally, A. P. AU - Monge-Sanz, B. M. AU - Morcrette, J.-J. AU - Park, B.-K. AU - Peubey, C. AU - de Rosnay, P. AU - Tavolato, C. AU - Thépaut, J.-N. AU - Vitart, F. T2 - Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society DA - 2011/04// PY - 2011 DO - 10.1002/qj.828 DP - CrossRef VL - 137 IS - 656 SP - 553 EP - 597 SN - 00359009 ST - The ERA-Interim reanalysis UR - http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/qj.828 Y2 - 2013/08/27/15:15:00 ER - TY - JOUR TI - North western Alps Holocene paleohydrology recorded by flooding activity in Lake Le Bourget, France AU - Debret, M. AU - Chapron, E. AU - Desmet, M. AU - Rolland-Revel, M. AU - Magand, O. AU - Trentesaux, A. AU - Bout-Roumazeille, V. AU - Nomade, J. AU - Arnaud, F. T2 - Quaternary Science Reviews AB - A 14-m long piston core was retrieved from Lake Le Bourget, NW Alps (France), in order to provide a continuous record of flooding events of the Rhone River during the Holocene. The selection of the coring site was based on high resolution seismic profiling, in an area with limited mass wasting deposits and accumulated proximal Rhone River inter- and underflow deposits. The age-depth model of this core is based on (i) 14 AMS radiocarbon dates, (ii) radionuclide dating (137Cs) and (iii) the identification of historical data (flood events, eutrophication of the lake). The sedimentary record dates back to 9400 cal BP, and includes a thin mass wasting event deposited around 4500 cal BP. A multi-proxy approach was used to track the evolution and origin of clastic sedimentation during the Holocene, in order to identify periods of higher hydrological activity in the catchment area. Spectrophotometry was used to detect fluctuations in clastic supply and the study of clay minerals (especially the Illite crystallinity index) allowed locating the main source area of fine grained clastic particles settling at the lake after flood events. This dataset highlights up to 12 periods of more intense flooding events over the last 9400 years in Lake Le Bourget and shows that the main source area of clastic particles during this period is the upper part of the Arve River drainage basin. This part of the catchment area drains several large glaciers from the Mont-Blanc Massif, and fluctuations in Rhone River flood supply in Lake Le Bourget is interpreted as resulting essentially from Mont-Blanc Glacier activity during the Holocene. The comparison of clastic sedimentation in Lake Le Bourget with periods of increasing land use and periods of Alpine glacier and mid-European lake level fluctuations, suggest that the core LDB04 clastic record in Lake Le Bourget is a continuous proxy of the Holocene hydrological history of the NW Alps. 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The treatment covers a wide range of topics, including ARIMA probability models, forecasting methods, spectral analysis, linear systems, state-space models, and the Kalman filter. It also addresses nonlinear, multivariate, and long-memory models. The author has carefully updated each chapter, added new discussions, incorporated new datasets, and made those datasets available at www.crcpress.com."--BOOK JACKET. CY - Boca Raton, FL DA - 2004/// PY - 2004 DP - Open WorldCat LA - English PB - Chapman & Hall/CRC SN - 1-58488-317-0 978-1-58488-317-3 ST - The analysis of time series ER - TY - CHAP TI - Tree-ring variables as proxy-climate indicators: problems with low-frequency signals AU - Briffa, Keith R. AU - Jones, Philip D. AU - Schweingruber, Fritz H. AU - Karlén, Wibjörn AU - Shiyatov, Stepan G. 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AU - Böhm, R. T2 - Theoretical and Applied Climatology AB - Using a dense network of carefully tested and homogenized long-term temperature and precipitation data this paper describes climatic variations during the last 150 years for both these important climatic elements. It turned out that the response of precipitation to climate warming is quite different within a small region, of 7 degrees longitude by 2 degrees latitude. In the western parts of Austria an increase of warm and wet climate has occurred, whereas during the same period in the East an increase of warm and dry conditions has occurred. An even larger variety of spatially different trends appears concerning seasonal evolution. The question of climate change cannot be answered in the same way when taking into account larger regions and not only temperature but also other climatic elements. DA - 1994/09/01/ PY - 1994 DO - 10.1007/BF00865531 DP - link.springer.com VL - 49 IS - 3 SP - 161 EP - 174 J2 - Theor Appl Climatol LA - en SN - 0177-798X, 1434-4483 UR - http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF00865531 Y2 - 2013/08/27/13:31:25 KW - Climate change KW - Waste Water Technology / Water Pollution Control / Water Management / Aquatic Pollution KW - Meteorology/Climatology KW - Atmospheric Protection/Air Quality Control/Air Pollution ER - TY - JOUR TI - The Greenland Ice Core Chronology 2005, 15–42ka. Part 1: constructing the time scale AU - Andersen, Katrine K. AU - Svensson, Anders AU - Johnsen, Sigfus J. AU - Rasmussen, Sune O. 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AU - Hewiston, B. AU - Busuioc, A. AU - Chen, A. AU - Gao, X. AU - Held, I. AU - Jones, R. AU - Kolli, R.K. AU - Kwon, W.-T. AU - Laprise, R. AU - Magaña Rueda, V. AU - Mearns, L. AU - Menéndez, C.G. AU - Räisänen, A. AU - Rinke, A. AU - Sarr, A. AU - Whetton, P. T2 - Climate Change 2007 - The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Cliamte Change. A2 - Solomon, Susan A2 - Qin, D. A2 - Manning, M. A2 - Chen, Z. A2 - Marquis, M. A2 - Averyt, M. A2 - Tignor, M. A2 - Miller, H.L. AB - The Climate Change 2007 volumes of the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) provide the most comprehensive and balanced assessment of climate change available. This IPCC Working Group I report brings us completely up-to-date on the full range of scientific aspects of climate change. Written by the world's leading experts, the IPCC volumes will again prove to be invaluable for researchers, students, and policymakers, and will form the standard reference works for policy decisions for government and industry worldwide. CY - Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA DA - 2007/09/10/ PY - 2007 DP - Google Books LA - en PB - Cambridge University Press SN - 978-0-521-70596-7 UR - http://www.ipcc.ch/publications_and_data/publications_ipcc_fourth_assessment_report_wg1_report_the_physical_science_basis.htm N1 -

This chapter should be cited as:

Christensen, J.H., B. Hewitson, A. Busuioc, A. Chen, X. Gao, I. Held, R. Jones, R.K. Kolli, W.-T. Kwon, R. Laprise, V. Magaña Rueda, L. Mearns, C.G. Menéndez, J. Räisänen, A. Rinke, A. Sarr and P. Whetton, 2007: Regional Climate Projections. In: Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Solomon, S., D. Qin, M. Manning, Z. Chen, M. Marquis, K.B. Averyt, M. Tignor and H.L. Miller (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA.

N1 -

This chapter should be cited as:

Christensen, J.H., B. Hewitson, A. Busuioc, A. Chen, X. Gao, I. Held, R. Jones, R.K. Kolli, W.-T. Kwon, R. Laprise, V. Magaña Rueda, L. Mearns, C.G. Menéndez, J. Räisänen, A. Rinke, A. Sarr and P. Whetton, 2007: Regional Climate Projections. In: Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Solomon, S., D. Qin, M. Manning, Z. Chen, M. Marquis, K.B. Averyt, M. Tignor and H.L. Miller (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA.

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AU - Appenzeller, Christof T2 - Nature DA - 2004/01/11/ PY - 2004 DO - 10.1038/nature02300 DP - CrossRef VL - 427 IS - 6972 SP - 332 EP - 336 SN - 0028-0836, 1476-4679 UR - http://www.nature.com/doifinder/10.1038/nature02300 Y2 - 2013/08/30/13:50:17 ER - TY - JOUR TI - A new solar radiation model for research and applications in Austria AU - Olefs, M AU - Schöner, W T2 - Geophysical Research Abstracts DA - 2012/// PY - 2012 VL - 14 IS - 9th EGU General Assembly UR - http://www.geophysical-research-abstracts.net/volumes.html ER - TY - BOOK TI - Next Generation LTER" in Österreich -- Zu Lage und Ausrichtung von prozessorientierter Ökosystemforschung, Biodiversitäts- und Naturschutzforschung sowie sozioökologischer Forschung in Österreich AU - Mirtl, M. AU - Bahn, M. AU - Battin, T.J. AU - Borsdorf, A. AU - Englisch, M. AU - Gaube, V. AU - Grabherr, G. AU - Gratzer, G. AU - Haberl, H. AU - Kreiner, D. AU - Richter, A. AU - Schindler, D. AU - Tappeiner, U. AU - Winiwarter, V. AU - Zink, R. DA - 2012/// PY - 2012 ET - 3 VL - LTER-Austria Schriftenreihe SP - 64 SN - 978-3-901347-94-8 UR - http://bfw.ac.at/050/pdf/ltER_weissbuch_deut_281010.pdf ER - TY - JOUR TI - Homogenization of the Global Radiosonde Temperature Dataset through Combined Comparison with Reanalysis Background Series and Neighboring Stations AU - Haimberger, Leopold AU - Tavolato, Christina AU - Sperka, Stefan T2 - Journal of Climate DA - 2012/12// PY - 2012 DO - 10.1175/JCLI-D-11-00668.1 DP - CrossRef VL - 25 IS - 23 SP - 8108 EP - 8131 LA - en SN - 0894-8755, 1520-0442 UR - http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/abs/10.1175/JCLI-D-11-00668.1 Y2 - 2014/03/20/15:46:03 L2 - http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/abs/10.1175/JCLI-D-11-00668.1 ER - TY - JOUR TI - The Younger Dryas and Holocene climate record of a stalagmite from Hölloch Cave (Bavarian Alps, Germany AU - Wurth, Georg AU - Niggemann, Stefan AU - Richter, Detlev K. AU - Mangini, Augusto T2 - Journal of Quaternary Science AB - Stable isotope analyses and seven U/Th dates of a stalagmite from the alpine Hölloch Cave (Germany) have yielded a palaeoclimate record for the past 14 300 yr. The δ18O record is positively correlated with relative temperature variations. The late glacial part of this record, including the Younger Dryas, exhibits a striking correlation with records from ice cores, lake sediments and marine sediments. In addition, this record suggests relatively high temperatures and distinct temperature fluctuations from 9000–4200 yr BP, if compared with the 4200–0 yr BP period, matching the regional soil formation–erosion and timberline patterns. The δ13C record appears to have been controlled mainly by soil formation (14 300–9000 yr BP) and by humidity variations (9000–0 yr BP). Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. DA - 2004/// PY - 2004 DO - 10.1002/jqs.837 DP - Wiley Online Library VL - 19 IS - 3 SP - 291 EP - 298 LA - en SN - 1099-1417 UR - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jqs.837/abstract Y2 - 2013/08/29/04:51:20 KW - Alps KW - stable isotopes KW - Holocene KW - palaeoclimate KW - stalagmite KW - Younger Dryas ER - TY - JOUR TI - Holocene thinning of the Greenland ice sheet AU - Vinther, B. M. AU - Buchardt, S. L. AU - Clausen, H. B. AU - Dahl-Jensen, D. AU - Johnsen, S. J. AU - Fisher, D. A. AU - Koerner, R. M. AU - Raynaud, D. AU - Lipenkov, V. AU - Andersen, K. K. AU - Blunier, T. AU - Rasmussen, S. O. AU - Steffensen, J. P. AU - Svensson, A. M. 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AU - Friedrich, Michael AU - Glaser, Rüdiger AU - Larocque-Tobler, Isabelle AU - Nicolussi, Kurt AU - Riemann, Dirk T2 - Quaternary Science Reviews DA - 2012/07// PY - 2012 DO - 10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.04.021 DP - CrossRef VL - 46 SP - 66 EP - 79 SN - 02773791 UR - http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0277379112001680 Y2 - 2013/08/30/11:19:28 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Critically Reassessing Tropospheric Temperature Trends from Radiosondes Using Realistic Validation Experiments AU - Titchner, Holly A. AU - Thorne, P. W. AU - McCarthy, M. P. AU - Tett, S. F. B. AU - Haimberger, L. AU - Parker, D. E. 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DA - 2011/// PY - 2011 DO - 10.3285/eg.60.1 DP - Google Scholar VL - 60 IS - 1 SP - 137 EP - 152 UR - http://quaternary-science.publiss.net/issues/64 Y2 - 2013/08/28/14:56:12 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Casting new light on the chronology of the loess/paleosol sequences in Lower Austria AU - Terhorst, Birgit AU - Thiel, Christine AU - Peticzka, Robert AU - Sprafke, Tobias AU - Frechen, Manfred AU - Fladerer, A. AU - Roetzel, Reinhard AU - Neugebauer-Maresch, Christine T2 - E & G Quaternary Science Journal A2 - Freund, Holger A2 - Böse, Margot A2 - Fiebig, Markus A2 - DEUQUA – Deutsche Quartärvereinigung e.V. DA - 2011/// PY - 2011 DO - 10.3285/eg.60.2-3 DP - Google Scholar VL - 60 IS - 2-3 SP - 270 EP - 277 UR - http://quaternary-science.publiss.net/issues/65 Y2 - 2013/08/28/14:54:07 ER - TY - JOUR TI - A 1600 yr seasonally resolved record of decadal-scale flood variability from the Austrian Pre-Alps AU - Swierczynski, T. AU - Brauer, A. AU - Lauterbach, S. AU - Martin-Puertas, C. AU - Dulski, P. AU - von Grafenstein, U. AU - Rohr, C. T2 - Geology DA - 2012/09/04/ PY - 2012 DO - 10.1130/G33493.1 DP - CrossRef VL - 40 IS - 11 SP - 1047 EP - 1050 SN - 0091-7613, 1943-2682 UR - http://geology.gsapubs.org/cgi/doi/10.1130/G33493.1 Y2 - 2013/08/30/11:18:07 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Total solar irradiance during the Holocene AU - Steinhilber, F. AU - Beer, J. AU - Fröhlich, C. T2 - Geophysical Research Letters DA - 2009/10/02/ PY - 2009 DO - 10.1029/2009GL040142 DP - CrossRef VL - 36 IS - 19 SN - 0094-8276 UR - http://doi.wiley.com/10.1029/2009GL040142 Y2 - 2013/08/30/11:11:09 ER - TY - JOUR TI - High-Resolution Greenland Ice Core Data Show Abrupt Climate Change Happens in Few Years AU - Steffensen, J. P. AU - Andersen, K. K. AU - Bigler, M. AU - Clausen, H. B. AU - Dahl-Jensen, D. AU - Fischer, H. AU - Goto-Azuma, K. AU - Hansson, M. AU - Johnsen, S. J. AU - Jouzel, J. AU - Masson-Delmotte, V. AU - Popp, T. AU - Rasmussen, S. O. AU - Rothlisberger, R. AU - Ruth, U. AU - Stauffer, B. AU - Siggaard-Andersen, M.-L. AU - Sveinbjornsdottir, A. E. AU - Svensson, A. AU - White, J. W. C. T2 - Science DA - 2008/08/01/ PY - 2008 DO - 10.1126/science.1157707 DP - CrossRef VL - 321 IS - 5889 SP - 680 EP - 684 SN - 0036-8075, 1095-9203 UR - http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/doi/10.1126/science.1157707 Y2 - 2013/08/28/14:53:10 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Chronology and paleoenvironment of Marine Isotope Stage 3 from two high-elevation speleothems, Austrian Alps AU - Spötl, Christoph AU - Mangini, Augusto AU - Richards, David A. T2 - Quaternary Science Reviews DA - 2006/05// PY - 2006 DO - 10.1016/j.quascirev.2005.10.006 DP - CrossRef VL - 25 IS - 9-10 SP - 1127 EP - 1136 SN - 02773791 UR - http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277379105002751 Y2 - 2013/08/28/14:45:40 ER - TY - CHAP TI - Uranium Series Dating of Speleothems AU - Spötl, Christoph AU - Boch, Ronny T2 - Encyclopedia of Caves (Second Edition) A2 - William B. White A2 - David C. 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ER - TY - JOUR TI - Robust Tropospheric Warming Revealed by Iteratively Homogenized Radiosonde Data AU - Sherwood, Steven C. AU - Meyer, Cathryn L. AU - Allen, Robert J. AU - Titchner, Holly A. T2 - Journal of Climate DA - 2008/10// PY - 2008 DO - 10.1175/2008JCLI2320.1 DP - CrossRef VL - 21 IS - 20 SP - 5336 EP - 5352 SN - 0894-8755, 1520-0442 UR - http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/abs/10.1175/2008JCLI2320.1 Y2 - 2013/08/28/ ER - TY - JOUR TI - Cloud-to-ground lightning in Austria: A 10-year study using data from a lightning location system AU - Schulz, W. AU - Cummins, K. AU - Diendorfer, G. AU - Dorninger, M. T2 - Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres DA - 2005/// PY - 2005 DO - 10.1029/2004JD005332 DP - CrossRef VL - 110 IS - D9 SN - 0148-0227 ST - Cloud-to-ground lightning in Austria UR - http://doi.wiley.com/10.1029/2004JD005332 Y2 - 2013/08/28/ ER - TY - JOUR TI - A statistical mass-balance model for reconstruction of LIA ice mass for glaciers in the European Alps AU - Schöner, Wolfgang AU - Böhm, Reinhard T2 - Annals of Glaciology DA - 2007/10/01/ PY - 2007 DO - 10.3189/172756407782871639 DP - CrossRef VL - 46 IS - 1 SP - 161 EP - 169 SN - 02603055, 17275644 UR - http://openurl.ingenta.com/content/xref?genre=article&issn=0260-3055&volume=46&issue=1&spage=161 Y2 - 2013/08/30/11:54:23 ER - TY - JOUR TI - North Atlantic climate impact on early late-glacial climate oscillations in the south-eastern Alps inferred from a multi-proxy lake sediment record AU - Schmidt, Roland AU - Weckström, Kaarina AU - Lauterbach, Stefan AU - Tessadri, Richard AU - Huber, Kerstin T2 - Journal of Quaternary Science DA - 2012/01// PY - 2012 DO - 10.1002/jqs.1505 DP - CrossRef VL - 27 IS - 1 SP - 40 EP - 50 SN - 02678179 UR - http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/jqs.1505 Y2 - 2013/08/26/18:33:20 KW - climate KW - Alpine lake KW - early late glacial KW - multi-proxy data KW - North Atlantic ice-rafted debris KW - summer water temperatures ER - TY - BOOK TI - Naturerfahrung zwischen Alltag und Katastrophe. Studien zur Wahrnehmung, Deutung, Bewältigung von extremen Naturereignissen im Ostalpenraum (13.–16. Jh.) AU - Rohr, Christian T2 - Habilitationsschrift CY - Salzburg, Austria DA - 2006/// PY - 2006 DP - Google Scholar ER - TY - JOUR TI - The spatial and temporal complexity of the Holocene thermal maximum AU - Renssen, H. AU - Seppä, H. AU - Heiri, O. AU - Roche, D. M. AU - Goosse, H. AU - Fichefet, T. T2 - Nature Geoscience DA - 2009/05/03/ PY - 2009 DO - 10.1038/ngeo513 DP - CrossRef VL - 2 IS - 6 SP - 411 EP - 414 SN - 1752-0894, 1752-0908 UR - http://www.nature.com/doifinder/10.1038/ngeo513 Y2 - 2013/08/30/08:53:09 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Glacial dynamics at the beginning of Termination I in the Eastern Alps and their stratigraphic implications AU - Reitner, Jürgen M. T2 - Quaternary International AB - Results of a geological re-investigation of the type localities of the Bühl stadial, the supposed first halt during ice decay of the Inn glacier in the basin of Hopfgarten and at the southern flank of the mountain range Wilder Kaiser (Northern Tyrol, Austria) are presented. It is shown that in this region no stationary or advancing Inn glacier tongue existed following the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) ice extent. All sedimentary and morphological evidence indicates that large parts of the Inn glacier and all other Eastern Alpine valley glaciers became stagnant followed by massive down wasting. Hence, this period after the LGM, at the beginning of Termination I (∼Würm-Lateglacial), is best defined as “phase of early Lateglacial ice decay”, which can be tentatively correlated to Greenland Stadial 2c (21.2–19.5 kyr BP). Only smaller glaciers advanced towards their Lateglacial Maximum Position (LMP). This happened mostly due to short-lasting climatic oscillations as indicated in the Windau valley (Hopfgarten) and at Steinach am Brenner. A mechanically induced glacier advance is reconstructed for the cirque glaciers of the Wilder Kaiser. At an advanced stage of down melting they lost their blockade established by the Inn glacier during LGM and advanced downvalley. It is proposed to define the processes of this phase by lithostratigraphic type-sections. DA - 2007/04// PY - 2007 DO - 10.1016/j.quaint.2006.12.016 DP - ScienceDirect VL - 164–165 SP - 64 EP - 84 J2 - Quaternary International SN - 1040-6182 UR - http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1040618207000079 Y2 - 2013/10/01/12:46:56 ER - TY - CHAP TI - Bericht 2000 über geologische Aufnahmen im Quartär auf Blatt 179 Lienz AU - Reitner, J. T2 - Jahrbuch 2001/2002/2003 A2 - Geologische Bundesanstalt DA - 2003/// PY - 2003 VL - 3 SP - 391 EP - 397 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Climate at the equilibrium line of glaciers AU - Ohmura, Atsumu AU - Kasser, Peter AU - Funk, Martin T2 - Journal of Glaciology DA - 1992/// PY - 1992 DP - Google Scholar VL - 38 IS - 130 SP - 397 EP - 411 UR - http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=4379644 Y2 - 2013/08/26/17:28:34 ER - TY - THES TI - Untersuchung der lokalen Windsysteme im Raum Feldbach unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Kaltluftabflüssen AU - Oberth, Ulfried AB - Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Untersuchung des tages- und jahreszeitlichen Verhaltens sowie der Häufigkeit des Auftretens thermischer Windsysteme innerhalb der Südoststeiermark. Die Basis der Auswertungen beruht auf Messdaten der Windmessstationen des WegenerNet - Klimastationsnetz Region Feldbach. Zu Beginn werden die theoretischen Grundlagen erläutert, welche für das Verständnis der Entstehungsprozesse thermischer Ausgleichsströmungen notwendig sind. Das anschließende Kapitel gibt einen Überblick über das WegenerNet - Projekt und die Lage der Windmessstationen innerhalb des Untersuchungsgebietes. Des Weiteren enthält es einen Überblick über die naturräumliche Ausstattung und die klimatologischen Rahmenbedingungen. Das nächste Kapitel beschreibt die methodische Herangehensweise an die Thematik, wobei die Gewinnung von Windmessdaten sowie deren Handhabung behandelt wird. Darüber hinaus wird in diesem Abschnitt die Selektion autochthoner Wetterlagen als Grundlage für die Untersuchung von Lokalwinden erläutert und die in dieser Form gewonnene Datenbasis interpretiert. Den Schwerpunkt der Arbeit bildet die Darstellung und Interpretation der Datenauswertungen. Dabei erfolgt ein Vergleich der durchschnittlichen Ausprägung des Windfeldes an den jeweiligen Stationen mit der charakteristischen Ausprägung bei autochthoner Witterung. Weiters werden die einzelnen Stationsstandorte hinsichtlich ihrer Repräsentanz für die Messung des Windfeldes interpretiert. Im Anschluss erfolgt eine Analyse des Verhaltens von Lokalwinden hinsichtlich der Parameter Windrichtung und Windgeschwindigkeit sowie eine Quantifizierung der Häufigkeit auftretender Lokalwinde im Untersuchungsgebiet. Als letzter Teilbereich steht die Validierung des Kaltluftabflussmodells KLAM_21. Aus der Beurteilung, mit welcher Güte die durchgeführten Modellberechnungen des bodennahen nächtlichen Windfeldes reale Verhältnisse annähern, kann ein unmittelbarer Nutzen der Untersuchungen abgeleitet werden. CY - Graz DA - 2010/// PY - 2010 SP - 146 M3 - Diplomarbeit PB - Inst. für Geographie und Raumforschung,, Universität Graz UR - https://online.uni-graz.at/kfu_online/wbAbs.showThesis?pThesisNr=18158&pOrgNr=1&pPersNr=53172 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Alpine climate during the Holocene: a comparison between records of glaciers, lake sediments and solar activity AU - Nussbaumer, Samuel U. AU - Steinhilber, Friedhelm AU - Trachsel, Mathias AU - Breitenmoser, Petra AU - Beer, Jürg AU - Blass, Alex AU - Grosjean, Martin AU - Hafner, Albert AU - Holzhauser, Hanspeter AU - Wanner, Heinz AU - Zumbühl, Heinz J. T2 - Journal of Quaternary Science AB - The European Alps are very sensitive and vulnerable to climate change. Recent improvements in Alpine glacier length records and climate reconstructions from annually laminated sediments of Alpine Lake Silvaplana give the opportunity to investigate the relationship between these two data sets of Alpine climate. Two different time frames are considered: the last 500–1000 years as well as the last 7400 years. First, we found good agreement between the two different climate archives during the past millennium: mass accumulation rates and biogenic silica concentration are largely in phase with the glacier length changes of Mer de Glace and Unterer Grindelwaldgletscher, and with the records of glacier length of Grosser Aletschgletscher and Gornergletscher. Secondly, the records are compared with temporally highly resolved data of solar activity. The Sun has had a major impact on the Alpine climate variations in the long term, i.e. several centuries to millennia. Solar activity varies with the Hallstatt periodicity of about 2000 years. Hallstatt minima are identified around 500, 2500 and 5000 a. Around these times grand solar minima (such as the Maunder Minimum) occurred in clusters coinciding with colder Alpine climate expressed by glacier advances. During the Hallstatt maxima around 0, 2000 and 4500 a, the Alpine glaciers generally retreated, indicating a warmer climate. This is supported by archaeological findings at Schnidejoch, a transalpine pass in Switzerland that was only accessible when glaciers had retreated. On shorter timescales, however, the influence of the Sun cannot be as easily detected in Alpine climate change, indicating that in addition to solar forcing, volcanic influence and internal climate variations have played an important role. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. DA - 2011/// PY - 2011 DO - 10.1002/jqs.1495 DP - Wiley Online Library VL - 26 IS - 7 SP - 703 EP - 713 LA - en SN - 1099-1417 ST - Alpine climate during the Holocene UR - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jqs.1495/abstract Y2 - 2013/08/29/06:08:54 KW - Alpine climate KW - European Alps KW - Glacier fluctuations KW - Holocene KW - lake sediments KW - solar activity ER - TY - JOUR TI - Evidence of a two-fold glacial advance during the last glacial maximum in the Tagliamento end moraine system (eastern Alps) AU - Monegato, Giovanni AU - Ravazzi, Cesare AU - Donegana, Marta AU - Pini, Roberta AU - Calderoni, Gilberto AU - Wick, Lucia T2 - Quaternary Research AB - The glacial history of the Tagliamento morainic amphitheater (southeastern Alpine foreland, Italy) during the last glacial maximum (LGM) has been reconstructed by means of a geological survey and drillings, radiocarbon dating and pollen analysis in the amphitheater and in the sandur. Two phases of glacial culmination, separated by a distinct recession, are responsible for glacial landforms and related sediments in the outer part of the amphitheater. The age of the younger advance fits the chronology of the culmination of the last glaciation in the Alps, well established between 24 and 21 cal ka BP (20 to 17.5 14C ka BP), whereas the first pulse between 26.5 and 23 cal ka BP (22 to 21 14C ka BP), previously undated, was usually related to older (pre-LGM) glaciations by previous authors. Here, the first pulse is the most extensive LGM culmination, but is often buried by the subsequent pulse. The onset and final recession of the late Würm Alpine glaciation in the Tagliamento amphitheater are synchronous with the established global glacial maximum between 30 and 19 cal ka BP. The two-fold LGM glacial oscillation is interpreted as a millennial-scale modulation within the late Würm glaciation, caused by oscillations in inputs of southerly atmospheric airflows related to Dansgaard–Oeschger cycles. Phases of enhanced southerly circulation promoted increased rainfall and ice accumulation in the southern Alps. DA - 2007/// PY - 2007 DO - 10.1016/j.yqres.2007.07.002 DP - ScienceDirect VL - 68 IS - 2 SP - 284 EP - 302 J2 - Quaternary Research SN - 0033-5894 UR - http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0033589407000877 Y2 - 2013/08/28/14:01:52 KW - Alps KW - Glacial history KW - Last glacial maximum KW - Millennial variability KW - Pollen analysis ER - TY - JOUR TI - SPLIDHOM: A Method for Homogenization of Daily Temperature Observations AU - Mestre, Olivier AU - Gruber, Christine AU - Prieur, Clémentine AU - Caussinus, Henri AU - Jourdain, Sylvie T2 - Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology DA - 2011/11// PY - 2011 DO - 10.1175/2011JAMC2641.1 DP - CrossRef VL - 50 IS - 11 SP - 2343 EP - 2358 SN - 1558-8424, 1558-8432 ST - SPLIDHOM UR - http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/abs/10.1175/2011JAMC2641.1 Y2 - 2013/08/27/15:47:20 ER - TY - JOUR TI - European storminess: late nineteenth century to present AU - Matulla, C. AU - Schöner, W. AU - Alexandersson, H. AU - Storch, H. AU - Wang, X. L. T2 - Climate Dynamics DA - 2008/08// PY - 2008 DO - 10.1007/s00382-007-0333-y DP - CrossRef VL - 31 IS - 2-3 SP - 125 EP - 130 SN - 0930-7575, 1432-0894 ST - European storminess UR - http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s00382-007-0333-y Y2 - 2013/08/30/13:38:30 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Regional atmospheric circulation shifts induced by a grand solar minimum AU - Martin-Puertas, Celia AU - Matthes, Katja AU - Brauer, Achim AU - Muscheler, Raimund AU - Hansen, Felicitas AU - Petrick, Christof AU - Aldahan, Ala AU - Possnert, Göran AU - van Geel, Bas T2 - Nature Geoscience DA - 2012/05/06/ PY - 2012 DO - 10.1038/ngeo1460 DP - CrossRef VL - 5 IS - 6 SP - 397 EP - 401 SN - 1752-0894, 1752-0908 UR - http://www.nature.com/doifinder/10.1038/ngeo1460 Y2 - 2013/08/30/ ER - TY - JOUR TI - Holocene climate variability as reflected by mid-European lake-level fluctuations and its probable impact on prehistoric human settlements AU - Magny, Michel T2 - The record of Human /Climate interaction in Lake Sediments DA - 2004/// PY - 2004 DO - 10.1016/S1040-6182(03)00080-6 VL - 113 IS - 1 SP - 65 EP - 79 J2 - Quaternary International SN - 1040-6182 UR - http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1040618203000806 ER - TY - JOUR TI - European Seasonal and Annual Temperature Variability, Trends, and Extremes Since 1500 AU - Luterbacher, Jürg AU - Dietrich, Daniel AU - Xoplaki, Elena AU - Grosjean, Martin AU - Wanner, Heinz T2 - Science DA - 2004/03/05/ PY - 2004 DO - 10.1126/science.1093877 DP - CrossRef VL - 303 IS - 5663 SP - 1499 EP - 1503 SN - 0036-8075, 1095-9203 UR - http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/doi/10.1126/science.1093877 Y2 - 2013/08/30/ ER - TY - JOUR TI - Modern diatom, cladocera, chironomid, and chrysophyte cyst assemblages as quantitative indicators for the reconstruction of past environmental conditions in the Alps. I. Climate AU - Lotter, André F. AU - Birks, H. John B. AU - Hofmann, Wolfgang AU - Marchetto, Aldo T2 - Journal of Paleolimnology DA - 1997/// PY - 1997 DO - 10.1023/A:1007982008956 DP - Google Scholar VL - 18 IS - 4 SP - 395 EP - 420 UR - http://link.springer.com/article/10.1023/A:1007982008956 Y2 - 2013/08/26/17:42:45 ER - TY - JOUR TI - The Magdalenian in Switzerland: Re-colonization of a newly accessible landscape AU - Leesch, Denise AU - Müller, Werner AU - Nielsen, Ebbe AU - Bullinger, Jérôme T2 - Quaternary International DA - 2012/09// PY - 2012 DO - 10.1016/j.quaint.2012.04.010 DP - CrossRef VL - 272-273 SP - 191 EP - 208 SN - 10406182 ST - The Magdalenian in Switzerland UR - http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S1040618212002686 Y2 - 2013/08/28/16:23:44 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Holocene glacial activity and climatic variations in the Swiss Alps: reconstructing a continuous record from proglacial lake sediments AU - Leemann, Andreas AU - Niessen, Frank T2 - The Holocene AB - Cores recovered from proglacial Lake Silvaplana (Swiss Alps) were investigated to examine the influence of Holocene glaciers on lacustrine sedimentation. During times of glacial activity in the catchment the sedimentation in the lake is dominated by the input of silt and clay-sized material delivered by glacial meltwaters. The deposition of fine-grained material and the formation of varves reflect the existence of glaciers in the catchment and can therefore be used for the reconstruction of glacial history. Sedimentation rates are up to nine times higher in the varved than in the non-varved sediments, indicating significantly higher erosion rates under glaciated catchment conditions. Glacial varves were deposited in Lake Silvaplana during glacial retreat in the latest Pleistocene and early Holocene until 9400BP. Non-varved deposits having a higher organic content and coarser grain- sizes accumulated at lower rates when glacial activity was absent or negligible within the catchment between 9400 and 3300 BP. The continuous deposition of varves after 3300 BP indicates that Neoglacia tion provided glacial cover for part of the catchment since then. Long-term variation in varve thickness is interpreted as being controlled by the size of the glaciers in the catchment. Maximal varve thicknesses are observed from AD 1790 to 1870. Since the changes in glacial activity for this area seem to be mainly controlled by temperature rather than precipitation, we suggest that the entire lacustrine sediment record of Lake Silvaplana reflects relative changes of summer air temperature during the Holocene. DA - 1994/09/01/ PY - 1994 DO - 10.1177/095968369400400305 DP - hol.sagepub.com VL - 4 IS - 3 SP - 259 EP - 268 J2 - The Holocene LA - en SN - 0959-6836, 1477-0911 ST - Holocene glacial activity and climatic variations in the Swiss Alps UR - http://hol.sagepub.com/content/4/3/259 Y2 - 2013/08/29/05:33:58 KW - Neoglaciation KW - climatic variations KW - glacial erosion KW - Glacier variations KW - lacustrine sedimentation KW - proglacial lake KW - summer air temperature KW - Swiss Alps. KW - varves ER - TY - JOUR TI - A sedimentary record of Holocene surface runoff events and earthquake activity from Lake Iseo (Southern Alps, Italy) AU - Lauterbach, Stefan AU - Chapron, Emmanuel AU - Brauer, Achim AU - Hüls, Matthias AU - Gilli, Adrian AU - Arnaud, Fabien AU - Piccin, Andrea AU - Nomade, Jérôme AU - Desmet, Marc AU - Grafenstein, Ulrich von AU - Declakes Participants T2 - The Holocene AB - This study presents a record of Holocene surface runoff events and several large earthquakes, preserved in the sediments of pre-Alpine Lake Iseo, northern Italy. A combination of high-resolution seismic surveying, detailed sediment microfacies analysis, non-destructive core-scanning techniques and AMS 14C dating of terrestrial macrofossils was used to detect and date these events. Based on this approach, our data shed light on past seismic activity in the vicinity of Lake Iseo and the influence of climate variability and human impact on allochthonous detrital matter flux into the lake. The 19 m long investigated sediment sequence of faintly layered lake marl contains frequent centimetre- to decimetre-scale sandy-silty detrital layers. During the early to mid Holocene, these small-scale detrital layers, reflecting sediment supply by extreme surface runoff events, reveal a distinct centennial-scale recurrence pattern. This is in accordance with regional lake-level highstands and minima in solar activity and thus apparently mainly climate-controlled. After c. 4200 cal. yr BP, intervals of high detrital flux occasionally also correlate with periods of enhanced human settlement activity. In consequence, deposition of small-scale detrital layers during the late Holocene apparently reflects a rather complex interplay between climatic and anthropogenic influences on catchment erosion processes. Besides the small-scale detrital layers, five up to 2.40 m thick large-scale detrital event layers, composed of basal mass-wasting deposits overlain by large-scale turbidites, were identified, which are supposed to be triggered by strong earthquakes. The uppermost large-scale event layer can be correlated to a documented Mw=6.0 earthquake in ad 1222 in Brescia. The four other large-scale event layers are supposed to correspond to previously undocumented local earthquakes. These occurred around 350 bc, 570 bc, 2540 bc and 6210 bc and most probably also reached magnitudes in the order of Mw = 5.0–6.5. DA - 2012/07/01/ PY - 2012 DO - 10.1177/0959683611430340 DP - hol.sagepub.com VL - 22 IS - 7 SP - 749 EP - 760 J2 - The Holocene LA - en SN - 0959-6836, 1477-0911 UR - http://hol.sagepub.com/content/22/7/749 Y2 - 2013/08/29/05:32:56 KW - climate KW - Land use KW - Italy KW - Holocene KW - lake sediments KW - earthquakes KW - Southern Alps KW - surface runoff events ER - TY - JOUR TI - Environmental responses to Lateglacial climatic fluctuations recorded in the sediments of pre-Alpine Lake Mondsee (northeastern Alps) AU - Lauterbach, Stefan AU - Brauer, Achim AU - Andersen, Nils AU - Danielopol, Dan L. AU - Dulski, Peter AU - Hüls, Matthias AU - Milecka, Krystyna AU - Namiotko, Tadeusz AU - Obremska, Milena AU - Von Grafenstein, Ulrich AU - Declakes Participants T2 - Journal of Quaternary Science DA - 2011/// PY - 2011 DO - 10.1002/jqs.1448 DP - Google Scholar VL - 26 IS - 3 SP - 253 EP - 267 UR - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jqs.1448/full Y2 - 2013/08/28/16:21:34 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Thousand years of climate change reconstructed from chironomid subfossils preserved in varved lake Silvaplana, Engadine, Switzerland AU - Larocque-Tobler, Isabelle AU - Grosjean, Martin AU - Heiri, Oliver AU - Trachsel, Mathias AU - Kamenik, Christian T2 - Quaternary Science Reviews DA - 2010/07// PY - 2010 DO - 10.1016/j.quascirev.2010.04.018 DP - CrossRef VL - 29 IS - 15-16 SP - 1940 EP - 1949 SN - 02773791 UR - http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0277379110001277 Y2 - 2013/08/30/09:37:50 ER - TY - JOUR TI - A last millennium temperature reconstruction using chironomids preserved in sediments of anoxic Seebergsee (Switzerland): consensus at local, regional and Central European scales AU - Larocque-Tobler, I. AU - Stewart, M. M. AU - Quinlan, R. AU - Trachsel, M. AU - Kamenik, C. AU - Grosjean, M. T2 - Quaternary Science Reviews DA - 2012/// PY - 2012 DP - Google Scholar VL - 41 SP - 49 EP - 56 ST - A last millennium temperature reconstruction using chironomids preserved in sediments of anoxic Seebergsee (Switzerland) UR - http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277379112001230 Y2 - 2013/08/30/ ER - TY - JOUR TI - Links between climate and sea levels for the past three million years AU - Lambeck, Kurt AU - Esat, Tezer M. AU - Potter, Emma-Kate T2 - Nature DA - 2002/09/12/ PY - 2002 DO - 10.1038/nature01089 DP - CrossRef VL - 419 IS - 6903 SP - 199 EP - 206 SN - 0028-0836 UR - http://www.nature.com/doifinder/10.1038/nature01089 Y2 - 2013/08/28/13:56:54 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Climatic and environmental controls on speleothem oxygen-isotope values AU - Lachniet, Matthew S. T2 - Quaternary Science Reviews DA - 2009/03// PY - 2009 DO - 10.1016/j.quascirev.2008.10.021 DP - CrossRef VL - 28 IS - 5-6 SP - 412 EP - 432 SN - 02773791 UR - http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0277379108003119 Y2 - 2013/08/26/18:45:41 ER - TY - CHAP TI - The response of the equilibrium line altitude to climatic fluctuations: theory and observations AU - Kuhn, Michael T2 - Glacier Fluctuations and Climatic Change. Proceedings of the Symposium on Glacier Fluctuations and Climatic Change, held at Amsterdam, 1–5 June 1987 A2 - Oerlemans, J. T3 - Glaciology and Quaternary Geology DA - 1989/// PY - 1989 DP - Google Scholar VL - Vol. 6 SP - 407 EP - 417 PB - Kluwer, Dordrecht SN - 978-0-7923-0110-3 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Eemian to early Würmian climate dynamics: history and pattern of changes in Central Europe AU - Klotz, Stefan AU - Müller, Ulrich AU - Mosbrugger, Volker AU - de Beaulieu, Jacques-Louis AU - Reille, Maurice T2 - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology DA - 2004/08// PY - 2004 DO - 10.1016/j.palaeo.2004.04.009 DP - CrossRef VL - 211 IS - 1-2 SP - 107 EP - 126 SN - 00310182 ST - Eemian to early Würmian climate dynamics UR - http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S003101820400241X Y2 - 2013/08/28/13:51:00 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Chrysophyte resting stages: a tool for reconstructing winter/spring climate from Alpine lake sediments AU - Kamenik, Christian AU - Schmidt, Roland T2 - Boreas DA - 2005/// PY - 2005 DO - 10.1080/03009480500231468 DP - Google Scholar VL - 34 IS - 4 SP - 477 EP - 489 ST - Chrysophyte resting stages UR - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1080/03009480500231468/full Y2 - 2013/08/26/17:38:03 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Multicentury glacier fluctuations in the Swiss Alps during the Holocene AU - Joerin, Ulrich E. AU - Stocker, Thomas F. AU - Schlüchter, Christian T2 - The Holocene DA - 2006/07/01/ PY - 2006 DO - 10.1191/0959683606hl964rp DP - CrossRef VL - 16 IS - 5 SP - 697 EP - 704 SN - 09596836, 14770911 UR - http://openurl.ingenta.com/content/xref?genre=article&issn=0959-6836&volume=16&issue=5&spage=697 Y2 - 2013/08/30/09:36:32 KW - Alps KW - Switzerland KW - Glacier fluctuations KW - Holocene KW - climate records KW - glacier recession KW - Multicentury KW - climate variability ER - TY - JOUR TI - Holocene temperature variations at a high-altitude site in the Eastern Alps: a chironomid record from Schwarzsee ob Sölden, Austria AU - Ilyashuk, Elena A. AU - Koinig, Karin A. AU - Heiri, Oliver AU - Ilyashuk, Boris P. AU - Psenner, Roland T2 - Quaternary Science Reviews AB - Few well-dated, quantitative Holocene temperature reconstructions exist from high-altitude sites in the Central Eastern Alps. Here, we present a chironomid-based quantitative reconstruction of mean July air temperatures (TJuly) throughout the Holocene for a remote high-mountain lake, Schwarzsee ob Sölden, situated above the treeline at 2796 m a.s.l. in the Austrian Alps. Applying a chironomid-temperature inference model developed from lakes of the Alpine region to a high-resolution chironomid record from the lake provides evidence for early Holocene (ca 10000–8600 cal yr BP) TJuly of up to 8.5 °C, i.e. >4 °C above the modern (1977–2006) mean July temperature. The reconstruction reveals the so-called ‘8.2-ka cold event’ centered at ca 8250–8000 cal yr BP with temperatures ca 3 °C below the early-Holocene thermal maximum. Rather warm (ca 6 °C) and productive conditions prevailed during ca 7900–4500 cal yr BP. The chironomid record suggests a climate transition between ca 5200 and 4500 cal yr BP to cooler TJuly. A distinct cooling trend is evident from ca 4500 until ca 2500 cal yr BP. Thereafter, the study site experienced its coldest conditions (around 4 °C or less) throughout the rest of the Holocene, with the exception of the warming trend during the late 20th century. Beside other factors, the Northern Hemisphere summer insolation seems to be the major driving force for the long-term trends in TJuly at high altitudes in the Eastern Alps. Due to the extreme location of the lake and the limited temperature range represented by the applied calibration data set, the chironomid-based temperature reconstruction fails to track phases of the late-Holocene climatic history with TJuly cooler than 4 °C. Further chironomid-based palaeoclimate model and down-core studies are required to address this problem, provide more realistic TJuly estimates from undisturbed high-altitude lakes in the Alps, and extract a reliable regional temperature signal. DA - 2011/// PY - 2011 DO - 10.1016/j.quascirev.2010.10.008 DP - ScienceDirect VL - 30 IS - 1–2 SP - 176 EP - 191 J2 - Quaternary Science Reviews SN - 0277-3791 ST - Holocene temperature variations at a high-altitude site in the Eastern Alps UR - http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277379110003744 Y2 - 2013/08/29/05:27:49 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Climate changes during the last glacial termination inferred from diatom-based temperatures and pollen in a sediment core from Längsee (Austria) AU - Huber, Kerstin AU - Weckström, Kaarina AU - Drescher-Schneider, Ruth AU - Knoll, Johann AU - Schmidt, Jutta AU - Schmidt, Roland T2 - Journal of Paleolimnology DA - 2010/// PY - 2010 DP - Google Scholar VL - 43 IS - 1 SP - 131 EP - 147 UR - http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10933-009-9322-y Y2 - 2013/08/28/15:41:11 ER - TY - JOUR TI - The Alps with little ice: evidence for eight Holocene phases of reduced glacier extent in the Central Swiss Alps AU - Hormes, Anne AU - Müller, Benjamin U. AU - Schlüchter, Christian T2 - The Holocene AB - Glacially deformed pieces of wood, organic lake sediments and clasts of reworked peat have been collected in front of Alpine glaciers since AD 1990. The palaeoglaciological interpretation of these organic materials is related to earlier phases of glacier recession surpassing that of today's shrunken glaciers and to tree growth and peat accumulation in the valleys now occupied by the glaciers. Glacial transport of the material is indicated by wood anatomy, incorporated silt, sand and gravel particles, missing bark and deformed treerings. A total of 65 samples have been radiocarbon dated so far, and clusters of dates provide evidence of eight phases of glacier recession: 9910-9550, 9010-7980, 7250-6500, 6170-5950, 5290-3870, 3640-3360, 2740-2620 and 1530-1170 calibrated years BP. Allowing for the timelag between climatic fluctuations, glacier response and vegetation colonization, these recession phases may lag behind climatic changes by 100-200 years. DA - 2001/04/01/ PY - 2001 DO - 10.1191/095968301675275728 DP - hol.sagepub.com VL - 11 IS - 3 SP - 255 EP - 265 J2 - The Holocene LA - en SN - 0959-6836, 1477-0911 ST - The Alps with little ice UR - http://hol.sagepub.com/content/11/3/255 Y2 - 2013/08/29/05:25:45 KW - Swiss Alps KW - Radiocarbon dating KW - Holocene KW - Glacier variations KW - climatic change KW - glacier retreat phases KW - minimal glacier extension ER - TY - JOUR TI - Timing and progression of the Last Interglacial derived from a high alpine stalagmite AU - Holzkämper, Steffen AU - Mangini, Augusto AU - Spötl, Christoph AU - Mudelsee, Manfred T2 - Geophysical Research Letters DA - 2004/// PY - 2004 DO - 10.1029/2003GL019112 DP - Google Scholar VL - 31 IS - 7 UR - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2003GL019112/full Y2 - 2013/08/28/12:26:40 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Glacier and lake-level variations in west-central Europe over the last 3500 years AU - Holzhauser, Hanspeter AU - Magny, Michel J. AU - Zumbühl, Heinz J. T2 - The Holocene DA - 2005/09/01/ PY - 2005 DO - 10.1191/0959683605hl853ra DP - CrossRef VL - 15 IS - 6 SP - 789 EP - 801 SN - 09596836, 14770911 UR - http://hol.sagepub.com/cgi/doi/10.1191/0959683605hl853ra Y2 - 2013/08/30/09:35:27 KW - Climate change KW - Alps KW - Radiocarbon dating KW - Glacier fluctuations KW - Holocene KW - ‘Little Ice Age’ KW - dendrochronology KW - historical documents KW - lake-level variations KW - Neoglaciation KW - west-central Europe ER - TY - JOUR TI - Extracting long-period climate fluctuations from tree-ring chronologies over timescales of centuries to millennia AU - Helama, Samuli AU - Timonen, Mauri AU - Lindholm, Markus AU - Meriläinen, Jouko AU - Eronen, Matti T2 - International Journal of Climatology DA - 2005/11/15/ PY - 2005 DO - 10.1002/joc.1215 DP - CrossRef VL - 25 IS - 13 SP - 1767 EP - 1779 SN - 0899-8418, 1097-0088 UR - http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/joc.1215 Y2 - 2013/08/27/ ER - TY - JOUR TI - A chironomid-based Holocene summer air temperature reconstruction from the Swiss Alps AU - Heiri, Oliver AU - Lotter, André F. AU - Hausmann, Sonja AU - Kienast, Felix T2 - The Holocene AB - We developed a quantitative chironomid-July air temperature inference model based on surface sediments from 81 Swiss lakes and applied it to the Holocene subfossil chironomid record of Hinterburgsee, a small subalpine lake in the northern Swiss Alps (present-day mean July air temperature of 11.3°C). After smoothing to reduce the high between-sample variability of inferred temperatures, the reconstruction indicates July air temperatures of 10.4– 10.9°C at the end of the Younger Dryas, of 11.9–12.8°C during the early and mid-Holocene (11500–4000 cal. BP), and slightly lower temperatures of 11.5–12.0°C during the late Holocene (3500–1000 cal. BP). A warming trend inferred for the past millennium is most likely an artifact of human impact on Hinterburgsee's chironomid fauna, rather than a genuine temperature signal. The most prominent climatological events during the Holocene were two periods of lower temperatures at c. 10700–10500 cal. BP and 8200–7700 cal. BP and an abrupt shift to a cooler late-Holocene climate around 4000–3700 cal. BP. Although the chironomid-inferred climate signals were within the prediction error of the model (1.51°C), major inferred temperature changes agree well with other northern and central European climate reconstructions and underline the potential of subfossil chironomid analysis to reconstruct even the moderate climatic changes within the Holocene. DA - 2003/05/01/ PY - 2003 DO - 10.1191/0959683603hl640ft DP - hol.sagepub.com VL - 13 IS - 4 SP - 477 EP - 484 J2 - The Holocene LA - en SN - 0959-6836, 1477-0911 UR - http://hol.sagepub.com/content/13/4/477 Y2 - 2013/08/29/05:23:45 KW - Swiss Alps KW - chironomids KW - Climatic reconstruction KW - Holocene climate KW - July air temperature KW - organismbased inference models KW - subalpine lake ER - TY - JOUR TI - A 274-lake calibration data-set and inference model for chironomid-based summer air temperature reconstruction in Europe AU - Heiri, Oliver AU - Brooks, Stephen J. AU - Birks, H. John B. AU - Lotter, André F. T2 - Quaternary Science Reviews DA - 2011/11// PY - 2011 DO - 10.1016/j.quascirev.2011.09.006 DP - CrossRef VL - 30 IS - 23-24 SP - 3445 EP - 3456 SN - 02773791 UR - http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S027737911100285X Y2 - 2013/08/26/17:35:22 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Toward elimination of the warm bias in historic radiosonde temperature records-Some new results from a comprehensive intercomparison of upper-air data AU - Haimberger, Leopold AU - Tavolato, Christina AU - Sperka, Stefan T2 - Journal of Climate DA - 2008/// PY - 2008 DP - Google Scholar VL - 21 IS - 18 SP - 4587 EP - 4606 UR - http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/abs/10.1175/2008JCLI1929.1 Y2 - 2013/08/27/15:29:02 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Revised stratigraphy and chronology of the Willendorf II sequence, Lower Austria AU - Haesaerts, Paul AU - Damblon, Freddy AU - Bachner, Margit AU - Trnka, Gerhard T2 - Archaeologia Austriaca DA - 1996/// PY - 1996 DP - Google Scholar VL - 80 SP - 25 EP - 42 UR - http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=2461833 Y2 - 2013/08/28/12:18:05 ER - TY - RPRT TI - Ereignisdokumentation Hochwasser August 2002, Plattform Hochwasser AU - Habersack, H. AU - Moser, A. DA - 2003/// PY - 2003 PB - ZENAR, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, BM for Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft SN - 1 ER - TY - JOUR TI - The Rhone Glacier was smaller than today for most of the Holocene AU - Goehring, Brent M. AU - Schaefer, Joerg M. AU - Schluechter, Christian AU - Lifton, Nathaniel A. AU - Finkel, Robert C. AU - Jull, A. J. Timothy AU - Akçar, Naki AU - Alley, Richard B. T2 - Geology AB - We present the development and application of the novel in situ cosmogenic 14C/10Be chronometer to recently exposed proglacial bedrock of the Rhone Glacier, Switzerland. Results show that during the Holocene, the glacier was smaller than today for 6500 ± 2000 yr and larger than today for 4500 ± 2000 yr. This pattern is consistent with limited data from other techniques for glaciers in the Alps and Scandinavia, but in contrast to glaciers from the Southern Alps of New Zealand, emphasizing the high sensitivity of large mountain glaciers to small climate changes. The 14C/10Be chronometer also shows that abrasion rates beneath the Rhone Glacier increased with ice speed. DA - 2011/07/01/ PY - 2011 DO - 10.1130/G32145.1 DP - geology.gsapubs.org VL - 39 IS - 7 SP - 679 EP - 682 J2 - Geology LA - en SN - 0091-7613, 1943-2682 UR - http://geology.gsapubs.org/content/39/7/679 Y2 - 2013/08/29/05:22:21 ER - TY - JOUR TI - The variability of European floods since AD 1500 AU - Glaser, Rüdiger AU - Riemann, Dirk AU - Schönbein, Johannes AU - Barriendos, Mariano AU - Brázdil, Rudolf AU - Bertolin, Chiara AU - Camuffo, Dario AU - Deutsch, Mathias AU - Dobrovolný, Petr AU - Engelen, Aryan van AU - Enzi, Silvia AU - Halíčková, Monika AU - Koenig, Sebastian J. AU - Kotyza, Oldřich AU - Limanówka, Danuta AU - Macková, Jarmila AU - Sghedoni, Mirca AU - Martin, Brice AU - Himmelsbach, Iso T2 - Climatic Change AB - The paper presents a qualitative and quantitative analysis of flood variability and forcing of major European rivers since AD 1500. We compile and investigate flood reconstructions which are based on documentary evidence for twelve Central European rivers and for eight Mediterranean rivers. Flood variability and underlying climatological causes are reconstructed by using hermeneutic approaches including critical source analysis and by applying a semi-quantitative classification scheme. The paper describes the driving climatic causes, seasonality and variability of observed flood events within the different river catchments covering the European mainland. Historical flood data are presented and recent research in the field of historical flood reconstructions is highlighted. Additionally, the character of the different flood series is discussed. A comparison of the historical flood seasonality in relation to modern distribution is given and aspects of the spatial coherence are presented. The comparative analysis points to the fact that the number of flood events is predominately triggered by regional climatic forcing, with at most only minor influence on neighbouring catchments. The only exceptions are extreme, supra-regional climatic events and conditions such as anomalous cold winters, similar to that of 1784, which affected large parts of Europe and triggered flood events in several catchments as a result of ice-break at the beginning of the annual thaw. Four periods of increased occurrence of flooding, mostly affecting Central European Rivers, have been identified; 1540–1600, 1640–1700, 1730–1790, 1790–1840. The reconstruction, compilation and analysis of European-wide flood data over the last five centuries reveal the complexity of the underlying climatological causes and the high variability of flood events in temporal and spatial dimension. DA - 2010/07/01/ PY - 2010 DO - 10.1007/s10584-010-9816-7 DP - link.springer.com VL - 101 IS - 1-2 SP - 235 EP - 256 J2 - Climatic Change LA - en SN - 0165-0009, 1573-1480 UR - http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10584-010-9816-7 Y2 - 2013/09/26/07:37:49 KW - Meteorology/Climatology ER - TY - JOUR TI - A thousand-year record of temperature variations for Germany and Central Europe based on documentary data AU - Glaser, Rüdiger AU - Riemann, Dirk T2 - Journal of Quaternary Science DA - 2009/07// PY - 2009 DO - 10.1002/jqs.1302 DP - CrossRef VL - 24 IS - 5 SP - 437 EP - 449 SN - 02678179, 10991417 UR - http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/jqs.1302 Y2 - 2013/08/27/ ER - TY - JOUR TI - Instruktion für Vegetationsbeobachtungen AU - Fritsch, C. T2 - Jahrbücher der k.k. Centralanstalt für Meteorologie und Erdmagnetismus, II. Band, Jg 1850, Kaiserlich Königliche Hof- und Staatsdruckerei Wien, 248-250 DA - 1854/// PY - 1854 DP - Google Scholar VL - II. Band N1 -


ER - TY - JOUR TI - Using relict rockglaciers in GIS-based modelling to reconstruct Younger Dryas permafrost distribution patterns in the Err-Julier area, Swiss Alp AU - Frauenfelder, Regula AU - Haeberli, Wilfried AU - Hoelzle, Martin AU - Maisch, Max T2 - Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift DA - 2001/// PY - 2001 DP - Google Scholar VL - 55 IS - 4 SP - 195 EP - 202 UR - http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00291950152746522 Y2 - 2013/08/28/15:34:28 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Alpine Evidence for Atmospheric Circulation Patterns in Europe during the Last Glacial Maximum AU - Florineth, Duri AU - Schlüchter, Christian T2 - Quaternary Research DA - 2000/11// PY - 2000 DO - 10.1006/qres.2000.2169 DP - CrossRef VL - 54 IS - 3 SP - 295 EP - 308 SN - 00335894 UR - http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0033589400921690 Y2 - 2013/08/28/12:16:25 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Weitere Ergenbnisse der Forschung am Bänderton von Baumkirchen (Inntal, Tirol). AU - Fliri, F. AU - Felber, H AU - Hilscher, H. T2 - Z. Gletscherk. Glazialgeol. DA - 1972/// PY - 1972 VL - 8 SP - 203 EP - 213 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Exposure age dating and Equilibrium Line Altitude reconstruction of an Egesen moraine in the Maritime Alps, Italy AU - Federici, Paolo Roberto AU - Granger, Darryl E. AU - Pappalardo, Marta AU - Ribolini, Adriano AU - Spagnolo, Matteo AU - Cyr, Andrew J. T2 - Boreas DA - 2008/05// PY - 2008 DO - 10.1111/j.1502-3885.2007.00018.x DP - CrossRef VL - 37 IS - 2 SP - 245 EP - 253 SN - 03009483, 15023885 UR - http://doi.wiley.com/10.1111/j.1502-3885.2007.00018.x Y2 - 2013/08/28/15:31:26 ER - TY - JOUR TI - The International Soil Moisture Network: a data hosting facility for global in situ soil moisture measurements AU - Dorigo, W. A. AU - Wagner, W. AU - Hohensinn, R. AU - Hahn, S. AU - Paulik, C. AU - Xaver, A. AU - Gruber, A. AU - Drusch, M. AU - Mecklenburg, S. AU - van Oevelen, P. AU - Robock, A. AU - Jackson, T. T2 - Hydrology and Earth System Sciences DA - 2011/05/30/ PY - 2011 DO - 10.5194/hess-15-1675-2011 DP - CrossRef VL - 15 IS - 5 SP - 1675 EP - 1698 SN - 1607-7938 ST - The International Soil Moisture Network UR - http://www.hydrol-earth-syst-sci.net/15/1675/2011/ Y2 - 2013/08/27/15:15:36 ER - TY - JOUR TI - The temperature of Europe during the Holocene reconstructed from pollen data AU - Davis, B.A.S. AU - Brewer, S. AU - Stevenson, A.C. AU - Guiot, J. T2 - Quaternary Science Reviews AB - We present the first area-average time series reconstructions of warmest month, coldest month and mean annual surface air temperatures across Europe during the last 12,000 years. These series are based on quantitative pollen climate reconstructions from over 500 pollen sites assimilated using an innovative four-dimensional gridding procedure. This approach combines three-dimensional spatial gridding with a fourth dimension represented by time, allowing data from irregular time series to be ‘focussed’ onto a regular time step. We provide six regional reconstructed temperature time series as well as summary time series for the whole of Europe. The results suggest major spatial and seasonal differences in Holocene temperature trends within a remarkably balanced regional and annual energy budget. The traditional mid-Holocene thermal maximum is observed only over Northern Europe and principally during the summer. This warming was balanced by a mid-Holocene cooling over Southern Europe, whilst Central Europe occupied an intermediary position. Changes in annual mean temperatures for Europe as a whole suggest an almost linear increase in thermal budget up to 7800 BP, followed by stable conditions for the remainder of the Holocene. This early Holocene warming and later equilibrium has been mainly modulated by increasing winter temperatures in the west, which have continued to rise at a progressively decreasing rate up to the present day. DA - 2003/// PY - 2003 DO - 10.1016/S0277-3791(03)00173-2 DP - ScienceDirect VL - 22 IS - 15–17 SP - 1701 EP - 1716 J2 - Quaternary Science Reviews SN - 0277-3791 UR - http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277379103001732 Y2 - 2013/08/29/05:10:47 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Evidence for general instability of past climate from a 250-kyr ice-core record AU - Dansgaard, Willi AU - Johnsen, S. J. AU - Clausen, H. B. AU - Dahl-Jensen, D. AU - Gundestrup, N. S. AU - Hammer, C. U. AU - Hvidberg, C. S. AU - Steffensen, J. P. AU - Sveinbjörnsdottir, A. E. AU - Jouzel, J. T2 - Nature DA - 1993/// PY - 1993 DP - Google Scholar VL - 364 IS - 6434 SP - 218 EP - 220 UR - https://notendur.hi.is/~oi/AG-326%202006%20readings/Ice%20sheets%20and%20glacial%20cycles/Dansgaard_NATURE93.pdf Y2 - 2013/08/28/11:48:02 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Methods of comparing annual rainfall records for climatic purposes AU - Craddock, J. M. T2 - Weather DA - 1979/// PY - 1979 DP - Google Scholar VL - 34 IS - 9 SP - 332 EP - 346 UR - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/j.1477-8696.1979.tb03465.x/abstract Y2 - 2013/08/27/15:08:25 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Reconstruction of past climate conditions over central Europe from groundwater data AU - Corcho Alvarado, J.A. AU - Leuenberger, M. AU - Kipfer, R. AU - Paces, T. AU - Purtschert, R. T2 - Quaternary Science Reviews DA - 2011/11// PY - 2011 DO - 10.1016/j.quascirev.2011.09.003 DP - CrossRef VL - 30 IS - 23-24 SP - 3423 EP - 3429 SN - 02773791 UR - http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0277379111002824 Y2 - 2013/08/28/11:46:13 ER - TY - JOUR TI - The environment of Upper Palaeolithic (Magdalenian and Azilian) hunters at Hauterive-Champréveyres, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, interpreted from coleopteran remains AU - Coope, G. Russell AU - Elias, Scott A. T2 - Journal of Quaternary Science DA - 2000/// PY - 2000 DP - Google Scholar VL - 15 IS - 2 SP - 157 EP - 175 UR - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/(SICI)1099-1417(200002)15:2%3C157::AID-JQS478%3E3.0.CO;2-K/full Y2 - 2013/08/28/15:24:33 ER - TY - BOOK TI - An introduction to statistical modeling of extreme values AU - Coles, Stuart DA - 2001/// PY - 2001 DP - Google Scholar PB - Springer UR - http://books.google.com/books?hl=ru&lr=&id=2nugUEaKqFEC&oi=fnd&pg=PA2&dq=An+Introduction+to+Statistical+Modelling+of+Extreme+Values&ots=Fb6Eb73P17&sig=lGg-TnPIVJugHnL4AALXqTrexes Y2 - 2013/08/27/15:04:44 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Detection and correction of artificial shifts in climate series AU - Caussinus, Henri AU - Mestre, Olivier T2 - Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics) DA - 2004/08// PY - 2004 DO - 10.1111/j.1467-9876.2004.05155.x DP - CrossRef VL - 53 IS - 3 SP - 405 EP - 425 SN - 0035-9254, 1467-9876 UR - http://doi.wiley.com/10.1111/j.1467-9876.2004.05155.x Y2 - 2013/08/27/14:53:53 ER - TY - JOUR TI - 2500 years of European climate variability and human susceptibility AU - Büntgen, Ulf AU - Tegel, Willy AU - Nicolussi, Kurt AU - McCormick, Michael AU - Frank, David AU - Trouet, Valerie AU - Kaplan, Jed O. AU - Herzig, Franz AU - Heussner, Karl-Uwe AU - Wanner, Heinz T2 - Science DA - 2011/// PY - 2011 DP - Google Scholar VL - 331 IS - 6017 SP - 578 EP - 582 UR - http://www.sciencemag.org/content/331/6017/578.short Y2 - 2013/08/30/09:25:27 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Summer Temperature Variations in the European Alps, a.d. 755–2004 AU - Büntgen, Ulf AU - Frank, David C. AU - Nievergelt, Daniel AU - Esper, Jan T2 - Journal of Climate DA - 2006/11// PY - 2006 DO - 10.1175/JCLI3917.1 DP - CrossRef VL - 19 IS - 21 SP - 5606 EP - 5623 SN - 0894-8755, 1520-0442 ST - Summer Temperature Variations in the European Alps, UR - http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/abs/10.1175/JCLI3917.1 Y2 - 2013/08/29/05:08:20 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Historical Climatology In Europe – The State Of The Art AU - Brázdil, Rudolf AU - Pfister, Christian AU - Wanner, Heinz AU - Storch, Hans Von AU - Luterbacher, JüRg T2 - Climatic Change DA - 2005/06// PY - 2005 DO - 10.1007/s10584-005-5924-1 DP - CrossRef VL - 70 IS - 3 SP - 363 EP - 430 SN - 0165-0009, 1573-1480 UR - http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s10584-005-5924-1 Y2 - 2013/08/27/ ER - TY - JOUR TI - The early instrumental warm-bias: a solution for long central European temperature series 1760–2007 AU - Böhm, Reinhard AU - Jones, Philip D. AU - Hiebl, Johann AU - Frank, David AU - Brunetti, Michele AU - Maugeri, Maurizio T2 - Climatic Change DA - 2009/09/04/ PY - 2009 DO - 10.1007/s10584-009-9649-4 DP - CrossRef VL - 101 IS - 1-2 SP - 41 EP - 67 SN - 0165-0009, 1573-1480 ST - The early instrumental warm-bias UR - http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s10584-009-9649-4 Y2 - 2013/08/27/14:40:00 ER - TY - JOUR TI - High-resolution isotope records of early Holocene rapid climate change from two coeval stalagmites of Katerloch Cave, Austria AU - Boch, Ronny AU - Spötl, Christoph AU - Kramers, Jan T2 - Quaternary Science Reviews AB - Two coeval stalagmites from Katerloch Cave show pronounced intervals of low δ18O values around 8.2, 9.1, and 10.0 kyr (all ages are reported before the year 2000 AD) and represent an inorganic U–Th dated climate archive from the southeast of the European Alps, a region where only very few well-dated climate records exist. The O isotope curves, providing near-annual resolution, allow a direct comparison to the Greenland ice core records, as temperature was the primary factor controlling the O isotopic composition of Katerloch speleothems. The 8.2 kyr climate anomaly lasted about one century, from 8196 to 8100 yr, with a maximum amplitude of 1.1‰ at 8175 yr. The event is characterized by a rapid onset and a more gradual demise and U–Th data as well as annual lamina counting support a rapid climate change towards cooler conditions within 10–20 yr. There is no strong evidence that the 8.2 kyr anomaly was superimposed on a pronounced longer-term cooling episode, nor do the new data support two separate cooling events within the 8.2 kyr event as reported by other studies. Our record also shows a distinct climate anomaly around 9.1 kyr, which lasted 70–110 yr and showed a maximum amplitude of 1.0‰, i.e. it had a similar duration and amplitude as the (central) 8.2 kyr event. Compared to the 8.2 kyr event, the 9.1 kyr anomaly shows a more symmetrical structure, but onset and demise still occurred within a few decades only. The different progression of the 8.2 (asymmetrical) and 9.1 kyr anomaly (symmetrical) suggests a fundamental difference in the trigger and/or the response of the climate system. Moreover, both stalagmites show evidence of a climate anomaly around 10.0 kyr, which was of comparable magnitude to the two subsequent events. Using a well constrained modern calibration between air temperature and δ18O of precipitation for the study area and cave monitoring data (confirming speleothem deposition in Katerloch reflecting cave air temperature), a maximum cooling by ca 3 °C can be inferred at 8.2 and 9.1 kyr, which is similar to other estimates, e.g., from Lake Ammersee north of the Alps. The O isotopic composition of meteoric precipitation, however, is a complex tracer of the hydrological cycle and these temperature estimates do not take into account additional effects such as changes in the source area or synoptic shifts. Apart from that, the relative thickness of the seasonally controlled lamina types in the Katerloch stalagmites remains rather constant across the intervals comprising the isotopic anomalies, i.e. the stalagmite petrography argues against major shifts in seasonality during the early Holocene climate excursions. DA - 2009/// PY - 2009 DO - 10.1016/j.quascirev.2009.05.015 DP - ScienceDirect VL - 28 IS - 23–24 SP - 2527 EP - 2538 J2 - Quaternary Science Reviews SN - 0277-3791 UR - http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S027737910900184X Y2 - 2013/08/29/04:56:07 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Reconstructing palaeoprecipitation from an active cave flowstone AU - Boch, Ronny AU - Spötl, Christoph T2 - Journal of Quaternary Science AB - Several drill cores were obtained from a laminated, actively forming flowstone from a shallow cave in Austria. Highly resolved petrographic and geochemical analyses combined with multi-annual cave monitoring reveal a distinct sensitivity of flowstone growth and composition to late Holocene meteoric precipitation. The regular sub-millimetre-scale lamination consists of thicker, translucent laminae and thinner (organic) inclusion-rich laminae. There is also a macroscopic millimetre-scale banding of darker and lighter bands comprising several laminae. Stable isotope analyses of drill cores and modern calcite precipitates show a pronounced positive covariation of δ13C and δ18O values indicative of kinetic isotope effects. Comparing the isotope values with petrography shows gradual changes across several of the annual laminae, i.e. changes of several per mille on a multi-annual to decadal timescale. The stable isotope and trace-element composition, as well as the flowstone petrography, are mainly controlled by the variable drip-water discharge controlling the water-film thickness and water residence time on the flowstone surface and consequently the intensity of CO2-degassing, kinetic isotope enrichment and concomitant calcite precipitation. Drill core PFU6 provides an isotope record of the last ca. 3000 years at near-annual resolution. A distinct phase of low C and O isotope values – interpreted as increased discharge and hence higher meteoric precipitation – occurred from ca. 300 to 140 a b2k (second half of the Little Ice Age) and another wet interval occurred around 700 a, corresponding to reported Medieval glacier advances. The Roman Warm Period was also dominated by relatively wet conditions, although significant decadal variability prevailed. Increased precipitation further characterized the intervals from ca. 2480 to 2430 and 2950 to 2770 a. Dry conditions persisted during the Medieval Climate Anomaly, although this trend towards reduced precipitation started earlier. The highest C isotope values of the last 2 ka are recorded around 750 a and another dry phase is centred at 1480 a. This new record shows that inter-annual to decadal oscillations are a dominant mode of variation during the last 3 ka in the Alps. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. DA - 2011/// PY - 2011 DO - 10.1002/jqs.1490 DP - Wiley Online Library VL - 26 IS - 7 SP - 675 EP - 687 LA - en SN - 1099-1417 UR - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jqs.1490/abstract Y2 - 2013/08/29/04:57:17 KW - Precipitation KW - flowstone KW - kinetic isotope fractionation KW - lamination KW - speleothem ER - TY - CHAP TI - Die Bedeutung des Längsees in Kärnten für die Rekonstruktion der Klima- und Seenentwicklung am Ende der letzten Eiszeit AU - Schmidt, R. AU - Drescher-Schneider, R. AU - Huber, K. AU - Weckström, K. T2 - Klimawandel in Österreich - Die letzten 20.000 Jahre und ein Blick voraus A2 - Schmidt, Roland A2 - Matulla, C. A2 - Psenner, R. T3 - Alpine Space - Man and Environment vol. 6 DA - 2009/// PY - 2009 SP - 27 EP - 40 PB - Innsbruck University Press ER - TY - BOOK TI - Le retrait glaciaire dans les vallées des Ormonts, de l'Hongrin et de l'Etivaz (Préalpes Vaudoises). AU - Schoeneich, Philippe T2 - Travaux et Recherches CY - Lausanne DA - 1998/// PY - 1998 DP - Google Books SP - 483 LA - fr M1 - 14 PB - Institut de géographie ER - TY - JOUR TI - Landschaftsentwicklung im Quartär AU - Reitner, J. T2 - Arbeitstagung der Geologischen Bundesanstalt 2005 T3 - Blatt Spittal DA - 2005/// PY - 2005 SP - 63 EP - 81 ER - TY - THES TI - Quartärgeologie und Landschaftsentwicklung im Raum Kitzbühel-St. Johann i.T.- Hopfgarten (Nordtirol) vom Riss bis in das Würm-Spätglazial (MIS 6-2) AU - Reitner, J. CY - Wien DA - 2005/// PY - 2005 M3 - Natwiss. Diss PB - Universität Wien ER - TY - CHAP TI - Das Inngletschersystem während des Würm-Glazials AU - Reitner, Jürgen T2 - Arbeitstagung 2011 der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, Blatt 88 Achenkirch A2 - Gruber, Alfred CY - Wien DA - 2011/// PY - 2011 DP - Open WorldCat SP - 79 EP - 88 LA - German PB - Geologische Bundesanstalt SN - 978-3-85316-059-6 3-85316-059-X ER - TY - JOUR TI - Arbeitsergebnisse der Subkommission für Europäische Quartärstratigraphie - Stratotypen des Würmglazials AU - Chaline, J. AU - Jerz, H. T2 - Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart: Jahrbuch der Deutschen Quartärvereinigung A2 - Lang, H. D. DA - 1984/// PY - 1984 IS - 35 SP - 185 EP - 206 UR - http://quaternary-science.publiss.net/system/issues/pdfas/32/original_vol34_no1.pdf?1284106827 Y2 - 2014/03/20/ ER - TY - JOUR TI - Variations in the Earth's Orbit: Pacemaker of the Ice Ages AU - Hays, J. D. AU - Imbrie, John AU - Shackleton, N. J. T2 - Science AB - 1) Three indices of global climate have been monitored in the record of the past 450,000 years in Southern Hemisphere ocean-floor sediments. 2) Over the frequency range 10–4 to 10–5 cycle per year, climatic variance of these records is concentrated in three discrete spectral peaks at periods of 23,000, 42,000, and approximately 100,000 years. These peaks correspond to the dominant periods of the earth's solar orbit, and contain respectively about 10, 25, and 50 percent of the climatic variance. 3) The 42,000-year climatic component has the same period as variations in the obliquity of the earth's axis and retains a constant phase relationship with it. 4) The 23,000-year portion of the variance displays the same periods (about 23,000 and 19,000 years) as the quasi-periodic precession index. 5) The dominant, 100,000-year climatic [See table in the PDF file] component has an average period close to, and is in phase with, orbital eccentricity. Unlike the correlations between climate and the higher-frequency orbital variations (which can be explained on the assumption that the climate system responds linearly to orbital forcing), an explanation of the correlation between climate and eccentricity probably requires an assumption of nonlinearity. 6) It is concluded that changes in the earth's orbital geometry are the fundamental cause of the succession of Quaternary ice ages. 7) A model of future climate based on the observed orbital-climate relationships, but ignoring anthropogenic effects, predicts that the long-term trend over the next sevem thousand years is toward extensive Northern Hemisphere glaciation. DA - 1976/10/12/ PY - 1976 DO - 10.1126/science.194.4270.1121 DP - www.sciencemag.org VL - 194 IS - 4270 SP - 1121 EP - 1132 J2 - Science LA - en SN - 0036-8075, 1095-9203 ST - Variations in the Earth's Orbit UR - http://www.sciencemag.org/content/194/4270/1121 Y2 - 2014/06/06/10:18:25 L1 - http://www.sciencemag.org/content/194/4270/1121.full.pdf L2 - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17790893 L2 - http://www.sciencemag.org/content/194/4270/1121 ER - TY - JOUR TI - North Atlantic Current and European environments during the declining stage of the last interglacial AU - Müller, Ulrich C. AU - Kukla, George J. T2 - Geology DA - 2004/// PY - 2004 DO - 10.1130/G20901.1 DP - CrossRef VL - 32 IS - 12 SP - 1009 EP - 1012 SN - 0091-7613 UR - http://geology.gsapubs.org/cgi/doi/10.1130/G20901.1 Y2 - 2013/08/28/14:04:46 ER - TY - JOUR TI - A new radiocarbon chronology of Baumkirchen, stratotype for the onset of the Upper Würmian in the Alps AU - Spötl, Christoph AU - Reimer, Paula J. AU - Starnberger, Reinhard AU - Reimer, Ron W. T2 - Journal of Quaternary Science AB - The start of the Upper Würmian in the Alps was marked by massive fluvioglacial aggradation prior to the arrival of the Central Alpine glaciers. In 1984, the Subcommission on European Quaternary Stratigraphy defined the clay pit of Baumkirchen (in the foreland of the Inn Valley, Austria) as the stratotype for the Middle to Upper Würmian boundary in the Alps. Key for the selection of this site was its radiocarbon chronology, which still ranks among the most important datasets of this time interval in the Alps. In this study we re-sampled all available original plant specimens and established an accelerator mass spectrometry chronology which supersedes the published 40-year-old chronology. The new data show a much smaller scatter and yielded slightly older conventional radiocarbon dates clustering at ca. 31 14C ka BP. When calibrated using INTCAL13 the new data suggest that the sampled interval of 653–681 m in the clay pit was deposited 34–36 cal ka BP. Using two new radiocarbon dates of bone fragments found in the fluvioglacial gravel above the banded clays allows us to constrain the timing of the marked change from lacustrine to fluvioglacial sedimentation to ca. 32–33 cal ka BP, which suggests a possible link to the Heinrich 3 event in the North Atlantic. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. DA - 2013/08/01/ PY - 2013 DO - 10.1002/jqs.2645 DP - Wiley Online Library VL - 28 IS - 6 SP - 552 EP - 558 J2 - J. Quaternary Sci. LA - en SN - 1099-1417 UR - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jqs.2645/abstract Y2 - 2014/06/06/10:04:00 L1 - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/store/10.1002/jqs.2645/asset/jqs2645.pdf?v=1&t=hw3bsq38&s=6468937026730b8f005b16feb5ec07dcc9e7acb0 L2 - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jqs.2645/abstract KW - Alps KW - Middle Würmian KW - radiocarbon chronology KW - stratotype KW - Upper Würmian ER - TY - JOUR TI - Der Bänderton von Baumkirchen (Inntal, Tirol). Eine neue Schlüsselstelle zur Kenntnis der Würm-Vereisung der Alpen AU - Fliri, F. AU - Bortenschlager, S. AU - Felber, H AU - Heissel, W. AU - Hilscher, H. AU - Resch, W. T2 - Z. Gletscherk. Glazialgeol. DA - 1970/// PY - 1970 VL - 6 SP - 5 EP - 35 ER - TY - MAP TI - Die Schweiz während des letzteiszeitlichen Maximus (LGM) La Suisse durant le dernier maximum glaciaire = La Svizzera durante l'ultimo massimo glaciale = Switzerland during the last glacial maximum AU - Bini, Alfredo AU - Schlüchter, Christian AU - Burkhalter, Reto AU - Urech, Martin AU - Schweiz AU - Landesgeologie C1 - 1:500.000 CY - Wabern DA - 2009/// PY - 2009 DP - Open WorldCat LA - German PB - Bundesamt für Landestopografie Swisstopo SN - 978-3-302-40049-5 3-302-40049-7 UR - http://www.swisstopo.admin.ch/internet/swisstopo/de/home/products/maps/geology/geomaps/LGM-map500.html ER - TY - MAP TI - Die Ostalpen und ihr Vorland in der letzten Eiszeit AU - Van Husen, D. C1 - 1:500.000 CN - K II 1615 CY - Wien DA - 1987/// PY - 1987 DP - Google Scholar LA - Deutsch PB - Verl.d.Geol.Bundesanst. UR - http://opac.geologie.ac.at/ais312/detail.aspx?parentpriref= ER - TY - JOUR TI - Isotope calibrated Greenland temperature record over Marine Isotope Stage 3 and its relation to CH4 AU - Huber, Christof AU - Leuenberger, Markus AU - Spahni, Renato AU - Flückiger, Jacqueline AU - Schwander, Jakob AU - Stocker, Thomas F. AU - Johnsen, Sigfus AU - Landais, Amaelle AU - Jouzel, Jean T2 - Earth and Planetary Science Letters DA - 2006/// PY - 2006 DP - Google Scholar VL - 243 IS - 3 SP - 504 EP - 519 UR - http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012821X06000392 Y2 - 2013/08/28/12:30:59 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Willendorf II AU - Nigst, P. R. AU - Viola, T. B. AU - Haesaerts, Paul AU - Trnka, Gerhard T2 - Wiss. Mitt. Niederösterr. Landesmuseum DA - 2008/// PY - 2008 VL - 19 SP - 31 EP - 58 ER - TY - BOOK TI - Quaternary Glaciations-Extent and Chronology: Part I: Europe A3 - Ehlers, Jürgen A3 - Gibbard, Philip Leonard CY - Amsterdam DA - 2004/// PY - 2004 DP - Google Scholar VL - 2 SP - 475 PB - Elsevier ST - Quaternary Glaciations-Extent and Chronology UR - http://books.google.com/books?hl=ru&lr=&id=rKsL8CFcdAoC&oi=fnd&pg=PP2&dq=Quaternary+glaciations.+Extent+and+chronology.+Part+I:+Europe.+-+Developments+in+Quaternary+Science&ots=VRK8jb1zXE&sig=UmYK3GtNE4OriSEq3q_97Vnhinc Y2 - 2013/08/28/11:57:56 ER - TY - JOUR TI - A multi-dating approach applied to proglacial sediments attributed to the Most Extensive Glaciation of the Swiss Alps AU - Dehnert, Andreas AU - Preusser, Frank AU - Kramers, Jan D. AU - Akçar, Naki AU - Kubik, Peter W. AU - Reber, Regina AU - Schlüchter, Christian T2 - Boreas AB - Dehnert, A., Preusser, F., Kramers, J. D., Akçar, N., Kubik, P. W., Reber, R. & Schlüchter, C. 2010: A multi-dating approach applied to proglacial sediments attributed to the Most Extensive Glaciation of the Swiss Alps. Boreas, Vol. 39, pp. 620–632. 10.1111/j.1502-3885.2010.00146.x. ISSN 0300-9483. The number and the timing of Quaternary glaciations of the Alps are poorly constrained and, in particular, the age of the Most Extensive Glaciation (MEG) in Switzerland remains controversial. This ice advance has previously been tentatively correlated with the Riss Glaciation of the classical alpine stratigraphy and with Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 6 (186–127 ka). An alternative interpretation, based on pollen analysis and stratigraphic correlations, places the MEG further back in the Quaternary, with an age equivalent to MIS 12 (474–427 ka), or even older. To re-evaluate this issue in the Swiss glaciation history, a multi-dating approach was applied to proglacial deltaic ‘Höhenschotter’ deposits in locations outside the ice extent of the Last Glacial Maximum. Results of U/Th and luminescence dating suggest a correlation of the investigated deposits with MIS 6 and hence with the Riss Glaciation. Cosmogenic burial dating suffered from large measurement uncertainties and unusually high 26Al/10Be ratios and did not provide robust age estimates. DA - 2010/07/01/ PY - 2010 DO - 10.1111/j.1502-3885.2010.00146.x DP - Wiley Online Library VL - 39 IS - 3 SP - 620 EP - 632 LA - en SN - 1502-3885 UR - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1502-3885.2010.00146.x/abstract Y2 - 2014/06/06/08:45:31 L1 - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/store/10.1111/j.1502-3885.2010.00146.x/asset/j.1502-3885.2010.00146.x.pdf?v=1&t=hw38zsvl&s=5d57925f8b7c534807d4820175460ecfdc965b48 L2 - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1502-3885.2010.00146.x/abstract;jsessionid=C10E0CF542D5418169D9A0D2E5C11D45.f02t04 ER - TY - BOOK TI - Die Alpen im Eiszeitalter AU - Penck, A. AU - Brückner, George C. DA - 1901///1909 PY - 1901 DP - Google Scholar VL - 3 PB - Tauchnitz, Leipzig UR - http://library.wur.nl/WebQuery/clc/1784872 Y2 - 2013/08/28/14:38:49 ER - TY - BOOK TI - Statistical Methods in the Atmospheric Sciences AU - Wilks, Daniel S. AB - Praise for the First Edition:"I recommend this book, without hesitation, as either a reference or course text...Wilks' excellent book provides a thorough base in applied statistical methods for atmospheric sciences."--BAMS (Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society)Fundamentally, statistics is concerned with managing data and making inferences and forecasts in the face of uncertainty. It should not be surprising, therefore, that statistical methods have a key role to play in the atmospheric sciences. It is the uncertainty in atmospheric behavior that continues to move research forward and drive innovations in atmospheric modeling and prediction.This revised and expanded text explains the latest statistical methods that are being used to describe, analyze, test and forecast atmospheric data. It features numerous worked examples, illustrations, equations, and exercises with separate solutions. Statistical Methods in the Atmospheric Sciences, Second Edition will help advanced students and professionals understand and communicate what their data sets have to say, and make sense of the scientific literature in meteorology, climatology, and related disciplines. Accessible presentation and explanation of techniques for atmospheric data summarization, analysis, testing and forecasting Many worked examples End-of-chapter exercises, with answers provided DA - 2006/// PY - 2006 DP - Google Books LA - en PB - Academic Press SN - 978-0-12-385022-5 KW - Science / Earth Sciences / Meteorology & Climatology KW - Mathematics / Probability & Statistics / General KW - Science / Earth Sciences / General KW - Science / Physics / Geophysics ER - TY - JOUR TI - Benchmarking monthly homogenization algorithms AU - Venema, V. K. C. AU - Mestre, O. AU - Aguilar, E. AU - Auer, I. AU - Guijarro, J. A. AU - Domonkos, P. AU - Vertacnik, G. AU - Szentimrey, T. AU - Stepanek, P. AU - Zahradnicek, P. AU - Viarre, J. AU - Müller-Westermeier, G. AU - Lakatos, M. AU - Williams, C. N. AU - Menne, M. AU - Lindau, R. AU - Rasol, D. AU - Rustemeier, E. AU - Kolokythas, K. AU - Marinova, T. AU - Andresen, L. AU - Acquaotta, F. AU - Fratianni, S. AU - Cheval, S. AU - Klancar, M. AU - Brunetti, M. AU - Gruber, C. AU - Prohom Duran, M. AU - Likso, T. AU - Esteban, P. AU - Brandsma, T. T2 - Clim. Past Discuss. AB - The COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Action ES0601: Advances in homogenization methods of climate series: an integrated approach (HOME) has executed a blind intercomparison and validation study for monthly homogenization algorithms. Time series of monthly temperature and precipitation were evaluated because of their importance for climate studies and because they represent two important types of statistics (additive and multiplicative). The algorithms were validated against a realistic benchmark dataset. The benchmark contains real inhomogeneous data as well as simulated data with inserted inhomogeneities. Random break-type inhomogeneities were added to the simulated datasets modeled as a Poisson process with normally distributed breakpoint sizes. To approximate real world conditions, breaks were introduced that occur simultaneously in multiple station series within a simulated network of station data. The simulated time series also contained outliers, missing data periods and local station trends. Further, a stochastic nonlinear global (network-wide) trend was added. Participants provided 25 separate homogenized contributions as part of the blind study as well as 22 additional solutions submitted after the details of the imposed inhomogeneities were revealed. These homogenized datasets were assessed by a number of performance metrics including (i) the centered root mean square error relative to the true homogeneous value at various averaging scales, (ii) the error in linear trend estimates and (iii) traditional contingency skill scores. The metrics were computed both using the individual station series as well as the network average regional series. The performance of the contributions depends significantly on the error metric considered. Contingency scores by themselves are not very informative. Although relative homogenization algorithms typically improve the homogeneity of temperature data, only the best ones improve precipitation data. Training was found to be very important. Moreover, state-of-the-art relative homogenization algorithms developed to work with an inhomogeneous reference are shown to perform best. The study showed that currently automatic algorithms can perform as well as manual ones. DA - 2011/08/12/ PY - 2011 DO - 10.5194/cpd-7-2655-2011 DP - Copernicus Online Journals VL - 7 IS - 4 SP - 2655 EP - 2718 J2 - Clim. Past Discuss. SN - 1814-9359 UR - http://www.clim-past-discuss.net/7/2655/2011/ Y2 - 2014/06/06/07:46:39 L1 - http://www.clim-past-discuss.net/7/2655/2011/cpd-7-2655-2011.pdf L2 - http://www.clim-past-discuss.net/7/2655/2011/ ER - TY - GEN TI - Anleitung zur Qualitätsprüfung mittels Softwarepaket ProClim - Dokumentation für internen Gebrauch AU - Jurkovic, A. DA - 2008/// PY - 2008 PB - ZAMG ER - TY - GEN TI - Documentation for ProClimDB Software AU - Stepanek, P. DA - 2011/// PY - 2011 ER - TY - GEN TI - Anhang zum Benutzerhandbuch des Datenprüf- und Monitoringsystems QualiMET AU - Streicher, O. DA - 2003/// PY - 2003 ER - TY - GEN TI - Arbeitsanweisung OFFLINE Klimadatenprüfung. Dokumentation für internen Gebrauch AU - Lipa, W. AU - Jurkovic, A. DA - 2012/// PY - 2012 PB - ZAMG ER - TY - CONF TI - Metadata and their role in homogenising AU - Auer, Ingeborg AU - Böhm, Reinhard AU - Scheifinger, Helfried AU - Ungersböck, Markus AU - Orlik, A. AU - Jurkovic, Anita C1 - Budapest, Hungary C3 - Proceedings of the Fourth Seminar for Homogenization and Quality Control in Climatological Databases DA - 2004/// PY - 2004 DP - Google Scholar SP - 17 EP - 23 ER - TY - BOOK TI - Integrative Kooperationsplattform Johnsbachtal - ein langfristig angelegtes Projekt zur Mensch-Umwelt-Forschung in einer komplexen Hochgebirgsregion, Forschungsber. AU - Strasser, U. T2 - Nationalpark Gesäuse A3 - Kreiner, D. CY - Weng, Austria DA - 2011/// PY - 2011 M1 - 6 PB - Nationalpark Gesäuse GmbH ER - TY - RPRT TI - Pionierexperiment WegenerNet Klimastationsnetz: Ein neuartiges Messnetz in der Region Feldbach (Steiermark/Österreich) zur Beobachtung von Wetter und Klima mit sehr hoher Auflösung AU - Kirchengast, Gottfried AU - Kabas, Thomas AU - Binder, Sophia AU - Leuprecht, Armin AU - Bichler, Christoph T2 - Wissenschaftlicher Bericht CY - Graz, Austria. DA - 2008/// PY - 2008 SP - 60 PB - Wegener Center SN - 23 ST - Pionierexperiment WegenerNet Klimastationsnetz UR - https://www.uni-graz.at/igam7www_wcv-wissber-nr23-gkirchengastetal-sep2008.pdf DB - ISBN 978-3-9502615-0-9 Y2 - 2013/08/27/15:39:46 ER - TY - RPRT TI - Räumlich hochaufgelöste Klimatologien von Starkregenereignissen in der Oststeiermark einschließlich der Fokusregion WegenerNet AU - Wallner, Andrea CY - Graz, Austria DA - 2008/// PY - 2008 M3 - Wissenschaftlicher Bericht PB - Wegener Center SN - 24 UR - http://www.uni-graz.at/igam7www_wcv-wissber-nr24-awallner-okt2008.pdf Y2 - 2013/10/03/ ER - TY - JOUR TI - WegenerNet - Klimastationsnetz Region Feldbach: Ein Pionoerexperiment AU - Kabas, Thomas AU - Kirchengast, Gottfried T2 - ÖGM Bulletin A2 - Österreichische Gesellschaft für Meteorologie, Wien, Austria DA - 2009/// PY - 2009 IS - 2009/1 SP - 14 EP - 19 UR - http://www.meteorologie.at/docs/OEGM_bulletin_2009_1.pdf ER - TY - BOOK TI - Wasser & Wirtschaft im Klimawandel. Konkrete Ergebnisse am Beispiel der sensiblen Region Oststeiermark, T2 - Studien zum Klimawandel in Österreich A3 - Prettenthaler, Franz A3 - Dalla-Via, Andreas CY - Wien DA - 2007/// PY - 2007 DP - Google Scholar VL - 31 SP - 190 PB - Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften SN - ISBN 978-3-7001-3892-1 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Die Niederschlagsverhältnisse seit 1927 im Sonnblickgebiet nach Totalisatorenmessungen ergänzt durch Messergebnisse von Talstationen nördlich und südlich des Alpenhauptkammes. 86.-87. AU - Auer, I. T2 - Jahresbericht des Sonnblickvereines für die Jahre 1988-1989 DA - 1992/// PY - 1992 DP - Google Scholar SP - 3 EP - 31 ER - TY - BOOK TI - Das Klima des Sonnblicks: Klimaatlas und Klimatographie der GAW Station Sonnblick einschliesslich der umgebenden Gebirgsregion AU - Auer, Ingeborg AU - Böhm, Reinhard AU - Leymüller, Martin AU - Schöner, Wolfgang AU - Kaiser, A. AU - Scheifinger, M. AU - Langer, C. AU - Schneider, C. AU - Häberli, C. T2 - Österr. Beiträge zu Meteorologie und Geophysik DA - 2002/// PY - 2002 DP - Google Scholar SP - 305 PB - , 305 S, 56 Farbkarten, 74 Farbabbildungen, 124 Schwarz-Weiß Abbildungen, 1 A3 Orthophotokarte + CD ROM. Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik ST - Das Klima des Sonnblicks ER - TY - JOUR TI - Instruktion für Vegetationsbeobachtungen AU - Fritsch, C. T2 - Jahrbücher der k.k. Centralanstalt für Meteorologie und Erdmagnetismus, V. Band, Jg 1853, Kaiserlich Königliche Hof- und Staatsdruckerei Wien, 51-62 DA - 1858/// PY - 1858 DP - Google Scholar VL - V. Band ER - TY - RPRT TI - Instruktion für Vegetationsbeobachtungen AU - Fritsch, C. T2 - Sitzungsbericht der mathem.-naturw. Classe der k. Akademie der Wissenschaften DA - 1863/// PY - 1863 SN - Sitzung vom 7. Juli 1859. UR - http://www.landesmuseum.at/pdf_frei_remote/SBAWW_04_0501-0594.pdf ER - TY - JOUR TI - New Radiation initiatives in Austria: Part I (Monitoring according to BSRN standard AU - Olefs, Marc AU - Schöner, Wolfgang AU - Mair, Martin T2 - Geophysical Research Abstracts DA - 2011/// PY - 2011 VL - 13, 8th EGU General Assembly UR - http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2011/EGU2011-1645.pdf ER - TY - JOUR TI - Development of a longterm dataset of solid/liquid precipitation AU - Chimani, B. AU - Böhm, R. AU - Matulla, C. AU - Ganekind, M. T2 - Adv. Sci. Res. AB - Solid precipitation (mainly snow, but snow and ice pellets or hail as well), is an important parameter for climate studies. But as this parameter usually is not available operationally before the second part of the 20th century and nowadays is not reported by automatic stations, information usable for long term climate studies is rare. Therefore a proxy for the fraction of solid precipitation based on a nonlinear relationship between the percentage of solid precipitation and monthly mean temperature was developed for the Greater Alpine Region of Europe and applied to the existing longterm high resolution temperature and precipitation grids (5 arcmin). In this paper the method is introduced and some examples of the resulting datasets available at monthly resolution for 1800–2003 are given. DA - 2011/02/28/ PY - 2011 DO - 10.5194/asr-6-39-2011 DP - Copernicus Online Journals VL - 6 SP - 39 EP - 43 J2 - Adv. Sci. Res. SN - 1992-0636 UR - http://www.adv-sci-res.net/6/39/2011/ Y2 - 2014/06/05/17:09:16 L1 - http://www.adv-sci-res.net/6/39/2011/asr-6-39-2011.pdf L2 - http://www.adv-sci-res.net/6/39/2011/ ER - TY - JOUR TI - Homogeneity adjustments ofin situ atmospheric climate data: a review AU - Peterson, Thomas C. AU - Easterling, David R. AU - Karl, Thomas R. AU - Groisman, Pavel AU - Nicholls, Neville AU - Plummer, Neil AU - Torok, Simon AU - Auer, Ingeborg AU - Boehm, Reinhard AU - Gullett, Donald AU - Vincent, Lucie AU - Heino, Raino AU - Tuomenvirta, Heikki AU - Mestre, Olivier AU - Szentimrey, Tamás AU - Salinger, James AU - Førland, Eirik J. AU - Hanssen-Bauer, Inger AU - Alexandersson, Hans AU - Jones, Philip AU - Parker, David T2 - International Journal of Climatology DA - 1998/11/15/ PY - 1998 DO - 10.1002/(SICI)1097-0088(19981115)18:13<1493::AID-JOC329>3.0.CO;2-T DP - CrossRef VL - 18 IS - 13 SP - 1493 EP - 1517 SN - 08998418, 10970088 ST - Homogeneity adjustments of in situ atmospheric climate data UR - http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/%28SICI%291097-0088%2819981115%2918%3A13%3C1493%3A%3AAID-JOC329%3E3.0.CO%3B2-T Y2 - 2013/08/27/16:07:47 ER - TY - CONF TI - ALOCLIM–Austrian–Central European long-term climate–creation of a multiple homogenized long-term climate data-set AU - Auer, I. AU - Böhm, R. AU - Schöner, W. AU - Hagen, M. C3 - Proceedings of the Second Seminar for Homogenisation of Surface Climatological Data DA - 1999/// PY - 1999 DP - Google Scholar SP - 9 EP - 13 ER - TY - BOOK TI - Lufttemperaturschwankungen in Österreich seit 1775 AU - Böhm, Reinhard T2 - Publikation Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik DA - 1992/// PY - 1992 PB - Zentralanst. für Meteorologie und Geodynamik L2 - http://beluga.sub.uni-hamburg.de/vufind/Record/12407121X ER - TY - RPRT TI - Die Bergstationen Obir und Villacher Alpe: eineinhalb Jahrhunderte Klimamessung und –beobachtung in den Südalpen. AU - Böhm, R. DA - 2004/// PY - 2004 SP - 52 EP - 53 SN - 100. Jahresbericht des Sonnblick Vereines. ER - TY - JOUR TI - Monthly, seasonal and annual temperature reconstructions for Central Europe derived from documentary evidence and instrumental records since AD 1500 AU - Dobrovolný, Petr AU - Moberg, Anders AU - Brázdil, Rudolf AU - Pfister, Christian AU - Glaser, Rüdiger AU - Wilson, Rob AU - Engelen, Aryan van AU - Limanówka, Danuta AU - Kiss, Andrea AU - Halíčková, Monika AU - Macková, Jarmila AU - Riemann, Dirk AU - Luterbacher, Jürg AU - Böhm, Reinhard T2 - Climatic Change AB - Monthly temperature series for Central Europe back to AD 1500 are developed from documentary index series from Germany, Switzerland and the Czech Republic (1500–1854) and 11 instrumental temperature records (1760–2007). Documentary evidence from the Low Countries, the Carpathian Basin and Poland are used for cross-checking for earlier centuries. The instrumental station records are corrected for inhomogeneities, including insufficient radiation protection of early thermometers and the urban heat island effect. For overlapping period (1760–1854), the documentary data series correlate with instrumental temperatures, most strongly in winter (86% explained variance in January) and least in autumn (56% in September). For annual average temperatures, 81% of the variance is explained. Verification statistics indicate high reconstruction skill for most months and seasons. The last 20 years (since 1988) stand out as very likely the warmest 20-year period, accounting for the calibration uncertainty and decreases in proxy data quality before the calibration period. The new reconstruction displays a previously unobserved long-term decrease in DJF, MAM and JJA temperature variability over last five centuries. Compiled monthly, seasonal and annual series can be used to improve the robustness of gridded large-scale European temperature reconstructions and possible impact studies. Further improvement of the reconstruction would be achieved if documentary data from other European countries are further developed. DA - 2010/07/01/ PY - 2010 DO - 10.1007/s10584-009-9724-x DP - link.springer.com VL - 101 IS - 1-2 SP - 69 EP - 107 J2 - Climatic Change LA - en SN - 0165-0009, 1573-1480 UR - http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10584-009-9724-x Y2 - 2014/06/05/16:04:16 L1 - http://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2Fs10584-009-9724-x.pdf L2 - http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10584-009-9724-x KW - Meteorology/Climatology ER - TY - BOOK TI - Speleothem Science: From Process to Past Environments AU - Fairchild, Ian J. AU - Baker, Andy AB - Speleothems (mineral deposits that formed in caves) are currently giving us some of the most exciting insights into environments and climates during the Pleistocene ice ages and the subsequent Holocene rise of civilizations. The book applies system science to Quaternary environments in a new and rigorous way and gives holistic explanations the relations between the properties of speleothems and the climatic and cave setting in which they are found.  It is designed as the ideal companion to someone embarking on speleothem research and, since the underlying science is very broad, it will also be invaluable to a wide variety of others.  Students and professional scientists interested in carbonate rocks, karst hydrogeology, climatology, aqueous geochemistry, carbonate geochemistry and the calibration of climatic proxies will find up-to-date reviews of these topics here.  The book will also be valuable to Quaternary scientists who, up to now, have lacked a thorough overview of these important archives.Additional resources for this book can be found at: www.wiley.com/go/fairchild/speleothem. CY - Hoboken, N.J DA - 2012/04/30/ PY - 2012 DP - Amazon.com ET - 1 edition SP - 450 LA - English PB - Wiley-Blackwell SN - 978-1-4051-9620-8 ST - Speleothem Science L2 - http://www.amazon.com/Speleothem-Science-Process-Past-Environments/dp/1405196203/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1401980056&sr=1-1&keywords=Speleothem+Science%3A+From+Process+to+Past+Environments ER - TY - JOUR TI - 1400 years of extreme precipitation patterns over the Mediterranean French Alps and possible forcing mechanisms AU - Wilhelm, Bruno AU - Arnaud, Fabien AU - Sabatier, Pierre AU - Crouzet, Christian AU - Brisset, Elodie AU - Chaumillon, Eric AU - Disnar, Jean-Robert AU - Guiter, Frederic AU - Malet, Emmanuel AU - Reyss, Jean-Louis T2 - Quaternary Research DA - 2012/// PY - 2012 DP - Google Scholar VL - 78 IS - 1 SP - 1 EP - 12 UR - http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0033589412000294 Y2 - 2013/08/30/11:29:09 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Pollen/climate calibration based on a near-annual peat sequence from the Swiss Alps AU - Kamenik, Christian AU - Van der Knaap, Willem O. AU - Van Leeuwen, Jacqueline F. N. AU - Goslar, Tomasz T2 - Journal of Quaternary Science AB - The objective of this study was to develop a high-resolution pollen-based climate inference model (using ‘calibration in time’) for the mire Mauntschas (SE Swiss Alps, 1818 m above sea level). We focused on 11 types of pollen and spores (referred to as pollen for simplicity) for which we produced 150 year (a) time series of accumulation rates and percentages. Dating of these series was based on 29 14C dates from pure Sphagnum, spheroidal carbonaceous particles, larch bud moth events, and an age–depth model that took into account probabilities of calibrated 14C ages, the degree of curvature of the age–depth line and changes in concentrations of all major pollen types. Time resolution was 1–5 a. We first smoothed the series using a 3 a triangular filter, thus removing time-resolution dependent changes in variability, and minimising effects of potential dating uncertainties. Using redundancy analysis, we then studied the simultaneous response of the selected pollen to 288 different combinations of monthly temperature or precipitation data measured at Sils Maria (1798 m above sea level), located 9 km from Mauntschas. From AD 1954 to 2002, mean May–August air temperature from the same year explained most (18.1%) of the variation in pollen accumulation rates. The amount of explained variation dropped to 9.9% after detrending all data with a 50 a high-pass filter, which possibly removed non-climatic trends. Temperature explained more variation among PAR than among pollen percentages; however, during the verification period (AD 1864–1953) the former were potentially affected by dating uncertainties and could not be used. For developing a pollen-based temperature inference model, we tested ordinary least squares regression, time series regression, ridge regression, principal components regression, and partial least squares regression. During the well-dated calibration period (AD 1954–2002), ordinary least squares regression based on percentages of six pollen types turned out to be the most parsimonious model, having a cross-validated root mean square error of prediction of 0.23°C for mean April–November temperature. A comparison of reconstructed with measured temperature from Sils Maria during the verification period showed that the model best reflected long-term (at least decadal-scale) temperature changes. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. DA - 2009/07/01/ PY - 2009 DO - 10.1002/jqs.1266 DP - Wiley Online Library VL - 24 IS - 5 SP - 529 EP - 546 J2 - J. Quaternary Sci. LA - en SN - 1099-1417 UR - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jqs.1266/abstract Y2 - 2014/06/05/14:39:41 L1 - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/store/10.1002/jqs.1266/asset/1266_ftp.pdf?v=1&t=hw267dsp&s=ed480f82bbee39a6c25d188a74f6f1ba79514eea L2 - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jqs.1266/abstract KW - calibration in time KW - high-resolution dating KW - palaeoclimatology KW - PAR KW - pollen accumulation rates ER - TY - CHAP TI - 14C Chronostratigraphic Techniques in Paleolimnology AU - Björck, Svante AU - Wohlfarth, Barbara T2 - Tracking Environmental Change Using Lake Sediments A2 - Last, William M. A2 - Smol, John P. T3 - Developments in Paleoenvironmental Research DA - 2001/01/01/ PY - 2001 DP - link.springer.com SP - 205 EP - 245 PB - Springer Netherlands SN - 978-0-7923-6482-5 978-0-306-47669-3 SV - 1 UR - http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/0-306-47669-X_10 Y2 - 2014/06/05/14:03:32 L1 - http://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2F0-306-47669-X_10.pdf L2 - http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/0-306-47669-X_10 KW - Hydrogeology KW - lake sediments KW - Geochemistry KW - Geosciences, general KW - Organic Chemistry KW - Physical Chemistry KW - Sedimentology KW - 14C calibration KW - 14C dating KW - absolute dating techniques KW - chronostratigraphic tool KW - dating strategies KW - high resolution dating KW - sources of error ER - TY - CHAP TI - Chronostratigraphic Techniques in Recent Sediments AU - Appleby, P. G. T2 - Tracking Environmental Change Using Lake Sediments A2 - Last, William M. A2 - Smol, John P. T3 - Developments in Paleoenvironmental Research DA - 2001/01/01/ PY - 2001 DP - link.springer.com SP - 171 EP - 203 PB - Springer Netherlands SN - 978-0-7923-6482-5 978-0-306-47669-3 SV - 1 UR - http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/0-306-47669-X_9 Y2 - 2014/06/05/13:59:23 L1 - http://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2F0-306-47669-X_9.pdf L2 - http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/0-306-47669-X_9?no-access=true KW - Hydrogeology KW - lake sediments KW - 137Cs KW - 210Pb KW - 241Am KW - Dating KW - fallout KW - Geochemistry KW - Geosciences, general KW - Organic Chemistry KW - Physical Chemistry KW - radionuclides KW - Sedimentology ER - TY - CHAP TI - Glacier-Climate Models as Palaeoclimatic Information Sources: Examples from the Alpine Younger Dryas Period AU - Kerschner, Hanns T2 - Global Change and Mountain Regions A2 - Huber, Uli M. A2 - Bugmann, Harald K. M. A2 - Reasoner, Mel A. CY - Berlin/Heidelberg DA - 2005/// PY - 2005 DP - CrossRef VL - 23 SP - 73 EP - 81 PB - Springer-Verlag SN - 1-4020-3506-3 ST - Glacier-Climate Models as Palaeoclimatic Information Sources UR - http://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/1-4020-3508-X_8.pdf#page-1 Y2 - 2013/08/26/17:07:25 ER - TY - RPRT TI - Analyse der Effizienz der Hagelabwehr in der Steiermark anhand von Fallbeispielen AU - Pachatz, Gunter C. A2 - Wegener Zentrum für Klima und Globalen Wandel CN - ISBN 3-9502126-0-4 DA - 2005/// PY - 2005 DP - Google Scholar M3 - Uni-Graz-IGAM Wissenschaftlicher Bericht SN - 3-2005 UR - http://wegc203116.uni-graz.at/publ/wegcreports/2005/WCV-WissBer-No03-GPachatz-Okt2005.pdf ER - TY - JOUR TI - Zeitreise durch die Technik in der Meteorologie AU - Zimmermann, Kurt T2 - ÖGM Bulletin, ZAMG A2 - Österreichische Gesellschaft für Meteorologie DA - 2009/// PY - 2009 VL - 2009/2 UR - http://www.meteorologie.at/docs/OEGM_bulletin_2009_2.pdf ER - TY - JOUR TI - Scandinavian storminess since about 1800 AU - Bärring, Lars AU - von Storch, Hans T2 - Geophysical Research Letters DA - 2004/// PY - 2004 DP - Google Scholar VL - 31 IS - 20 SP - L20202 UR - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2004GL020441/full Y2 - 2013/08/30/12:39:47 ER - TY - CHAP TI - Zwei Alpentäler im Klimawandel AU - Auer, Ingeborg AU - Prettenthaler, Franz AU - Böhm, Reinhard AU - Proske, Herwig T2 - Alpine space - man and environment DA - 2010/// PY - 2010 DP - Google Scholar SP - 11199 PB - Innsbruck University Press UR - http://www2.sbg.ac.at/pr/fotos/Auer.pdf Y2 - 2013/08/30/12:02:15 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Ein neuer Datensatz für die Klimaforschung – homogenisierte Tagesdaten. AU - Nemec, J. AU - Chimani, B. AU - Gruber, C. AU - Auer, I. T2 - ÖGM Bulletin A2 - Österreichische Gesellschaft für Meteorologie DA - 2011/// PY - 2011 VL - 2011/1 SP - 19 EP - 20 ER - TY - JOUR TI - 200 years of liquid and solid precipitation in major river systems originating in the Greater Alpine Region AU - Haslinger, K. AU - Chimani, B. AU - Böhm, R. T2 - Geophysical Research Abstracts T3 - EGU 2012-1798, EGU General Assembly 2011 DA - 2011/// PY - 2011 DP - Google Scholar VL - 14 UR - http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2011/EGU2011-7861.pdf Y2 - 2013/08/30/12:55:33 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Räumliche Dekorrelation von Klimazeitreihen unterschiedlicher zeitlicher Auflösung und ihre Bedeutung für ihre Homogenisierbarkeit und die Repräsentativität von Ergebnissen AU - Scheifinger, Helfried AU - Böhm, Reinhard AU - Auer, Ingeborg T2 - Terra Nostra DA - 2003/// PY - 2003 DP - Google Scholar VL - 6 SP - 375 EP - 379 UR - http://www.zamg.ac.at/histalp/downloads/abstract/Scheifinger-etal-2003-F.pdf Y2 - 2013/08/30/13:56:11 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Indices for daily temperature and precipitation extremes in Europe analyzed for the period 1901–2000 AU - Moberg, Anders AU - Jones, Philip D. AU - Lister, David AU - Walther, Alexander AU - Brunet, Manola AU - Jacobeit, Jucundus AU - Alexander, Lisa V. AU - Della-Marta, Paul M. AU - Luterbacher, Jürg AU - Yiou, Pascal AU - Chen, Deliang AU - Klein Tank, Albert M. G. AU - Saladié, Oscar AU - Sigró, Javier AU - Aguilar, Enric AU - Alexandersson, Hans AU - Almarza, Carlos AU - Auer, Ingeborg AU - Barriendos, Mariano AU - Begert, Michael AU - Bergström, Hans AU - Böhm, Reinhard AU - Butler, C. J. AU - Caesar, John AU - Drebs, Achim AU - Founda, Dmitra AU - Gerstengarbe, Friedrich-Wilhelm AU - Micela, Giusi AU - Maugeri, Maurizio AU - Österle, Hermann AU - Pandzic, Kreso AU - Petrakis, Michael AU - Srnec, Lidija AU - Tolasz, Radim AU - Tuomenvirta, Heikki AU - Werner, Peter C. AU - Linderholm, Hans AU - Philipp, Andreas AU - Wanner, Heinz AU - Xoplaki, Elena T2 - Journal of Geophysical Research DA - 2006/11/18/ PY - 2006 DO - 10.1029/2006JD007103 DP - CrossRef VL - 111 IS - D22 SP - D22106 SN - 0148-0227 UR - http://doi.wiley.com/10.1029/2006JD007103 Y2 - 2013/08/30/11:47:44 ER - TY - BOOK TI - Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation: A Special Report of Woking Groups I and II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change AU - IPCC A3 - Field, Christopher B. A3 - Barros, Vicente A3 - Stocker, Thomas F. A3 - Dahe, Qin A3 - Dokken, D. J. A3 - Ebi, K.L. A3 - Mastrandrea, M.D. A3 - Mach, K.J. A3 - Plattner, G.-K. A3 - Allen, S.K. A3 - Tignor, M. A3 - Midgley, P.M. AB - This Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Special Report (IPCC-SREX) explores the challenge of understanding and managing the risks of climate extremes to advance climate change adaptation. Extreme weather and climate events, interacting with exposed and vulnerable human and natural systems, can lead to disasters. Changes in the frequency and severity of the physical events affect disaster risk, but so do the spatially diverse and temporally dynamic patterns of exposure and vulnerability. Some types of extreme weather and climate events have increased in frequency or magnitude, but populations and assets at risk have also increased, with consequences for disaster risk. Opportunities for managing risks of weather- and climate-related disasters exist or can be developed at any scale, local to international. Prepared following strict IPCC procedures, SREX is an invaluable assessment for anyone interested in climate extremes, environmental disasters, and adaptation to climate change, including policymakers, the private sector, and academic researchers. CY - Cambridge, UK and New York, NY, USA DA - 2012/05/28/ PY - 2012 DP - Google Books SP - 582 LA - en PB - Cambridge University Press SN - 978-1-107-02506-6 ST - Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation UR - http://ipcc-wg2.gov/SREX/images/uploads/SREX-All_FINAL.pdf Y2 - 2013/09/25/ N1 -
Use the following reference to cite the entire volume:
, 2012:
Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate
Change Adaptation
. A Special Report of Working Groups I and II of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Field, C.B., V. Barros, T.F. Stocker,
D. Qin, D.J. Dokken, K.L. Ebi, M.D. Mastrandrea, K.J. Mach, G.-K. Plattner, S.K. Allen,
M. Tignor, and P.M. Midgley (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK,
and New York, NY, USA, 582 pp.
KW - Science / Environmental Science KW - Science / Earth Sciences / Meteorology & Climatology KW - Business & Economics / Development / Sustainable Development KW - Nature / Ecology ER - TY - JOUR TI - Precipitation variability and changes in the greater Alpine region over the 1800–2003 period AU - Brunetti, Michele AU - Maugeri, Maurizio AU - Nanni, Teresa AU - Auer, Ingeborg AU - Böhm, Reinhard AU - Schöner, Wolfgang T2 - Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres AB - The paper investigates precipitation variability in the greater Alpine region (GAR) (4–19°E, 43–49°N) based on 192 instrumental series of homogenized and outlier checked monthly precipitation and on the 1° gridded version of the same data set. Compared to the previous data sets, the one used in this paper adds a full century of data (earliest series starting in 1800) by exploiting the early instrumental period as much as possible in terms of series length and spatial density. The records were clustered into climatically homogeneous subregions, by means of a principal component analysis, and average subregional series were calculated. The principal component analysis was applied also in T-mode to investigate the most recursive precipitation patterns that characterize the examined area. Yearly and seasonal trend analysis was performed both on subregional average series and on the mean GAR series. It was also applied to moving windows, of variable width ranging from 2 decades to 2 centuries, in order to investigate any trends over decadal to secular timescales. Beside trends in total precipitation, precipitation seasonality was also analyzed as an important indicator of climate changes. Links between precipitation variability in the Alpine region and atmospheric circulation, and the North Atlantic Oscillation in particular, were also studied. DA - 2006/06/16/ PY - 2006 DO - 10.1029/2005JD006674 DP - Wiley Online Library VL - 111 IS - D11 SP - D11107 J2 - J. Geophys. Res. LA - en SN - 2156-2202 UR - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2005JD006674/abstract Y2 - 2014/06/09/13:19:55 L1 - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/store/10.1029/2005JD006674/asset/jgrd12645.pdf?v=1&t=hw7t44vc&s=5bd927e180d5e3f7463e2297c2fc777dde58ca53 L2 - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2005JD006674/full KW - Alps KW - 1605 Abrupt/rapid climate change KW - Precipitation KW - 1616 Climate variability KW - 1630 Impacts of global change KW - 1610 Atmosphere KW - 1655 Water cycles KW - instrumental period ER - TY - BOOK TI - Gletscher im Klimawandel: vom Eis der Polargebiete zum Goldbergkees in den Hohen Tauern AU - Böhm, Reinhard AU - Schöner, Wolfgang AU - Auer, I. AU - Hynek, B. AU - Kroisleitner, C. AU - Weyss, G. DA - 2007/// PY - 2007 DP - Google Scholar SP - 112 PB - ZAMG Morava ST - Gletscher im Klimawandel UR - http://www.meteohmd.hr/izdanja/hmc/42/WEB/pdf/012Gletscher.pdf Y2 - 2013/08/30/11:40:33 ER - TY - CONF TI - Long alpine barometric time series in different altitudes as a measure for 19th/20th century warming. AU - Böhm, R. AU - Auer, Ingeborg AU - Schöner, Wolfgang AU - Hagen, Martina C1 - Boston C3 - Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Mountain Meteorology in Flagstaff, Arizona DA - 1998/08/03/ PY - 1998 SP - 72 EP - 76 PB - AMS UR - http://www.zamg.ac.at/histalp/downloads/abstract/Boehm-etal-1998-F.pdf Y2 - 2013/08/30/11:35:56 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Construction of a 10-min-gridded precipitation data set for the Greater Alpine Region for 1800–2003 AU - Efthymiadis, Dimitrios AU - Jones, Philip D. AU - Briffa, Keith R. AU - Auer, Ingeborg AU - Böhm, Reinhard AU - Schöner, Wolfgang AU - Frei, Christoph AU - Schmidli, Jürg T2 - Journal of Geophysical Research DA - 2006/// PY - 2006 DO - 10.1029/2005JD006120 DP - CrossRef VL - 111 IS - D1 SP - D01105 SN - 0148-0227 UR - http://doi.wiley.com/10.1029/2005JD006120 Y2 - 2013/08/27/15:16:16 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Influence of large-scale atmospheric circulation on climate variability in the Greater Alpine Region of Europe AU - Efthymiadis, Dimitrios AU - Jones, Philip D. AU - Briffa, Keith R. AU - Böhm, Reinhard AU - Maugeri, Maurizio T2 - Journal of Geophysical Research DA - 2007/06/16/ PY - 2007 DO - 10.1029/2006JD008021 DP - CrossRef VL - 112 IS - D12 SP - D12104 SN - 0148-0227 UR - http://doi.wiley.com/10.1029/2006JD008021 Y2 - 2013/08/30/11:48:38 ER - TY - BOOK TI - Outstanding Past Decadal Scale Climate Events in the Greater Alpine Region Analysed by 250 Years Data and Model Runs AU - Matulla, Christoph AU - Auer, Ingeborg AU - Böhm, Reinhard AU - Ungersböck, Markus AU - Schöner, Wolfgang AU - Wagner, Sebastian AU - Zorita, Edurado T2 - GKSS report CY - Geesthacht DA - 2005/// PY - 2005 DP - Google Scholar SP - 114 M1 - 2005/4 PB - GKSS-Forschungszentrum ER - TY - JOUR TI - Hemispheric and large-scale land-surface air temperature variations: An extensive revision and an update to 2010 AU - Jones, P. D. AU - Lister, D. H. AU - Osborn, T. J. AU - Harpham, C. AU - Salmon, M. AU - Morice, C. P. T2 - Journal of Geophysical Research DA - 2012/03/14/ PY - 2012 DO - 10.1029/2011JD017139 DP - CrossRef VL - 117 IS - D5 SP - D05127 SN - 0148-0227 ST - Hemispheric and large-scale land-surface air temperature variations UR - http://doi.wiley.com/10.1029/2011JD017139 Y2 - 2013/08/30/11:49:30 ER - TY - JOUR TI - The significance of the Tyrolean Iceman for the archaeobotany of Central Europe AU - Oeggl, Klaus T2 - Vegetation History and Archaeobotany DA - 2009/01// PY - 2009 DO - 10.1007/s00334-008-0186-2 DP - CrossRef VL - 18 IS - 1 SP - 1 EP - 11 SN - 0939-6314, 1617-6278 UR - http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s00334-008-0186-2 Y2 - 2013/08/30/11:05:06 ER - TY - BOOK TI - Volcano weather: the story of 1816, the year without a summer AU - Stommel, Henry AU - Stommel, Elizabeth CY - Newport, RI DA - 1983/// PY - 1983 DP - Google Scholar SP - 177 PB - Seven Seas Press ST - Volcano weather UR - http://agris.fao.org/agris-search/search/display.do?f=1984/US/US84031.xml;US8212516 Y2 - 2013/08/30/11:12:44 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Volcanic forcing of climate over the past 1500 years: An improved ice core-based index for climate models AU - Gao, Chaochao AU - Robock, Alan AU - Ammann, Caspar T2 - Journal of Geophysical Research DA - 2008/12/13/ PY - 2008 DO - 10.1029/2008JD010239 DP - CrossRef VL - 113 IS - D23 SP - D23111 SN - 0148-0227 ST - Volcanic forcing of climate over the past 1500 years UR - http://doi.wiley.com/10.1029/2008JD010239 Y2 - 2013/08/30/09:32:21 ER - TY - JOUR TI - New ice core evidence for a volcanic cause of the AD 536 dust veil AU - Larsen, Lars Berg AU - Vinther, Bo Møllesøe AU - Briffa, Keith R. AU - Melvin, Tom M. AU - Clausen, Henrik Brink AU - Jones, Phil D. AU - Siggaard-Andersen, M.-L. AU - Hammer, Claus Uffe AU - Eronen, M. AU - Grudd, H. AU - Gunnarson, B.E. AU - Hantemirov, R.M. AU - Naurzbaev, M.M. AU - Nicolussi, K. T2 - Geophysical Research Letters DA - 2008/// PY - 2008 DO - 10.1029/2007GL032450 DP - Google Scholar VL - 35 IS - 4 SP - L04708 UR - http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2008/2007GL032450.shtml Y2 - 2013/08/30/ ER - TY - JOUR TI - A 9111 year long conifer tree-ring chronology for the European Alps: a base for environmental and climatic investigations AU - Nicolussi, K. AU - Kaufmann, M. AU - Melvin, T. M. AU - van der Plicht, J. AU - Schiessling, P. AU - Thurner, A. T2 - The Holocene DA - 2009/08/14/ PY - 2009 DO - 10.1177/0959683609336565 DP - CrossRef VL - 19 IS - 6 SP - 909 EP - 920 SN - 0959-6836 ST - A 9111 year long conifer tree-ring chronology for the European Alps UR - http://hol.sagepub.com/cgi/doi/10.1177/0959683609336565 Y2 - 2013/08/30/ ER - TY - CONF TI - Der Klimawandel in historischer Zeit AU - Wanner, Heinz A2 - Endlicher, Wilfried A2 - Gerstengarbe, Friedrich-Wilhelm C1 - Potsdam C3 - Der Klimawandel-Einblicke, Rückblicke und Ausblicke (Klimawandel) DA - 2007/// PY - 2007 DP - Google Scholar SP - 27 EP - 34 PB - Institut für Klimafolgenforschung und Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin UR - http://www.pik-potsdam.de/services/infothek/buecher_broschueren/broschuere_cms_100.pdf Y2 - 2013/08/30/11:24:25 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Kulturgeschichte des Klimas: Von der Eiszeit bis zur globalen Erwärmung / Cultural history of the climate: from the ice age to the global warming AU - Pfister, Christian T2 - English Historical Review DA - 2010/// PY - 2010 DP - Google Scholar VL - 125 IS - 513 SP - 503 EP - 504 ST - Cultural history of the climate ER - TY - BOOK TI - Wetternachhersage: 500 Jahre Klimavariationen und Naturkatastrophen (1496 - 1995) AU - Pfister, Christian CY - Bern DA - 1999/// PY - 1999 DP - Open WorldCat LA - German PB - Haupt SN - 3-258-05696-X 978-3-258-05696-8 ST - Wetternachhersage ER - TY - CHAP TI - Gletscherschwund einst und heute – Neue Ergebnisse zur holozänen Vegetations- und Gletschergeschichte der Pasterze (Hohe Tauern, Österreich) AU - Drescher-Schneider, Ruth AU - Kellerer-Pirklbauer, Andreas T2 - Veränderter Lebensraum: Gestern, Heute und Morgen. Tagung der Deutschen Quartärvereinigung e.V. - 31.August - 6.September 2008 Universität für Bodenkultur Wien A2 - Deutsche Quartärvereinigung A2 - Reitner, Jürgen M. A2 - Universität für Bodenkultur T3 - Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt CN - QE640 .D48 2008 CY - Wien DA - 2008/// PY - 2008 DP - Library of Congress ISBN VL - 62 SP - 45 EP - 51 LA - Englisch PB - Geologische Bundesanstalt SN - 978-3-85316-043-5 UR - http://opac.geologie.ac.at/wwwopacx/wwwopac.ashx?command=getcontent&server=images&value=AB0062_001_A.pdf KW - Climatic changes KW - Geology, Stratigraphic KW - Paleoclimatology KW - Quaternary ER - TY - JOUR TI - Holozänes Lawinengeschehen und „Global Warming AU - Luzian, Roland AU - Haas, Jean Nicolas AU - Nicolussi, Kurt AU - Pindur, Peter AU - Sailer, Rudolf AU - Zwerger, Peter T2 - Zeitschrift für Wildbach-, Lawinen-, Erosions- und Steinschlagschutz DA - 2011/08// PY - 2011 IS - 167 SP - 102 EP - 117 UR - http://www.uibk.ac.at/geographie/forschung/dendro/publikationen---pdf-files/2011-luzian-et-al-schwarzenstein-wildbachlawine.pdf ER - TY - CHAP TI - Holozäne Lawinenereignisse im Jahrringbild der subfossilen Hölzer des Schwarzensteinmoores, Zillertaler Alpen AU - Zrost, D. AU - Nicolussi, K. AU - Thurner, A. T2 - Prähistorische Lawinen - Nachweis und Analyse holozäner Lawinenereignisse in den Zillertaler Alpen, Österreich A2 - Luzian, D. A2 - Pindur, P. T3 - BFW-Berichte 141/ Mitteilungen der Kommission für Quartärforschung der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften A3 - Naturgefahren und Landschaft (BFW) Bundesforschungs- und Ausbildungszentrum für Wald CY - Wien DA - 2007/// PY - 2007 VL - 16 SP - 177 EP - 189 ER - TY - CHAP TI - Waldzerstörende Lawinenereignisse wärend der letzten 9000 Jahre im Oberen Zemmgrund, Zillertaler Alpen, Tirol AU - Nicolussi, K. AU - Pindur, P. AU - Schiessling, P. AU - Kaufmann, M. AU - Thurner, A. AU - Luzian, P. T2 - Prähistorische Lawinen - Nachweis und Analyse holozäner Lawinenereignisse in den Zillertaler Alpen, Österreich A2 - Luzian, Roland A2 - Pindur, Peter T3 - BFW-Berichte 141/ Mitteilungen der Kommission für Quartärforschung der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften A3 - Naturgefahren und Landschaft (BFW) Bundesforschungs- und Ausbildungszentrum für Wald CY - Wien DA - 2007/// PY - 2007 DP - Google Scholar VL - 16 SP - 157 EP - 176 ER - TY - JOUR TI - A 450 year record of spring-summer flood layers in annually laminated sediments from Lake Ammersee (southern Germany) AU - Czymzik, Markus AU - Dulski, Peter AU - Plessen, Birgit AU - von Grafenstein, Ulrich AU - Naumann, Rudolf AU - Brauer, Achim T2 - Water Resources Research AB - A 450 year spring-summer flood layer time series at seasonal resolution has been established from the varved sediment record of Lake Ammersee (southern Germany), applying a novel methodological approach. The main results are (1) the attainment of a precise chronology by microscopic varve counting, (2) the identification of detrital layers representing flood-triggered fluxes of catchment material into the lake, and (3) the recognition of the seasonality of these flood layers from their microstratigraphic position within a varve. Tracing flood layers in a proximal and a distal core and correlating them by application of the precise chronology provided information on the depositional processes. Comparing the seasonal flood layer record with daily runoff data of the inflowing River Ammer for the period from 1926 to 1999 allowed the definition of an approximate threshold in flood magnitude above which the formation of flood layers becomes very likely. Moreover, it was possible for the first time to estimate the “completeness” of the flood layer time series and to recognize that mainly floods in spring and summer, representing the main flood seasons in this region, are well preserved in the sediment archive. Their frequency distribution over the entire 450 year time series is not stationary but reveals maxima for colder periods of the Little Ice Age when solar activity was reduced. The observed spring-summer flood layer frequency further shows trends similar to those of the occurrence of flood-prone weather regimes since A.D. 1881, probably suggesting a causal link between solar variability and changes in midlatitude atmospheric circulation patterns. DA - 2010/// PY - 2010 DO - 10.1029/2009WR008360 DP - Wiley Online Library VL - 46 IS - 11 SP - W11528 LA - en SN - 1944-7973 UR - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2009WR008360/abstract Y2 - 2013/08/29/05:09:23 KW - lake sediments KW - climate variability KW - flood frequency ER - TY - JOUR TI - Palaeoclimate. Chapter 6 AU - Jansen, E. AU - Overpeck, J. AU - Briffa, K. R. AU - Duplessy, J. C. AU - Joos, F. AU - Masson-Delmotte, V. AU - Olago, D. AU - Otto-Bliesner, B. AU - Peltier, W. R. AU - Rahmstorf, S. AU - Ramesh, R. AU - Raynaud, D. AU - Rind, D. AU - Solomina, O. AU - Villalba, R. AU - Zhang, D. DA - 2007/// PY - 2007 DP - inis.iaea.org LA - English UR - http://inis.iaea.org/Search/search.aspx?orig_q=RN:39002469 Y2 - 2014/06/08/15:07:04 L2 - http://inis.iaea.org/search/search.aspx?orig_q=RN:39002469 KW - Climatic change KW - sea level KW - CARBON COMPOUNDS KW - Carbon Dioxide KW - CARBON OXIDES KW - CENOZOIC ERA KW - CHALCOGENIDES KW - CLIMATE MODELS KW - ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES (S54) KW - GEOLOGIC AGES KW - Glaciers KW - LEVELS KW - Mathematical models KW - OXIDES KW - OXYGEN COMPOUNDS KW - PALEOCLIMATOLOGY KW - PALEONTOLOGY KW - QUATERNARY PERIOD KW - SOUTHERN OSCILLATION ER - TY - CHAP TI - Alpine Dendrochronologie - Untersuchungen zur Kenntnis der holozänen Umwelt- und Klimaentwicklung AU - Nicolussi, Kurt T2 - Klimawandel in Österreich: die letzten 20.000 Jahre-- und ein Blick voraus A2 - Schmidt, Roland A2 - Matulla, Christoph A2 - Psenner, Roland T3 - Alpine Space - Man & Environment CY - Innsbruck DA - 2009/// PY - 2009 DP - Library of Congress ISBN ET - 1. Aufl VL - 6 SP - 41 EP - 54 PB - Innsbruck University Press SN - 978-3-902571-89-2 UR - http://www.uibk.ac.at/geographie/forschung/dendro/publikationen---pdf-files/2009-nic-alpdendro-paldat.pdf ER - TY - CHAP TI - Prähistorische Besiedlung von zentralen Alpentälern in Bezug zur Klimaentwicklung AU - Oeggl, Klaus AU - Nicolussi, Kurt T2 - Klimawandel in Österreich: die letzten 20.000 Jahre-- und ein Blick voraus A2 - Schmidt, Roland A2 - Matulla, Christoph A2 - Psenner, Roland T3 - Alpine Space - Man & Environment AB - Climate impact on ecosystems is a matter of thresholds and scale. Here we present the compilation of the pre-historic colonization of central Alpine valleys tracked by pollen analyses which we correlate with the record of sub-fossil logs from altitudes above 2000 m, as well as with the oxygen-isotope curve from Greenland ice cores (NGRIP). Both serve as proxies for the climate development in the Alps, but also on a larger (northern hemispheric) scale. On long-term scales no relationship between settlement and climate was detectable, but shorter time-scales (<500 years) indicated a positive correlation, at least for parts of the Neolithic (e.g. between ca. 4500 and 3000 and ca. 2800 and 2400 BC, before Christ). A negative correlation was indicated for the period from ca. 3000 until 2800 BC. Climate deteriorations (e.g. as around 2700 BC) seem not to have severely affected the settling in central Alpine valleys indicating robust and resistant agricultural structures. From the Bronze Age onwards there was no significant correlation between climate and peopling of these Alpine valleys. These examples showed that climate has been an important trigger, but the relationship between climate and settling is more complex (e.g. influence of socio-economic structures, ore resources, etc.) CY - Innsbruck DA - 2009/// PY - 2009 DP - Library of Congress ISBN ET - 1. Aufl VL - 6 SP - 77 EP - 86 PB - Innsbruck University Press SN - 978-3-902571-89-2 UR - http://www.uibk.ac.at/alpinerraum/publications/vol6/ ER - TY - CHAP TI - Klimaentwicklung in den Alpen während der letzten 7000 Jahre AU - Nicolussi, Kurt T2 - Die Geschichte des Bergbaus in Tirol und seinen angrenzenden Gebieten. Proceedings des 3. Milestone-Meetings des SFB HiMAT vom 23.-26.10.1008 in Silbertal A2 - Oeggl, K. A2 - Prast, M. CY - Innsbruck DA - 2009/// PY - 2009 DP - Google Scholar SP - 109 EP - 124 PB - Innsbruck University Press UR - http://www.uibk.ac.at/geographie/forschung/dendro/publikationen---pdf-files/2009-nicolussi-klima-mm3.pdf Y2 - 2014/06/08/14:48:23 L1 - http://www.uibk.ac.at/geographie/forschung/dendro/publikationen---pdf-files/2009-nicolussi-klima-mm3.pdf ER - TY - BOOK TI - Beiträge zur Gletschergeschichte des Gotthardgebietes und dendroklimatologische Analysen an fossilen Hölzern AU - Renner, Felix Baptist T2 - Physische Geographie CY - Zürich DA - 1982/// PY - 1982 DP - The Open Library VL - 8 SP - 180 LA - ger PB - Universität Zürich SN - 3-85543-204-X N1 - Thesis (doctoral)--Universität Zürich. Bibliography: p. 174-180. Summary in English. Map on folded leaf in pocket. KW - Dendrochronology -- Switzerland -- Saint Gotthard Pass Region. KW - Geology -- Switzerland -- Saint Gotthard Pass Region. KW - Geology, Stratigraphic -- Quaternary. KW - Glacial landforms -- Switzerland -- Saint Gotthard Pass Region. KW - Glaciers -- Switzerland -- Saint Gotthard Pass Region. ER - TY - JOUR TI - COMNISPA II: Update of a mid-European isotope climate record, 11 ka to present AU - Fohlmeister, J. AU - Vollweiler, N. AU - Spotl, C. AU - Mangini, A. T2 - The Holocene DA - 2013/05// PY - 2013 DO - 10.1177/0959683612465446 DP - CrossRef VL - 23 IS - 5 SP - 749 EP - 754 SN - 0959-6836, 1477-0911 ST - COMNISPA II UR - http://hol.sagepub.com/cgi/doi/10.1177/0959683612465446 Y2 - 2013/08/29/05:21:28 ER - TY - CHAP TI - Aufbau einer holozänen Hochlagen-Jahrring-Chronologie für die zentralen Ostalpen: Möglichkeiten und erste Ergebnisse. AU - Nicolussi, K. AU - Lumassegger, G. AU - Patzelt, G. AU - Pindur, P. AU - Schießling, P. T2 - Innsbrucker Jahresbericht 2001/2002 A2 - Innsbrucker Geographische Gesellschaft T3 - 16 DA - 2004/// PY - 2004 SP - 114 EP - 136 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Holzfunde aus dem Vorfeld der Pasterze. Erste Ergebnisse von uC-Datierungen. AU - Slupetzky, H. T2 - Zeitschr. für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie DA - 1993/// PY - 1993 DP - Google Scholar VL - 26 IS - 2 SP - 179 EP - 187 ER - TY - CHAP TI - Beiträge zur Geschichte der alpinen Würmvereisung: Forschungen am Bänderton von Baumkirchen (Inntal, Nordtirol) AU - Fliri, F. T2 - Geomorphologie des Quartärs = Quaternary Geomorphology. A2 - Hövermann, J. A2 - Kaiser, K. T3 - (Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Supplementbände, Volume 16) CY - Stuttgart DA - 1973/08// PY - 1973 VL - 16 SP - 1 EP - 14 LA - Deutsch PB - Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung SN - ISBN 978-3-443-21016-8 UR - http://www.schweizerbart.de/publications/detail/isbn/9783443210168/Z_Geomorph_S_Bd_16* ER - TY - CHAP TI - Die postglazialen Gletscher- und Klimaschwankungen in der Venedigergruppe (Hohe Tauern, Ostalpen) AU - Patzelt, G. AU - Bortenschlager, S. T2 - Geomorphologie des Quartärs = Quaternary Geomorphology A2 - Hövermann, J. A2 - Kaiser, K. T3 - (Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Supplementbände, Volume 16) CY - Stuttgart DA - 1973/// PY - 1973 SP - 25 EP - 72 PB - Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung SN - ISBN 978-3-443-21016-8 UR - http://www.schweizerbart.de//publications/detail/isbn/9783443210168/Geomorphologie_des_Quartars__Quaternary_Geomorphol ER - TY - CHAP TI - Pollenanalytische Untersuchungen im Königreich, Dachstein-Ostplateau (Österreich). AU - Drescher-Schneider, R. T2 - Königreich-Alm - Dachsteingebirge: 3500 Jahre Almwirtschaft zwischen Gröbming und Hallstatt A2 - Herbert, B. A2 - Kienast, G. A2 - Mandl, Franz T3 - Forschungsberichte der ANISA DA - 2007/// PY - 2007 DP - Open WorldCat SP - 119 EP - 130 LA - German PB - Verein für Alpine Forschungen SN - 978-3-901071-19-5 3-901071-19-9 SV - 1 ER - TY - CHAP TI - The Iceman´s environment T2 - The Iceman and his natural environment: palaeobotanical results A2 - Bortenschlager, Sigmar A2 - Oeggl, Klaus A2 - Bortenschlager, S AB - Volume 4 of the series 'The Man in the Ice' contains the newest results of the scientific research groups working on the Iceman during the last years. By means of different methods ' AMS-radiocarbon dating, bryology, dendrology, analysis of diatoms, macroremains and pollen ' the reader gets information about several aspects of the Iceman's lifestyle and environment as well as the vegetation and climate of the Ãtztal region. Investigations of the artefacts give insight into prehistoric craftsmenship. By several different approaches the potential location of his settlement is reconstructed. The good preservation of the pollen in his food residue allowed even a reconstruction of the season when the Iceman died. Willow leaves contained the information about the CO2 in the air the Iceman breathed. Detailed pollenanalyses of mire deposits in the alpine region of the Ãtztal gave insight into the genesis of the alpine grass heath and early pastoral farming of a time long before the Iceman lived. Radiocarbondating of organic matter from the Iceman's finding spot detected a piece of wood from the Early Neolithic that demonstrates the early interest of prehistoric people in these highland zones. These are only some of the new results in this book. A perspective of future research activities is given. CY - Wien DA - 2000/// PY - 2000 DP - Google Books SP - 11 EP - 24 LA - en PB - Springer SN - 978-3-211-82660-7 KW - Radiocarbon dating KW - Science / Life Sciences / Ecology KW - Science / Environmental Science KW - Science / Paleontology KW - Copper age KW - Copper age/ Italy/ Hauslabjoch Pass KW - Hauslabjoch Pass (Italy) KW - Human remains (Archaeology) KW - Neolithic period KW - Neolithic period/ Italy/ Hauslabjoch Pass KW - Otzi (Ice mummy) KW - Paleobotany KW - Paleoethnobotany KW - Science / Life Sciences / Biology / Microbiology KW - Science / Life Sciences / Botany KW - Science / Life Sciences / Zoology / General KW - Social Science / Anthropology / General KW - Social Science / Archaeology KW - Technology & Engineering / Agriculture / General ER - TY - RPRT TI - Spaet-und postglaziale Gletscherschwankungen in der Ferwallgruppe (Tirol-Vorarlberg) AU - Fraedrich, Ralf DA - 1979/// PY - 1979 DP - Google Scholar SP - 1 EP - 161 M3 - Düsseldorfer Geographische Schriften PB - Heinrich-Heine-Universitaet Düsseldorf, Geographischen Institut SN - 12 ER - TY - CONF TI - Quantifying the Younger Dryas climate using alpine speleothems AU - Luetscher, M. AU - Dublyansky, Y. AU - Hellstrom, J. AU - Müller, W. AU - Spötl, C A2 - Wulf, Sabine A2 - Brauer, Achim T3 - Abstracts Volume INTIMATE Workshop funded by EU COST Action ES0907 C1 - Potsdam, Germany C3 - INTIMATE. INTegrating Ice core, MArine and TErrestrial records: Towards High - Precision Chronologies DA - 2011/02/07/9 PY - 2011 DO - 10.2312/GFZ.b103-11019 UR - http://cost-es0907.geoenvi.org/attachments/article/33/INTIMATE%20Potsdam%20abstract%20book.pdf ER - TY - JOUR TI - The role of seasonality in abrupt climate change AU - Denton, George H. AU - Alley, Richard B. AU - Comer, Gary C. AU - Broecker, Wallace S. T2 - Quaternary Science Reviews AB - A case is made that seasonality switches dominated by wintertime were instrumental in abrupt climate changes in the North Atlantic region during the last glaciation and into the Holocene. The primary evidence comes from mismatches between mean annual temperatures from Greenland ice cores in comparison with snowline changes in East Greenland, northern Europe, and North America. The most likely explanation is a shutdown (or reduction in strength) of the conveyor. This allows the spread of winter sea ice across the North Atlantic, thus causing the northern region to experience much colder winters. Because they mimic the Greenland temperature rather than the snowline signal, changes in the Atlantic Intertropical Convergence Zone and the Asian monsoon may also share a winter linkage with Greenland. Thus the paleoclimate record is consistent with the notion that a huge continental sector of the Northern Hemisphere, stretching from Greenland to Asia, was close to an extreme winter threshold during much of the last glaciation. Winter climate crossed this threshold repeatedly, with marked changes in seasonality that may well have amplified and propagated a signal of abrupt change throughout the hemisphere and into the tropics. DA - 2005/05// PY - 2005 DO - 10.1016/j.quascirev.2004.12.002 DP - ScienceDirect VL - 24 IS - 10–11 SP - 1159 EP - 1182 J2 - Quaternary Science Reviews SN - 0277-3791 UR - http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S027737910500003X Y2 - 2014/06/06/12:34:17 L2 - http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S027737910500003X ER - TY - RPRT TI - Vegetationsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen in den westlichen Schweizer Alpen: Bern-Wallis (Textheft + Diagrammheft) AU - Welten, Max T2 - Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft CY - Basel - Boston - Stuttgart DA - 1982/// PY - 1982 SP - 1 EP - 105 M3 - PANGAEA Documentation PB - Brikhäuser Verlag SN - 95 ST - Vegetationsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen in den westlichen Schweizer Alpen UR - http://epic.awi.de/30065/ Y2 - 2013/08/29/04:50:34 ER - TY - RPRT TI - Untersuchungen zur spätglazialen und frühholozänen Gletscher-und Klimageschichte in der österreichischen Silvrettagruppe AU - Hertl, A. AU - Kerschner, H. DA - 2001/// PY - 2001 DP - Google Scholar SP - 148 EP - 156 M3 - Jahresbericht 1999-2000 PB - Innsbrucker Geographische Gesellschaft ER - TY - JOUR TI - Alpine Younger Dryas glaciers as paleo- precipitation gauges. AU - Kerschner, H. AU - Kaser, G. AU - Sailer, R. T2 - Annals of Glaciology DA - 2000/// PY - 2000 VL - 31 IS - 1 SP - 80 EP - 84 ER - TY - THES TI - High alpine lake sediments as chronicles for regional glacier and climate history in the Upper Engadine, southeastern Switzerland AU - Ohlendorf, Christian CN - Diss. ETH No. 12705 CY - Shaker Verlag Aachen DA - 1999/// PY - 1999 DP - Open WorldCat SP - 203 LA - Summary also in German and Raeto-Romance. PB - ETH UR - 978-3-8265-4905-2 ER - TY - THES TI - Gletschergeschichtliche Untersuchungen und geomorphologische Kartierung im Raum Maloja-Val Forno: ein Beitrag zur regionalen Landschaftsgeschichte AU - Studer, Michael CY - Zürich DA - 2005/// PY - 2005 DP - Google Books SP - 114 LA - de M3 - Diplomarbeit PB - Geographisches Institut der Universität Zürich ST - Gletschergeschichtliche Untersuchungen und geomorphologische Kartierung im Raum Maloja-Val Forno ER - TY - JOUR TI - Heinrich events: Massive late Pleistocene detritus layers of the North Atlantic and their global climate imprint AU - Hemming, Sidney R. T2 - Reviews of Geophysics DA - 2004/// PY - 2004 DP - Google Scholar VL - 42 IS - 1 SP - 1 EP - 43 ST - Heinrich events UR - http://www.eos.ubc.ca/~mjelline/453website/eosc453/E_prints/2003RG000128.pdf Y2 - 2013/08/28/15:37:24 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Evidence for massive discharges of icebergs into the North Atlantic ocean during the last glacial period AU - Bond, Gerard AU - Heinrich, Hartmut AU - Broecker, Wallace AU - Labeyrie, Laurent AU - McManus, Jerry AU - Andrews, John AU - Huon, Sylvain AU - Jantschik, Ruediger AU - Clasen, Silke AU - Simet, Christine AU - Tedesco, Kathy AU - Klas, Mieczyslawa AU - Bonani, Georges AU - Ivy, Susan T2 - Nature DA - 1992/11/19/ PY - 1992 DO - 10.1038/360245a0 DP - www.nature.com VL - 360 IS - 6401 SP - 245 EP - 249 LA - en UR - http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v360/n6401/abs/360245a0.html Y2 - 2013/09/25/12:23:44 ER - TY - JOUR TI - The mystery interval 17.5 to 14.5 kyrs ago AU - Denton, George H. AU - Broecker, Wallace S. AU - Alley, Richard B. T2 - PAGES news DA - 2006/// PY - 2006 DP - Google Scholar VL - 14 IS - 20 SP - 14 EP - 16 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Changes of regional climate variability in central Europe during the past 250 years AU - Böhm, R. T2 - The European Physical Journal Plus DA - 2012/05/22/ PY - 2012 DO - 10.1140/epjp/i2012-12054-6 DP - CrossRef VL - 127 IS - 54 SN - 2190-5444 UR - http://www.springerlink.com/index/10.1140/epjp/i2012-12054-6 Y2 - 2013/08/30/12:43:11 ER - TY - RPRT TI - On the Statistical Analysis of Series of Observations. Technical Note No. 143. AU - Sneyers, R. CY - Geneva, Switzerland DA - 1990/// PY - 1990 SP - 192 M3 - 415 PB - WMO - World Meteorological Organization UR - http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/wcp/agm/publications/technical_notes.php ER - TY - BOOK TI - Klima-Geschichte: Methoden der Rekonstruktion und historische Perspektive: Ostösterreich 1700 bis 1830 AU - Strömmer, Elisabeth CY - Wien DA - 2003/// PY - 2003 DP - Google Books SP - 332 LA - de PB - Franz Deuticke SN - 978-3-7005-4675-7 ST - Klima-Geschichte ER - TY - CHAP TI - Precisely dated glacier fluctuations in the Alps over the last four millennia AU - Nicolussi, K. AU - Jörin, U. AU - Kaiser, K.F. AU - Patzelt, G. AU - Thurner, A. T2 - Global Chance in Mountain Regions A2 - Price, M.F. DA - 2006/// PY - 2006 SP - 59 EP - 60 PB - Duncow: Sapiens SN - 0-9552282-2-0 UR - http://www.uibk.ac.at/geographie/forschung/dendro/publikationen---pdf-files/2006-nic_et-al--perth-glob_chance.pdf ER - TY - JOUR TI - Mortality and displaced mortality during heat waves in the Czech Republic AU - Kyselý, J. T2 - International Journal of Biometeorology DA - 2004/07/29/ PY - 2004 DO - 10.1007/s00484-004-0218-2 DP - CrossRef VL - 49 IS - 2 SP - 91 EP - 97 SN - 0020-7128, 1432-1254 UR - http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s00484-004-0218-2 Y2 - 2013/08/27/15:44:50 ER - TY - BOOK TI - Das Eiszeitalter AU - Ehlers, Jürgen CY - Heidelberg, Deutschland DA - 2011/// PY - 2011 DP - Open WorldCat LA - German PB - Springer Spektrum Akademischer Verlag SN - 978-3-8274-2327-6 3-8274-2327-9 978-3-8274-2326-9 3-8274-2326-0 UR - http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-8274-2327-6 ER - TY - ELEC TI - Historical Instrumental Climatologiocal Surface Time Series of the Greater Alpine Region AU - HISTALP DA - 2012/// PY - 2012 UR - http://www.zamg.ac.at/histalp/ Y2 - 2014/06/11/15:28:40 ER - TY - RPRT TI - ALP-IMP (EVK-CT-2002-00148) Multi-centennial climate variab ility in the Alps based on Instrumental data, Model simulations and Proxy data. Short version. AU - Böhm, Reinhard DA - 2006/// PY - 2006 M3 - Final report for RTD-project PB - ZAMG, Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics, Vienna, Austria UR - http://www.zamg.ac.at/ALP-IMP/downloads/ALP-IMP-final-rep-public.pdf ER - TY - RPRT TI - Final report of EU project ALPCLIM. Chapter 3: Instrumental climate AU - Auer, I. AU - Böhm, R. AU - Schöner, W. CY - Wien DA - 2001c PY - 2001c M3 - Projektbericht PB - Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik ER - TY - JOUR TI - Austrian Long-term Climate 1767-2000: Multiple Instrumental Climate Time Series from Central Europe,[ALOCLIM 1767-2000] AU - Auer, Ingeborg AU - Böhm, Reinhard AU - Schöner, Wolfgang T2 - Österreichische Beiträge zu Meteorologie und Geophysik DA - 2001b PY - 2001b DP - Google Scholar VL - Heft 25 LA - 152 SN - 1016-6254 ST - Austrian Long-term Climate 1767-2000 UR - http://www.zamg.ac.at/histalp/downloads/abstract/Auer-etal-2001b-F.pdf ER - TY - CHAP TI - Long Climatic series from Austria AU - Auer, Ingeborg AU - Böhm, Reinhard AU - Schöner, Wolfgang T2 - History and Climate A2 - Jones, P. D. A2 - Ogilvie, A. E. J. A2 - Davies, T. D. A2 - Briffa, K. R. AB - Long term meteorological observations offer a large research potential for the study of climatic variability and change. Within the national funded Project ALOCLIM (Austrian Long Term Climate) a homogenised data set, consisting of 274 single series (see Table 2) has been developed. In addition, results from previous investigations increase the number of homogenised time series to 350. However, it is not possible to describe the complicated climatic system with time series using one single element, e.g. temperature or precipitation only. For that reason the ALOCLIM data set was created as a multiple one consisting of as many as possible climate elements (including air pressure, vapour pressure, sunshine duration, etc.). The longest Austrian meteorological time series of Kremsmünster began in 1767 which means that the time series analyses cover a period longer than 200 years. Most of the project’s working capacity has been spent on homogenising the series but scientific analysis has recently begun. Homogenisation was based on two steps. In step one those inhomogeneities documented by metadata were removed. In step two statistical tests were applied to detect and remove the remaining inhomogeneities. The paper will describe the methods of homogenisation and give examples of the first analyses based on the data set. DA - 2001a PY - 2001a DP - link.springer.com SP - 125 EP - 151 LA - en PB - Springer US SN - 978-1-4419-3361-4 978-1-4757-3365-5 UR - http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-4757-3365-5_7 Y2 - 2013/08/27/13:00:41 KW - Climate change KW - Atmospheric Sciences ER - TY - JOUR TI - Untersuchungen zur holozänen Gletscherentwicklung von Pasterze und Gepatschferner ( Ostalpen ) AU - Nicolussi, K. AU - Patzelt, G. T2 - Zeitschrift für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie DA - 2001/// PY - 2001 VL - 36 SP - 1 EP - 87 ER - TY - JOUR TI - A mid-european decadal isotope-climate record from 15,500 to 5000 years B.P AU - Von Grafenstein, Ulrich AU - Erlenkeuser AU - Brauer AU - Jouzel AU - Johnsen T2 - Science (New York, N.Y.) AB - Oxygen-isotope ratios of precipitation (delta18OP) inferred from deep-lake ostracods from the Ammersee (southern Germany) provide a climate record with decadal resolution. The record in detail shows many of the rapid climate shifts seen in central Greenland ice cores between 15,000 and 5000 years before the present (B.P.). Negative excursions in the estimated delta18OP from both of these records likely reflect short weakenings of the thermohaline circulation caused by episodic discharges of continental freshwater into the North Atlantic. Deviating millennial-scale trends, however, indicate that climate gradients between Europe and Greenland changed systematically, reflecting a gradual rearrangement of North Atlantic circulation during deglaciation. DA - 1999/06/04/ PY - 1999 DO - 10.1126/science.284.5420.1654 DP - NCBI PubMed VL - 284 IS - 5420 SP - 1654 EP - 1657 J2 - Science LA - Eng SN - 1095-9203 UR - http://www.sciencemag.org/search?fulltext=grafenstein&issue=5420&submit=yes&journal_search_keyword_go.x=0&journal_search_keyword_go.y=0 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Palaeoclimate from glaciers: Examples from the Eastern Alps during the Alpine Lateglacial and early Holocene AU - Kerschner, Hanns AU - Ivy-Ochs, Susan T2 - Global and Planetary Change DA - 2007/// PY - 2007 DO - 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2006.07.034 DP - CrossRef VL - 60 IS - 1-2 SP - 58 EP - 71 SN - 09218181 ST - Palaeoclimate from glaciers UR - http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0921818107000161 Y2 - 2013/08/26/17:13:28 ER - TY - CHAP TI - Die Pflanzenreste des Riss/Würm-Interglazials und des Würmglazials von Mondsee AU - Oeggl, K. AU - Unterfrauner, H. T2 - Klimaentwicklung im Riss/Würm Interglazial (Eem) und Frühwürm (Sauerstoffisotopenstufe 6-3) in den Ostalpen. A2 - van Husen, D. T3 - Mitt. Komm. Quartärforschung Österr. Akad. Wiss. CY - Wien DA - 2001/// PY - 2001 DP - Google Scholar VL - 12 SP - 93 EP - 121 PB - Verlag der Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften UR - http://www.oeaw.ac.at/kfq/mkq_alt.html ER - TY - CHAP TI - Die Vegetations-und Klimaentwicklung im Riß/Würm-Interglazial und im Früh-und Mittelwürm in der Umgebung von Mondsee. Ergebnisse der pollenanalytischen Untersuchungen AU - Drescher-Schneider, R. T2 - Klimaentwicklung im Riss/Würm Interglazial (Eem) und Frühwürm (Sauerstoffisotopenstufe 6-3) in den Ostalpen A2 - Van Husen, D. T3 - Mitteilungen der Kommission für Quartärforschung der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften CY - Wien, Austria DA - 2001/// PY - 2001 DP - Google Scholar SP - 39 EP - 92 PB - Verlag der Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften SN - 978-3-7001-2998-1 UR - http://www.oeaw.ac.at/kfq/mkq_alt.html ER - TY - JOUR TI - WegenerNet: A pioneering high-resolution network for monitoring weather and climate AU - Kirchengast, Gottfried AU - Kabas, Thomas AU - Leuprecht, Armin AU - Bichler, Christoph AU - Truhetz, Heimo T2 - Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society DA - 2013/// PY - 2013 DO - 10.1175/BAMS-D-11-00161.1 DP - CrossRef VL - 95 IS - 2 SP - 227 EP - 242 SN - 0003-0007, 1520-0477 ST - WegenerNet UR - http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/abs/10.1175/BAMS-D-11-00161.1 Y2 - 2013/08/27/17:55:17 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Trends in extreme temperature indices in Austria based on a new homogenised dataset AU - Nemec, Johanna AU - Gruber, Christine AU - Chimani, Barbara AU - Auer, Ingeborg T2 - International Journal of Climatology AB - Instrumental time series are often affected by inhomogeneities which can mask or amplify climate change signals. Various procedures for the detection and adjustment of breaks exist for monthly and annual time series. Homogenization methods on a daily basis are scarce and often disregard uncertainties accompanying the break adjustment. We present a complete homogenization procedure for daily extreme temperature series based on the break detection method PRODIGE and SPLIDHOM for break correction. Both parts of the homogenization rely on the existence of highly correlated reference stations. After the statistical comparison with neighbouring stations, detected breaks are verified and further localized by metadata. Uncertainties of the break adjustments are estimated by altering reference stations and by applying a bootstrapping technique providing an objective indication about the reliability of the homogenization. The method was tested and applied to 71 time series of daily minimum (TN) and maximum temperatures (TX) in Austria covering the period 1948–2009. For some series homogenization was not possible due to large uncertainties in the adjustments or a lack of suitable reference series. In the remaining 57 TN and 54 TX series a total number of 139 breaks were detected. Seventy-five percent of those breaks are documented in the metadata archive, with most of them being caused by station relocations and instrumentation changes. In general, the mean over the temperature dependent adjustments of all stations show a temperature reduction. However, the majority of breaks have mean amplitudes of less than 0.5 °C. A comprehensive analysis was performed on the new homogenized daily dataset, showing a widespread warming trend in both TN and TX series. The warming trend is in general amplified due to the homogenization. However, significant changes in the trend are only observed at very few stations. In autumn, however, the trend is reversed in many temperature based ‘climate change detection indices’. Copyright © 2012 Royal Meteorological Society DA - 2012/// PY - 2012 DO - 10.1002/joc.3532 DP - Wiley Online Library VL - 33 IS - 6 SP - 1538 EP - 1550 J2 - Int. J. Climatol. LA - en SN - 1097-0088 UR - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/joc.3532/abstract Y2 - 2014/03/20/15:54:25 L1 - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/store/10.1002/joc.3532/asset/3532_ftp.pdf?v=1&t=ht07yxy0&s=e781e91e11a5045c9e3e5901f20b5f9160a28a6c L2 - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/joc.3532/abstract KW - climate change detection indices KW - daily extreme temperature KW - homogenisation KW - inhomogeneity KW - temperature trends ER - TY - JOUR TI - A new high resolution absolute temperature grid for the Greater Alpine Region back to 1780 AU - Chimani, Barbara AU - Matulla, Christoph AU - Böhm, Reinhard AU - Hofstätter, Michael T2 - International Journal of Climatology DA - 2012/// PY - 2012 DO - 10.1002/joc.3574 DP - CrossRef VL - 33 IS - 9 SP - 2129 EP - 2141 SN - 08998418 UR - http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/joc.3574 Y2 - 2013/08/27/14:59:19 KW - 0 °C level KW - absolute temperature KW - analyses KW - EOF KW - Greater Alpine Region KW - high resolution KW - long-term climate information ER - TY - JOUR TI - Origin and palaeoenvironmental significance of lamination in stalagmites from Katerloch Cave, Austria AU - Boch, Ronny AU - Spötl, Christoph AU - Frisia, Silvia T2 - Sedimentology DA - 2011b PY - 2011b DP - Google Scholar VL - 58 IS - 2 SP - 508 EP - 531 UR - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-3091.2010.01173.x/full Y2 - 2013/08/26/18:37:59 ER - TY - JOUR TI - NALPS: a precisely dated European climate record 120–60 ka AU - Boch, R. AU - Cheng, H. AU - Spötl, C. AU - Edwards, R. L. AU - Wang, X. AU - Häuselmann, Ph. T2 - Climate of the Past DA - 2011a PY - 2011a DO - 10.5194/cp-7-1247-2011 DP - CrossRef VL - 7 IS - 4 SP - 1247 EP - 1259 SN - 1814-9332 ST - NALPS UR - http://www.clim-past.net/7/1247/2011/ Y2 - 2013/08/28/11:41:47 ER - TY - CHAP TI - The last and the penultimate interglacial as recorded by speleothems from a climatically sensitive high-elevation cave site in the alps AU - Spötl, Christoph AU - Holzkämper, Steffen AU - Mangini, Augusto T2 - Developments in Quaternary Sciences DA - 2007a PY - 2007a DP - CrossRef VL - 7 SP - 471 EP - 491 PB - Elsevier SN - 978-0-444-52955-8 UR - http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S157108660780056X Y2 - 2013/08/28/14:47:51 ER - TY - CHAP TI - Tropfstein-Forschung in österreichischen Höhlen – ein Überblick AU - Spötl, C. AU - Offenbecher, K.-H. AU - Boch, R. AU - Meyer, M. AU - Mangini, A. AU - Kremers, J. AU - Pavuza, R. T2 - Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt (Festschrift H.-P. Schönlaub DA - 2007b PY - 2007b SP - 117 EP - 167 UR - http://quaternary.uibk.ac.at/Publications/Archive.aspx?page=2 Y2 - 2013/10/01/ ER - TY - JOUR TI - A new Lateglacial chronostratigraphic tephra marker for the south-eastern Alps: The Neapolitan Yellow Tuff (NYT) in Längsee (Austria) in the context of a regional biostratigraphy and palaeoclimate AU - Schmidt, R. AU - van den Bogaard, Christel AU - Merkt, J. AU - Müller, J. T2 - Quaternary International DA - 2002b PY - 2002b DP - Google Scholar VL - 88 IS - 1 SP - 45 EP - 56 ST - A new Lateglacial chronostratigraphic tephra marker for the south-eastern Alps UR - http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1040618201000726 Y2 - 2013/08/26/18:31:44 ER - TY - JOUR TI - Impact of late glacial climate variations on stratification and trophic state of the meromictic lake Längsee (Austria): validation of a conceptual model by multi proxy studies AU - Schmidt, Roland AU - Psenner, Roland AU - Müller, Jens AU - Indinger, Peter AU - Kamenik, Christian AB - Selected pigments, diatoms and diatom-inferred phosphorus (Di-TP) concentrations of a late glacial sediment core section of the meromictic Längsee, Austria, were compared with tephra- and varve-dated pollen stratigraphic and geochemical results. A conceptual model was adopted for Längsee and evaluated using multi proxy data. During the unforested late Pleniglacial, a holomictic lake stage with low primary productivity prevailed. Subsequent to the Lateglacial Betula expansion, at about 14,300 cal. y BP, okenone and isorenieratene, pigments from purple and green sulphur bacteria, indicate the onset of anoxic conditions in the hypolimnion. The formation of laminae coincides with this anoxic, meromictic period with high, though fluctuating, amounts of okenone that persisted throughout the Lateglacial interstadial. The occurrence of unlaminated sediment sections of allochthonous origin, and concurrent low concentrations of okenone, were related to cool and wet climate fluctuations during this period, probably coupled with a complete mixing of the water column. Two of these oscillations of the Lateglacial interstadial have been correlated tentatively with the Aegelsee and Gerzensee oscillations in the Alps. The latter climate fluctuation divides a period of enhanced anoxia and primary productivity, correlated with the Alleröd chronozone. Continental climate conditions were assumed to be the main driving forces for meromictic stability during Alleröd times. In addition, calcite dissolution due to severe hypolimnetic anoxia, appear to have supported meromictic stability. Increased pigment concentrations, which are in contrast to low diatom-inferred total phosphorus (Di- TP), indicate the formation of a productive metalimnion during this period, probably due to a clear-water phase (low catchment erosion), increased temperatures, and a steep gradient between the phosphorus enriched hypolimnion and the oligotrophic epilimnion. Meltwater impacts from an extended snow-cover and a summer temperature decline, together with climate instability, are assumed to be the main reasons for the lowering of the anoxic level during the following, climatically heterogeneous, Younger Dryas. Meromictic stability was re-established with the termination of the Younger Dryas. The sequence of key pigments, Di-TP, calcite, siliciclastics, and organic carbon, seem to be in accordance with the assumptions of the conceptual model. DA - 2002a PY - 2002a DP - core.kmi.open.ac.uk ST - Impact of late glacial climate variations on stratification and trophic state of the meromictic lake Längsee (Austria) UR - http://core.kmi.open.ac.uk/display/8784152 Y2 - 2013/08/29/04:32:53 KW - diatoms KW - meromixis KW - late glacial KW - pigments KW - trophy ER - TY - JOUR TI - Der Alpine Niederschlagsdipol–ein dominierendes Schwankungsmuster der Klimavariabilitat in den Scales 100 km–100 Jahre AU - Böhm, Reinhard AU - Auer, Ingeborg AU - Schöner, Wolfgang AU - Ungersböck, Markus AU - Huhle, Corinna AU - Nanni, Teresa AU - Brunetti, Michele AU - Maugeri, Maurizio AU - Mercalli, Luca AU - Gajic-Capka, Marjana AU - Zaninovic, Ksenija AU - Szalai, Sándor AU - Szentimrey, Tamás AU - Cegnar, Tanja AU - Bochnicek, Oliver AU - Begert, Michael AU - Mestre, Olivier AU - Moisselin, Jean-Marc AU - Müller-Westermeier, Gerhard AU - Majstorovic, Zeljko T2 - 6. Deutsche Klimatagung, Terra Nostra AB - Das Klimaelement Niederschlag zeigt auf allen der raum-zeitlichen Skalen starke Variabilität, auch im langfristigen Trendverhalten. Ein neuer, räumlich dichter Datensatz von 192 homogenisierten instrumentellen Reihen in monatlicher Auflösung im Großraum Alpen wird hier vorgestellt , der bis zum Jahr 1800 zurückreicht. Erste Analysen deuten auf eine systematische Langfris t-Oszillation zwischen gegenläufigen Trends NW-lich und SE-lich der Alpen hin DA - 2003/// PY - 2003 DP - Google Scholar VL - 2003/6 SP - 61 EP - 65 UR - http://www.zamg.ac.at/histalp/downloads/abstract/Boehm-etal-2003-F.pdf Y2 - 2013/08/30/11:38:35 ER - TY - CHAP TI - The importance of high quality regional scientific information in coping with global climate change. AU - Auer, I. AU - Böhm, R. AU - Schöner, W. T2 - Climate sense T3 - A WMO-Publication Publication for WCC-3 in Geneva, 31 Aug.- 4 Sep 2009 AB - This book illustrates the role played by nations and organizations in providing the necessary weather and climate data and products, and describes the contributions of nations towards the implementation of global observing and information systems, research programs and intergovernmental assessments to provide policy-makers with a clear representation of the climate system, including climate variability and change.--Publisher's description. CY - Leicester, U.K. DA - 2009/// PY - 2009 DP - Open WorldCat SP - 179 EP - 183 LA - English PB - Tudor Rose SN - 978-92-63-11043-5 92-63-11043-3 ER - TY - RPRT TI - Impacts of Climate Change and Adaptation in the Electricity Sector - The Case of Austria in a Continental European Context (EL.ADAPT) AU - Bachner, Gabriel AU - Bednar-Friedl, Birgit AU - Birk, Steffen AU - Feichtinger, Gerald AU - Gobiet, Andreas AU - Gutschi, Christoph AU - Heinrich, Georg AU - Kulmer, Veronica AU - Leuprecht, Armin AU - Prettenthaler, Franz AU - Rogler, Nikola AU - Schinko, Thomas AU - Schüppel, Andreas AU - Stigler, Heinrich AU - Themeßl, Matthias AU - Töglhofer, Christoph AU - Wagner, Thomas CN - ISBN 978-3-9503112-8-0 CY - Graz DA - 2013/// PY - 2013 M3 - Wegener Center Scientific Report PB - Wegener Center Verlag SN - 51-2013 UR - http://wegcwww.uni-graz.at/publ/wegcreports/2013/WCV-SciRep-No51-GBachneretal-Apr2013.pdf Y2 - 2013/10/01/ ER - TY - CHAP TI - Totalisatorenbeobachtungen im Sonnblickgebiet im Zeitraum 1927 bis 1959 AU - Roller, Maria T2 - 54.–57. Jahresbericht des Sonnblick-Vereines für die Jahre 1956–1959 A2 - Steinhauser, Ferdinand A2 - Untersteiner, N. T3 - Jahresberichte des Sonnblick-Vereines AB - Zur Erforschung der Niederschlagsverhältnisse im Hochgebirge wurden in den Jahren 1927 bis 1928 im Sonnblick-Gebiet die ersten Totalisatoren aufgestellt, die mit wenigen Ausnahmen bis heute noch in Betrieb sind. Seither sind schon bedeutende wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen erschienen, die die Beobachtungsergebnisse dieser Meßreihen verarbeiteten (siehe Literaturverzeichnis) und Aufschluß gaben über die Niederschlags-verhältnisse im Bereiche der Hohen Tauern, doch eine Veröffentlichung der einzelnen Meßwerte erfolgte bisher nicht. DA - 1961/01/01/ PY - 1961 DP - link.springer.com SP - 58 EP - 61 LA - de PB - Springer Vienna SN - 978-3-211-80582-4 978-3-7091-2275-4 SV - 1956-59 UR - http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-7091-2275-4_10 Y2 - 2014/06/05/17:39:57 L1 - http://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2F978-3-7091-2275-4_10.pdf L2 - http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-7091-2275-4_10 KW - Earth Sciences, general ER - TY - CHAP TI - Die Totalisatorennetze Österreichs AU - Lauscher, F. T2 - 54.-57. Jahresbericht des Sonnblick-Vereines für die Jahre 1956 – 1959 CY - Wien PB - Kommissionsverlag von Springer Verlag ER - TY - CHAP TI - Schneepegel- und Totalisatirenmessungen im Sonnblickgebiet AU - Auer, Ingeborg AU - Böhm, Reinhard T2 - 94.-95. Jahresbericht des Sonnblick-Vereines für die Jahre 1996 – 1997 CY - Wien DA - 1998/// PY - 1998 PB - Eigenverlag des Sonnblick – Vereines ER - TY - JOUR TI - Detection Probability of Trends in Rare Events: Theory and Application to Heavy Precipitation in the Alpine Region AU - Frei, Christoph AU - Schär, Christoph T2 - Journal of Climate AB - Abstract A statistical framework is presented for the assessment of climatological trends in the frequency of rare and extreme weather events. The methodology applies to long-term records of event counts and is based on the stochastic concept of binomial distributed counts. It embraces logistic regression for trend estimation and testing, and includes a quantification of the potential/limitation to discriminate a trend from the stochastic fluctuations in a record. This potential is expressed in terms of a detection probability, which is calculated from Monte Carlo–simulated surrogate records, and determined as a function of the record length, the magnitude of the trend and the average return period (i.e., the rarity) of events. Calculations of the detection probability for daily events reveal a strong sensitivity upon the rarity of events:in a 100-yr record of seasonal counts, a frequency change by a factor of 1.5 can be detected with a probability of 0.6 for events with an average return period of 30 days; however, this value drops to 0.2 for events with a return period of 100 days. For moderately rare events the detection probability decreases rapidly with shorter record length, but it does not significantly increase with longer record length when very rare events are considered. The results demonstrate the difficulty to determine trends of very rare events, underpin the need for long period data for trend analyses, and point toward a careful interpretation of statistically nonsignificant trend results. The statistical method is applied to examine seasonal trends of heavy daily precipitation at 113 rain gauge stations in the Alpine region of Switzerland (1901–94). For intense events (return period: 30 days) a statistically significant frequency increase was found in winter and autumn for a high number of stations. For strong precipitation events (return period larger than 100 days), trends are mostly statistically nonsignificant, which does not necessarily imply the absence of a trend. DA - 2001/04/01/ PY - 2001 DO - 10.1175/1520-0442(2001)014<1568:DPOTIR>2.0.CO;2 DP - journals.ametsoc.org (Atypon) VL - 14 IS - 7 SP - 1568 EP - 1584 SN - 0894-8755 ST - Detection Probability of Trends in Rare Events UR - http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/full/10.1175/1520-0442(2001)014%3C1568%3ADPOTIR%3E2.0.CO%3B2 Y2 - 2014/06/26/09:11:46 ER - TY - JOUR TI - High-Dimensional Parametric Modelling of Multivariate Extreme Events AU - Stephenson, Alec G. T2 - Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics AB - Multivariate extreme events are typically modelled using multivariate extreme value distributions. Unfortunately, there exists no finite parametrization for the class of multivariate extreme value distributions. One common approach is to model extreme events using some flexible parametric subclass. This approach has been limited to only two or three dimensions, primarily because suitably flexible high-dimensional parametric models have prohibitively complex density functions. We present an approach that allows a number of popular flexible models to be used in arbitrarily high dimensions. The approach easily handles missing and censored data, and can be employed when modelling componentwise maxima and multivariate threshold exceedances. The approach is based on a representation using conditionally independent marginal components, conditioning on positive stable random variables. We use Bayesian inference, where the conditioning variables are treated as auxiliary variables within Markov chain Monte Carlo simulations. We demonstrate these methods with an application to sea-levels, using data collected at 10 sites on the east coast of England. DA - 2009/03/01/ PY - 2009 DO - 10.1111/j.1467-842X.2008.00528.x DP - Wiley Online Library VL - 51 IS - 1 SP - 77 EP - 88 LA - en SN - 1467-842X UR - http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1467-842X.2008.00528.x/abstract Y2 - 2014/06/26/09:09:47 KW - Markov chain Monte Carlo KW - maxima KW - multivariate extreme value distribution KW - positive stable distribution KW - sea-level ER - TY - RPRT TI - Anhang zum Benutzerhandbuch des Datenprüf- und Monitoringsystems QualiMET AU - Streicher, O. DA - 2003/// PY - 2003 ER - TY - RPRT TI - Benutzerhandbuch des Datenprüf- und Monitoringsystems QualiMET. Version 1.1 Stand 15.04.2003 AU - Spengler, R. AU - Claus, C. AU - Streicher, O. DA - 2003/// PY - 2003 ER - TY - RPRT TI - Arbeitsanweisung OFFLINE Klimadatenprüfung. Dokumentation für internen Gebrauch. Handbuch zur Klimadatenprüfung Version 2.0. AU - Lipa, Wolfgang AU - Jurkovic, A. CY - Wien DA - 2012/// PY - 2012 PB - ZAMG, Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics, Vienna, Austria ER - TY - JOUR TI - Developing predictive models of wind damage in Austrian forests AU - Pasztor, Ferenc AU - Matulla, Christoph AU - Zuvela-Aloise, Maja AU - Rammer, Werner AU - Lexer, Manfred J. T2 - Annals of Forest Science AB - • Context Among natural disturbances, wind storms cause the greatest damage to forests in Austria. • Aim The aim of this study is to quantify the effects of site, stand and meteorological attributes on the wind disturbance regime at the operational scale of forest stands. • Methods We used binomial generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) to quantify the probability of damage events and linear mixed models (LMMs) to explain the damage intensity at the forest stand level in four management units with a total forest area of approximately 28,800 ha. • Results Timber stock volume, stand age, elevation, previous disturbances, wind gust speed and frozen state of soil contributed in explaining probability of wind damage. While the model of disturbance probability correctly classified 90 % of all cases in the data set (specificity 95 %, sensitivity 26 %), the model for damage intensity explained only low percentages of the variation in the observed damage data (full model R 2 = 0.38, fixed effects-only model R 2 = 0.09; cross-validation in the four forest management units yielded similar R 2 values). • Conclusion The developed models indicated that decreasing the proportion of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst), limiting stand age and reducing the timber stock in course of tending treatments in stands exposed to wind disturbance can mitigate the risk and the expected damage intensity. High gust speeds and salvage cuts after earlier damage increase the probability of further wind disturbance events. DA - 2014/06/11/ PY - 2014 DO - 10.1007/s13595-014-0386-0 DP - link.springer.com SP - 1 EP - 13 J2 - Annals of Forest Science LA - en SN - 1286-4560, 1297-966X UR - http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13595-014-0386-0 Y2 - 2014/06/26/08:26:22 KW - RISK KW - Environment, general KW - Forestry KW - Forestry Management KW - Tree Biology KW - Wood Science & Technology KW - forest management KW - Windthrow KW - Disturbance KW - Stand scale KW - Storm ER -